Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of EleElio11. ----------~--~----~ r---J'-_/ woulJ hazard and endanger their ever coming unto Glory if Election redeemll o ot; Ill. ed them not, as much as de facto, 1t falls out that the damnation of the other ~is carried on thereby. .~nd 1heddfaence l!es in thi,, That God takes and refol ves to take advantage again!! the one , as he did againfl Srml and the 1ews thH crucified Chrifl, when not againtt'D.1vidnor againfl thofe. This mag– nified Electing Lov'c in the Ca!e ot 'Dcw1dand Solom011, in that though they to·fooli his L.1ws, and w,;lked 11ot m h" Judgwe11ts, but brake h1s Law, (!ic. 1Veverthe!tjs 1 wdi uot bre,•k my Covmrmt, t£5c. Pfal. 89. horn Vnje 28, to 35· The Apollle J ude dotl1 the very fame; tor writing to the Saints o( that Age, the prcftrved .n Clm!\ from among!\ fuc h fatal rUins as other Profelfors had then lain under, the whole Structure of their Profdlion falling on them, and tbe f.dJ of tb.1t bott[e wa! gre.Jt~ as Chri!\ fpeal<s. He to magnifie God's Elell ing Grace to u1, fets belore them, lirft, their having been chofcn and be. hved b, God the Father, in Verj. 1. as the Foundation of their Prefervation 1 and the'n tho contrary Fote of thofe wicked men in that Age, Verf: 4- There · are crrt.Jilt mmwbo wen ordairlfd afore of old to thu Condemnatioll, u11god. !)·men tttrumg the grace of God into l<ljCIVJOtljnefs, atld dfl!)'l1lg the 011/y L ord God, rwd ot~r Lord ,7ej.u Chrrjl. And the very meafures, both of their Sin and their Condemnation, he, to this our purpofe afore us, lets out Verj.11 ,I z, I j. Wormtothem; fortheJhavegonei1ltbeway of Cain, mid rm1greedily after tbe error of13alaamfor rewr~rd,andperzjhedm the gai11jaying of Corah. Tbej'e are jj10ts m ) Our Feafls of Charity, whm they feajl with yotJ, ftedillg tbemjelvrs withoutfear: Clouds they a't wlthottt water, earned a/;ot<t of wmds; Trees w!oojt frtJit w1thereth, w1tbout fruit, twice dead, plucked up by tht>'oots; Ragmg waves of tbe Sea, for~mmgout their OWII jhame; Wtlll· dri11g Stars, 10 whom ure{erved the 6tack11eJs of darkrujs for evn·. IH. Partict\lar. Thou may£1 fingle forth the worflofMankind that are now in thine eye ali ve, and oo ing the lleight of wickednefs , or whom thou haft heard or read·of in Ages paiL T he G1ganrick Monfiers of Mankind, as were the finners of the Old Wl>rld, great for renown in finning, the Hectors in " ·ickedncf1. as the worfl ol Empt rors, the Nero's, or the wickedf1 Popes, the m 11 of ji11, many of "horn fm hath fublimatt d unto meriting the name of mmrf (i ,, in compuifoJ.J ofother finncrs. Thou may£1 take alto fuch as have hnd t .tir Spirits invenorned with that which i• the Devils fin, a wilful malice again it God,his Chrifl, and their Saints, the fin lirfl a~;ainfl the Holy Ghoit, the 1-ha1iftes, the ,7ulums, ~c. that have been in the World, pitch upon any, the thoup,ht of· whofc Cafe d1d at any limemoit dread thee to be in, and go home and bl, fs God he left thee not to the (ame: T I! at thou wert not Cain, nor Ju– da;, nor any of thei'c fore-mentioned (which thou mightef1 have been: ) And furt her, That God bath chofen thee to luch a glory: for what in God made thee to ddfer? That wh ich you heard out of the Th fj[Jio11irms---[B11t God b,Jtb cbofen \'011.] That very Scripturedoth not only give the Warrant to do this, but,dnth plamly aCid d!l'ectl) excite to it; whil£1 he fers afore them fome of thofc wicked Popes,\E5c. whom he brands with the dread lul Mark worfe than Cuu, t/g m.w and men of fin, on purpofe to aggrandife the Mercy of this par– ticular Election thereby,that they were not lelt by a permiiliveDecree to have been fuch as ono of them, IV. Particular. On the contrary, compare thy felf and thy condition in fin• ning, with thofc that have been far lefs finners than thou haft been ; and this Conl1deration alfo will conduce to exalt Electing Grace towards thee. For up· on the-confideration of the Fall , God viewed this their Condition of lefs fin· ling, together with ~bine, and yet chafe thee, and refufed them; when 'tis cc reain, there was found a f.1r greater matter of Reprobab1lJty ( as I fpake a· fore) in thel', than wa1 in them. It is certain both from Scriptt~re and E~pc· rience, that God vouchfafes that Tranfcendent Mercy and Pnv!ledge ot h!S Word and Gofpelunto fame that were, and afterwards prove the wickedef1 of Men , whenas he denies it unto others lar lefs wicked, and more teachable' and rccetnivc ot it, Thus u1 the Prophet Eztkiei,God tells the Prophet,That if