Of EMJion. 1 49 Gnd <hat were even at the D oor, as the tool101 Virgins were, and yet at ~, ltngc'h lhut out; and many other inllances of fuch do the Scriptures affJrd; Chap. 4· - --Thejirs1 prove la(l , a11d the lajl firjl; that is, fome of the mol\ for-~ ardandeminem Profellors vamfh, and come to noth 10g; and poo,r weak Believers, they come w be the lira, that is, the higheil attainers of Grace. Now, wh.c is it that puts the difference but{ originally) Elect in~ Grace , as our Saviour bath refolved us, Matth. 20. 16. So the 141/batt be prjl, alld the firfllaf/: for mmty be called , but few cbojm. Thofe lail words(as that particle [for] iliews ) give that as the reafon of it. By the like Comparifon, though of a lower Size, the Apoille P m<l doth magnifie EleCting Grace in the latter End ofChap.the 9th and • oth to the Roma1u,and at the beginning ofthe 1Ith which continues t!Jat his difcourfc, Chap. 9· JO, l'· Tht Gentiles, which fotlowtdnot after Righteoufiu(s, have attained to righteot~{iujJ, ev m tht righteoujnejJwhich uof Fatth: But Ifrael, thatfot!owed rifter the Law of r.ighteot<fnefs, h,,th Not attamed to the L aw.of nghteot~jllejJ, And agam nt the 10th 2oth 21th, But lfaias u v ery bold, andfaith,!wa<fotmd of themth,,t (o~tght me 110t; I wiH made mawfefl to them that ajlud not afitr me, f!ttt to Ifrael he faith, all day lo11g I ha_veJ!retchtdjorth"!Y hmtds u11to " dt{obedi– ent a1tdgain·(ayi11g peoplt. Which tn the begmnmg of Chap. the 11th he re– folves into Election of Grace,Vtr[. S· andVer[.1r. lfi·aet bath not obtai11ed that which he feekethfor, but Eltflio11 bath o6f.ai11ed it,and thert(/ wert bti11dtd. Thou mayfi in the Contemplation of this Branch, inlarge thy thoughts un– to all the feveral Sizes ofthofe whp have been more ore or lefs "rought upon by works not faving , which defect is herein , in their not perfevering , and forheyfalliliortofGrace , as He6r. r2, '5· L ook diligmtly, ltfl a11y man f ait the Grace of God, lef/ tllty root of bitternefi fpringitJg ttp , troublt you , a11d tbertby may bt dtjiltd. And herein thou maylt extend thy thoughts unto the highelt attainments , of fuch that have after proved Apoilates , thou hail ever read or heard of , that have abounded in all knowledg , come behind in no Spiritual Gift, whilil thou a poor weak, yet fi ncere Saint , an behind in all fuch kind of Spiritual Gi frs of Praying, Speaking , Utte– rance, MemO>ry, ~c. and yet hail a little thing in thy Heart, called Si11ce– rity andHotufly of Heart, ( as Chriil calls it ) towards God , which is the fruit of Election, which puts as great a difference·between thee and thofe, :Is is between a Star in Heaven , and a Meteor in the Air, or Glow-worm on the Earth. The other may have done farr greater outward Service to C hriil, in outward works, as in Prophefying i11 hi< 11amt, &c. aod have fuffered as great things for Chriil, and many have inwardly been wrought upon with affecti– on to things fpiritual, though not j'piritttall)•; their Converfation , their Speeches , their Prayer about Holy things , the fame; and the difference to be but as ofOyl in the Lamp, ferving to prefent performances, and Oyl in the V.effel, in the Heart it felf, inwardly and habitually bringiAg forth fruit, but yet witlmut Root in them felves. They have yet wanted that great principle of Love unto God, and AIS Samts, as 1 Cor. ' l · P a"t there , though in a way of fuppofition, affirmeth their defect to lye therein. Ver(. ' • 2, l • Thougblfpeak withthe1orJguesof Mm a11d Angels , and hnVt 'lot Ch.~n(y, I am become tU [cundi1tg Bra{s, or ati11kti11g Cymbal: And though I have the gift of P rophefj• , and U nder(/and att My'fienes, mzd dtl J(nowtedgt , and though I hnvt all Faith , .fo that I couldremov e Mou,tains, and h.1vt 110 Cha– rity, I am 11othing : A nd thottgh I 6tf/ow atlmy Goods tofeed the Poor , rmd thotlgh I give my Body to be 6tmud, and h.zve "" Chartty , it profiieth me 11othmg. But, if thou canil ( though in a very weak , yet r.ncere mcafure) fay , as the Apoille, of thefe Believing He6rews , Chap. 6. 9· That thot~ ho– ptj/betttr thittgs , and things nccomprmring Salv ario1l. For God is 10t un– rtgbteotts I• forget y ottr work rwd tabor of L ove , w hich ''e hr;vejhewedto– wards hi< name, in th,lt yt h.•ve mir~if/red tothe S mtts mtd do mimf/er, Ver.f, Io. The difference between thee and them in appearance fo fmall, but yet is fuch in that refpeet as is between the Cou ncerfa it of a Jewel and a D iamond it felf; and yet in reality and according to true worth and the price which God fets upon things, iliould have fo infinite a difference as by the iffue and event (f<>