Of Efef1ion. Hell. Do not you think that this Alfociation orFdlowfh,p in thtft c.rcum- ~' fiance~. tlto!lgh remoter I h•n that of Bret!Jr<n, dtd not wor:derfuliy oiLer the Chap. r. good Thief's /Jeart , wlulfi he v.nhout .<luef\wn heard Chnfl prornifing him~ ThU day )halt thou be in 'Paradzje; wlnltl '' nh the ?'her ear he heard Ius fellow Thief perfi!\ing in his 13lafp:temy, and d) mg mD!S S111? _11 difference pU£ in fuch like near cal(s and Cllcumfiances as thefe,although but tn outward mercies, and not in point of SalvatiOn, do ufe wonderfully· to affect mens hearts; as in the cale of Pb,Jraob's Butler and lm Baker, both 10 the fame Prifon and in danger of death together, Gm. 40. And that according to .Jojlph'J Prophecy of tile fate of each, Vnj.' q,1g, That l'h11raoh fh ould upon his !lirth day (when Princes ufe to do aCl:s of Grace) as Ve~(. 21. Rcj/ore tbe Butler to bu place aaaiu and he ~<Ive the Cupmto l'baraob J buud; and fo on the contrary hanged the'Thief' Baker, Vnj. 2 z. a. .7ofeph had interpreted; and thereupon is not that Butler'; ingratitude eminently branded, that he laid no more to he.rt the kindnefs of .Jojeph (although /hewn but in telling him his different Fate and Defiiny) that was lhcwn within Three days, as Verj. q, Tet did t~ot!b' Thief Btttler umember Jofq,h, butforgat btm, And 1f tje mcer predJCl:JOn of this lhould have obliged l11m unto a grateful acknow!edgmcnt, &c. unto 'Jojepb the Diviner (as he fiiles himfclf) how muc!l ought he to have done it unto 'Jofepb's God (who it was that revealed this to 'jo/eph) and whereof affurediy (to the end that God might have the Glory) .'lofepb had declared fo much unto him, who m ills evcrlallwg purpole and Provtdcnce was the Au· thor of this mercititl difference? And if you fay he knew him not, this yet however you mu(\ fay, he was obliged then to e~tol the grace ot P b.u·aob towards h11n hercw. And therefore all you that know God and arc known ofGod, and that it is he who made thee to differ fo greatly from another that JS thy Fellow and Companton; how lhould this comparatrve affeCl:_ thee to tlunk wtth thy (elf, who hvcd fo many years in one and the fame Fa•_mly_ together, and were joyned in partner/hip or office together, fo and fo famdtar 10 aconflant converfe, and th3t 1t now proves God hath recicved me for him felf arid left him to Satan, and his Lot and por– tion . and has fa eaU and dcligned this difference that thou miglaeO: under· Hand and confider it, and be affected according! )' ? And this as certain!y thou !hould'fi do, as on thecontf3ry thy Fellow and Marrow and Affociate once with thee, doth in Boll for ever lye under this tormenting Confidcrotion amongfi o– thers l That luch a Brother, fuch a CompaniOn, fuch a Fellow-Apprentice, Fellow·Servanr of mine, is by EleCl:ing Grace calling him, gone to Heaven,and there is iA everla!ling Blifs (as Abrabam told the Rich man that Laz,zrzu was) aod lo here l am tormented and /hall be for ever? As the lofs of Hea– ven will c•ufe Weepmg and Watlmg; fo that thy Fellow fl10uld obtain it when thou art relu(cd, will caufe indignation and G7tafhmg of Tcetb. Shall Hell be affected at this difference pJt, and that in refpect unto fuch relations as have been mentioned, and at the day of Judgment fhall the !\orics thereof af– f~Cl: Angels and Men when Chrilt comes to be glorified in his Saints, and fball not thefe things have due place in our Hearts according to the merit of them in the things themfelves, and intenion of God in his Love therc·in ? f conclude, referring; you for more fuch particular conjugates or Yoi<ings together, unto what Clmfi hath fa ferioufly declared, M,uh. 24- 40,41. Thm fha/J Two 6e i11 the Field, the one/hall /;e tal:cn and I be otber left: 'F..vo WommJba/J /;e gri1 1 d. ing at the Mdl, the one /ball b_e t,Jkfll fllzd the otber!eft, And in Lt~ke, hath enlarged it, Chap. 17. l J.l4.55'· Wbo(oevrr j}Mflfeek to {;JVt bi< l1je, jha/J lo/e it; rmd "vbofoever fb.z/J loje bu ltje, jhaflprrferve 11. I tellyu i11th,Jttuj;ht therej}Jafl be Two mm t11 o11e Bed, the one fb,lfl be takm tbe otberjhafl6e left, Two Womm fhall6egriudmg together, tbe o11e jb,z/1 be taken and the other l•ft, And certainly, Bmorig many other bleffed Aims Chrifl had in thefe Speeches (as tint he wi!l take fome few infiances, and other the lil<e) be cer-, tainly had alfo this in his Eye, that through t '1is comparative difference men might learn to blefs and adore God. Xz CHAP.