~ BooK Ill. tJ"V"J Of EleEJion. CHAP. VJ. The Grace of Election illuftrated in one particular; the moft Eminent demonforation of it : viz. Difcrimina– ti~g"Grace ; As by God's dejig11 it appears in Goa·t difpenfotiom towards , and the difference put between Temporaries highly enlightned by the Gojpel, and bir Elect whom be invincibly]aver. THere appear in the execution and event many Ccntrivemtnts to have been in the Heart of God, whereby he de!igned to illufirate and magnifie his Grace of Elecl:Jon towards us the Saved of the Lord : Some Qf which I have particularly fpoken of .in the Chapter before, wherein I difcourfed of the Grace of Election comparatively with others, and their feveral conditions, whom God palfeth by, and whereby he fcts out his Grace the more to his, But, above all fuch <xtrinfecal Contrivances and difpofements, there is this One , which th,. Scriptures do Cingle out and infifi upon, aBd that is, God's difpcnfat,ons towards temporaries and Children of the outward King– dom, who are tile Corrivals (if any rejected may be fiiled to have been fuch) and Pretenders with the Eleel for Grace and Mercy; which doth, above all, ferve to glorifie this Elceling Grace. For my Text, I take our Saviours words, fo oft inculcated. MATH.2o. 16, Many are Calied, hut few are Cbofen. For the expolition of this Text, It is not as if the Elect and non El~were both called with the fame work of calling; and that fame of them called with the fame true calling, being non Elelied, do fall away in time. But the Scripture doth difiinguilh ( happily ) of a Twofold Calling; one pro– per only to the Elect; And the other more common in feveral degrees of it to non Elect; Thus Ram. 8. The Eleli are differenced in their very Calling at firfi, from the refi that profcfs to have been truly called, but were not; By this, the calledaccording to pm·po(e, that is, by Election, which original difference works differing calling from others. And in that Text the difference is exprefl:, tho(e tb,Jtlove God, as the proper principle wrought in them, at their callings, which is not wrought in any Temporory. It is found alfo di– flinguilhed by the proper effect of Holi11tjJwrought in their Calling, 2 Tim,J,9• Who bath (:JVed 111, andca!Jed"' with '"' Holy Catli11g, according to hi& own ptJrpoje and Grace f!!c. in. Chrijl Jt{lll afore the Wo~td 6tgan. Holi!J~!fs is the peculiar Effect of Electton. Alfo Fatth difimgUtlht by Its ongtnal, the Faah of Gods Elect, proper to them; though the Doctrine of Faith is thereby alfo meant, both the Object and the Act of Faith. That God, to Jet out hi& Gract towards hu favingf:y CaUedones, the more, bath in hU jttft :wdaU-wife di{frofing Providmct, Jet 11p togttber by them ', mid with them, examples of Mm called with an imprrjd1 work; whom ht leavi11g itt t!Jt md, to the co1tduf1 of thtir own Wills, do fall away; whi/ft ht invmci6ly carries tbofe othtrl 0111o flab!Jjhment andperjef!JOn, Qhl