O[EieElion. fa, by a Comp>rative VJCW of themfelvesm a twofold Eflate, the.r Eflareof~ Sw and their £{\are of Gr,,ct, ~frer whtch former Eflate at Sin and wrath Cl'" ll- 6. atore they might be provoked to Glonfie his Grace the mprc. . . . ~ W~ll now, bring this to tl.e pre!ent point m .hand: In like manner free– grace ( the greor di'p~fer) takes advancage of what Gods purpofcs are to o– thers ( obferve th d :1" neem the foregoing inflaiJce, it was a comparing of two d;ffering Sratts in tile fame perfons here, of two diff:ring Works of Calling in the perfons of Elect ones, and others ) I fay Fre>-grace that fuper– vifeth all Gods decrees, rakes t!•e advancage and guides Providence in the ex, ecurion of them to caf\ and difpofe 1t fo as that fuch and (uch of rhem that fhould be fa and fa farr wrought on, who yet Jall away , that fome of them lhould live in fuc:, an Age, at the fame time (!le. Wherein fame of his Elect and Called ones live alia, who lhould alfo profefs in fa and fo high a riJal)ner and that i•1•< really, as Ptter's word is, as from a real work wrought on them:, And its defign herein '' to fhew, that by meer pure Grace his truly C•lled ones are faved, which is clearly_feen by, this comparative, wh ich is htrein, con– trary to that former inflanced in; That was, that the Elect were .in the fame;, State tvm "'others ; butth!S Evm 1JOt ai to otfurs you lived witha[, who were wrought upon fo f:u, and yet their fiate was never altered from that of Nature to Grace. I fhall conclude by faying of free-grace thai great Soveraign and its difpufemenrs, and t he vanenes of them, to fet forth H felf, -:vhat Job fays of the great God himfelt, Jv6 5· 9· Jt forecafls.and contrives works of this kind wtthout 11mitbtr-Andmariy fuch things are with it. 3· For the proof and demonf\ration of the gr~at Point ; . I fllall, •· Otew how the Doctrinal Scdpe and Tenure ot _the Scriptures_,that treat of Election; e:lc. to be for this great Trmh , as thus it i\ands fia~ ted. . z. Give you pregnant fnfiances, iliroughout the Old and New Teftamenr, confirming it. . , . for t he fir(\; tci ihew yoi] that it is the fcope of thofe Scriptures, that treat of Election, to be for this Truth, as thus r h~ve flattd ir. ,, It is the very fet fcope of the Apofile Prm/ in the Epi!lle to t he Rom.ms; Chapur 9, & 1 o. lt is W< ll known, that in thofeCb,Jpter J it is his general fcope to fet out the Doltrine of Election and Reprobation: But tha t which •ails un– der my cognizance is, That he Lts the one, t!Jat is, God's purpofcs of Mercy arid Grace; and thofeo1her, his purpofes ofJu!lice and Wrath; he fets then(; as Solomon fays in anotHer cafe, rhe.ont over a.._~tJitJ{l!ht other, or in conlpari– fon together, on purpofe that the Examples there alledged, orid rhe Doctrine of Pretefition there inflfled on, might the more illuflrate, and fet forth tho(e other D 1fpenfations of Electing Grace: Thus Verj; 2 1, 2i, 2;. Hath 11ot the Potter power owr tht clay, e:lc. Here the m1king of one a vell"d of difhoriour, reflects not only the more honour on tho(e that 'litre veffcls of honour; but above all, upon that Mercy, and Grace that made t hem fuch; and did put the difference (as it appears there is t5ut) which is of Mercy indeed (as there , . Vtr[. r8.) ThtYfjort he haih Mercy, e:lc. that here alfo he lhou:d fo fhcw vidnh" 6t Mercy on whom he will, whilf\ he yet leaves others to the hardnefs of their""" )!.trd. Hearts, this tends to magnifie the M·'rcy rei others the more; for os ~hap. '.!..• 11"'1·/ib•••c.'f 22. Bthold thtrtjo>"t thf Good11eji,wdfevtrity of God; 011 them which jell, fevtrity; 6nt towards mgood11fjj, if thou CO>J/tf/ue in hi<goodne{s, otherwiff thott (halt 6t cut off. Andthoughhefpeaksof thewholemafsofMankind, \l'ho are paf\ by in· Verf. 20 , 21. e:lc, and therefore alledgerh inftar,ces of Heathens, as well as of the Je':'s, VIZ. ofPharaoh, and his Egyptians, raifed up by God on ptrrpofe to fh_ew hu power upon Man,appolite parallel with Mo{fS and his lfra.ltte.c , to ma01fe!t hts Mercy upon rhem,in giving Nations for them, as Ifua h, in Ch,,p., 1!. Vtr(. 2 . and the P}<<lmJ(/celebrates it; and thefe fct up in one and h" lame Ag•·,. m one auotlurs light and view, that the difference might br the more confptcuous; though I lay, the Apoflle extends his D 1fcourfe to th is Uoiverfaf of M<nkind, yet as if fueh lnftances were too wide , and ferv , d not enough to magnifie this difcriminating Grace, He gives ao:other fur!, contracted inre a