16o Of Efe[lion, 'B"""'//' a narrower ~ompafs of parallel together, and tell~ us, rhere was a11 lfnuln, ~m lfrael tt{df; Verj, 6, he fays not an lfrat!Jte ot Eleehon, in the word but in, and amongll the lfra_elitcs themfelves, And in Verf 27. Though the ; 11 ,m.. 6er of tbeCbttdren of lir>cl be tU the faiJd of the Se,,, a rem>Jmtt jhall6e j; 1 .. ·ved. Jull as in the Apo£\lcs times we heard, there were a ( they; of ralfe Chriftians, that had once been amongft, and Numbred with us, 1 ]ohu2. 19. Yea , and tile Jji-,ul he fpeaks of , were fuch as were Sons ot Bellal, but that fought alter rightcoufilcls, Rom. 1. j 1. had a zealfor God, Cbap. 10, 2. Who }et li:llfbort o{trttcrighteoufiujt, as thefe who had wt!led and rau , Verj.t6 . • That is, who had made ufe of legal and natural hel ps, and endeavours 10 to atrain unto Salvation. And indeed the occa!ion, or rife he took, ol bringing iu that difcourfe of EleCtiOn, and l'reterition was, to give an account how 1 c came to pafs that thofe wbo were Ijradites, to wbom pe·rtaiueth the Adop– tion, rwd the Glory, tmd th; CovenaJtts, ,md the gtvmg of the L-aw, and tbe Srrvta of God, 1111d the Prom1[es: f!ic. Ver f. 4· lhould fo Generally mifs ofSalvation; he cleerly rtfolves the account, into the difference which EleCtion had originally fet, and to the condition which Preterition had left the other unto: Ar.d upcn chat occaflon it is, he breaks into the DoCtrine, thefe Two in the following part ot· his Difcourfc, continued from Ver[. 6. of that Chaptrr unco the end of the 11 Chapter; at leall purfues it in all them Chapters; as the ultimate condulion he aimed at, wh.ch by Chapter t 1. Verj; >·and ].com– pared, is evident; Ver(. 2. That but a rmm,mt,Ver{.). whom he call• the EleCti– on had obtai11edJt, butthe rtjl were 611Nded, Ver{ 7· And he i11ews like– wife that there was an effeCtuall Calling of Grace (which was the fruit of E– leCtion ) which that ditrerence had been manifelled thus in, Verf. 11. Chap, 9, ( Fortbr Ch;ldrm. btmg fJOt J'ft bom, 11either having dmte a11ygood o>' t1ill, 1h<1t the pu1po{e rif God according to b/e{fion migbt}land, not of works, 6111 cf b1m that colic d: And Chap. 9· Vrr{: 16. Sotbm it iJ not ofhim that willeth, •.or of hnn tiMt nnmnb, but of Godthatjhewetb MtrCJ'• And this compa– rative thus fiatcd is clofe ani\ home to our Point in Hand. 2. I have obfervcd, That in fame eminent I'!aces of the Epifilcs, where the conditiGll<of Temporary, or Profc!Tors abortively called, and their falling away is fpol<en of , there the DoCtrine of Eledion and Immutability of Gods Love, i; like~ tic adjoyned, as in an opportune feafon !or the mention of the fame; and to" bat tnd thould it be. but becaufc by fctring them !\ill toge– ther, the Glory of di!Ciiminating Groce doch in that moll eminent manner appear tl:crdJ) ; and the 11xednds and unchangablcncfs thereof is magnified , by tl.e con1rarv mutau.l11y and failure of the h·[ihc!\ Workings and Gi ts \ ouchfaftd d.c Non-Elect. Fidl , in that known place, 2 Tim.2. After and upon occlfinn of the men– tionol· li)tJUNetM, and ·J·btletur, their Apo!\acy , Verj; 18. Who concerni"g tbe 'li tltiJ b,we erred . f;'J'"g tb,,ttbe re/tm·e{fio11;, pa./Jed a/read•, and o– •vcrtbrowu.g !heF,utb•J {orr;e, Heprcfcmly fubfoins, Verj: 19. Nevrr the !tfltbe hrmd.i/1&11 of Godfl•mdrthJure, b<1Vi1tg thu Seal, the Lord htcw– ub tbrmtb,/1 ,ne bJS , ~c. This palla~e extends uot it felfumo the compara– ti ve of God; [)ifpcnfarirns with tl.e World, or whole Mafs of Reprobation, )Jut COOl r•Cls it kif unto fuch .Z,j eau upo" tbe N,zme of the Lord. And that <vbJCb follows , Veil: '2o. But iu rt gre.zt houfe there are 1101 o1tly VejJels of Gold, ,wdof Stlver, tut alfo oj Woodand of Earth : ./J11d fome to hono11r, ,wd fume lo d,jho>~our,ihc\\s the difference to lye there in Utenols and Veffels uicd in the fame Houle or Family, the Church of God (as that infiance of ],/Cob's and Ef m's .,.·as, of thofe of the fame Womb, and the Foundation of that difference bctwccn th<m to be,) that God knew who were hi., and fo had fevered them from thofe other. And the re is this obfervable in it, That 1 hough the 1\poflle ufuth the 'fimilitude which he had done, Rom. 9· Ver(. 21. namely of Veffels of bonour , atidVeUds o( dtjbonour, whilft in rhofe Ver{es there, hC) et fpea ks of that EleCtion and Rejed.on that divides the "hole Lump of MJnkind; yet herein, limply he applto~ tt reftndtvdy unto chafe J?,j]e/s of Ji,llu11r, m:d rltflw11our, that are found tn the fame Houfc! ·the VI– Gble Church of Gqd, "hie!! have the fame outward lhape· of profefitou, but differ