Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

OfElellion. difler in the fluff or mat: or they contill of, and were made ufe ofin the Church \\'he~cby his Grace in foreknowihg. His, ~ith fo vafi a difference from the 0~ Ch:p':6.' thor 1s, by the nearnefs of tlm thctr relauon, and rendred fa r more confp 1 cu- ~ 0115 than in that other ol Flfchon , from out of th.e whole World at large. 2. A fccond Scripiurc 1S l-!t6r. 6.---. 111 the begmnmg of wluch Chapter he had delineated the llate of Temtrorartes thst fell away tn the highe!l of their attainments, Ver(. 4 ), 6. who were once enlightned. Far tt is im– poJfible for tboJe who were o~ce enltgbtued1 fl:td have ltl/led of 1he hfiJVert!y gtji, rmd'were mrtde p:zrl:tars of the Ho!yGho(!, rmd hr1ve taf/ed the good word of" God, rwd the powers of the wvr/d to come; rf they jb,J/1 j,rlt away; to ~eNe'if) them agai11 tJ1lto reptfltrmce, feei11g thty o·uc(fie to zhemjftver the So11 of God rrfrejb, rmd put him to rm opmjhrttne. And tl;en after fome En– touragements and Exhortations given to the true and tincere Believers, he brings in the Doctrine of Immutability of God•s Curmft!, declared al1d coo– finned by God's Promife and his Oath, in Vrrj. t6, 17, 18. Thrttby two imml'-· table things, in which tt WtU imfo.Jli61e for God to lye, we mtght have 4 [fro11g coti[olatton, C§c. wh1ch are J~ferted as to aflure them that God would carry fuch through, nothw,thlhodmg thofe other fell, fo to !hew the founda– tion of that difference to be the Eternal Counfel of God, uttered in that Pro-, mifc and Oath made to /J6raham; as hkewife to glorifie h!s Grace by thefe Comparatives of two fuch different D1fpenfarwns. 2. ln d /et of lnflam·es. You fl1ail fee how both in the Old arid New iefiameot, God's Prudence did let up at one and the fame time,. and in one anothers view, fuch differing Ex-. omples · yea, and fomerunes when their fins, for the IHnd and heynouftiefs ol the Fact were the fame, yet his Grace did make a difference. Concerning which lnllaoces, l premife this one for all of them, That thef~. thing• fell not out by chance, and therefore they had, and mull have had thai .tlifpofement u~d mtcodmcnt from God, which we aro fpeal<ing of, vi;o. of exalting Ius Mercy to the one, by hiS contrary dealmgs W1tli the other, I lnflance. Cain ami Abcl. Thefe from the firfl were Pr6rdTors of Religion, Sachfidng both of thcrtl llnto God, according to Ius own word, own inflitution alike, and together., Gm.+ 3, 4· and you know the different i!fue of either, as unto Salvation ; rind the ground thereof, our of Hebr. ''· 4·• and 1 .7ohll 5· 12, '3· Il. f11jl.111Ci?. Ef<m and ]acob. Concerning whom, Cod in the Womb declared his diffef~~t purp<ife, afore, ihcy had donegood.or ~vi!, as in , Ri>m. g. the ApoOie urgeth. Bur I fl1a/l wave that, and fhall larthcr mftft on what, when they came to do either what was good, or what was evil, was their condition. Efttu had the outward ad– VantJge of J.tcob in Spirituals, having by elderlhip the binhrighr, which was " fpiritual Privilcdge, and engaged him unto an holy Profeillon of Iteligion a– bove what his Brother was, as being thereby defigned to be the Priefi of the, Family, and Performer of rhe worlhip thereof, and to have thereby o"ccation of nearer addrefs and accefs to God, (and God d•lth promife to draw •uar tp t hem that dr.<w 11ear to him) was that in force? But he profanely def(Jifed it, nod fold it. And upon his Father giving the Bleillog from him alfo, there eame a great lit of the Spirit upon him, Oirriog fclf-love in him, whkll mo" vcd him with all earoefloefs .to feek the bleffiog, nnd yet God would nor, ye~ God held his Father's heart {o fail, and fixed to a Declaration of God's purp9fes therein, that he Would HOt repent, tho11gh Efau {ought it wit!. tears, You . y ~