1 62 . Of .t.lection. -----------------------------~------------------ -------- ~have the kind ol thi! proceeding alledged, and thus exploined in He6r. 12. 1 6 B 00~ IlL 17. Lejltbtre bt any For!llcatcr, or p>·oj:111e per[im, a J Efau, wbo for on; V'/'-,.. mor(el of mwt {old;,., bzrtbnght. For )'t know, bow th<~t afitrwards, wbm be would b.:ve mbtnted the Blejfiug, ht '12/44 rejeffed: for he fou~d 110 p!are of Repmt,mce, tbougb be {ot~gbt tt cartfu/Jy Wtlh tun. And let then agam he c.>mcs to ltave tit<advant3ge in 9utward fpiritual Opportunities of his Bn ther J.1rob; lor h~ lived and cont.nucd 11~11 in Ius Father~ Family l where G<d was wor01ippcd . and r"lig.on profdled, and the Ordinances ot Gr.d w• re dilpcnftd, wh reas Jacob was dnvcn into an Heat hen Family, "here outwardly there wa' only a wcrfhipper of talfe Gods, htrdJy Le \\as ,n hu– zard to be lol1, as to hts Prcfcl!lon, And yet tl ,ough.Cod might have taken the adv,nroge again!\ j.zco/; for him to have lo!\ hi> birthright, (or his fin com– mitted in (eel<ing to get it, !or his lye ; 3S well as God h3d done again![ ): jr~11, for felhng tt Ior a Mds ot Pottage; yet God l<ept and earned 1,zcob througlt the(e and other great Trials, to the very la![ of his da) s, and hi• blclTcd end, you know. And all the(e Patfoges ferved but to magnifie that grace of God as to ],zrob, whereof (as the Apol\le there intimates) Ej;:u did tall fhorr. 'Twas a fhort and quick An(wer God gave by his Prophet Ma!,Jchi, Ch,zpt. i. Vtr( l· Btbo!d, 1 wzU corrttpt your Sad, rmd Jprtad du11g upou )'Our f,rres, evm tbt duug of your Jo!emu Fe,:fls. As if he had (a id, Did you a;k wherein I have loved you, the Po!\erity of _7,rcob? Compare but my different dealings with Ej:m a"J with ]<~co6 your Fatller, fir![ in their own Pcrfons, and ever ftnce between the Edomites your Brethren, and your (elves; and was not Ejirr1 as fair an Obj Gt, th.nk you, for my Love to have been fet upon, a' .7,,cob, when b >th were in the Womb, as al(o in thofe refpeGts fore-menti– oned 'I And my Grace might h3\·e been as free to the one os to the b!het; (God on purpore comp res rhott: tog~rher, to fet om his love 10 .1.JCo6 the more ) sod d.d you no" <t>k , Whcrioer I have loved you or no ·1 I trow, faith Gcd, I h•ve hereby tl1cwn it to' he purpnfe, Ill. lnflance. In Ephraimand Ju(bh. The like we find betwecn the Ten Tribes, and the Tribe of ,7rulzh, though at the firil, and t(n a long time toth were alika his People, yet 3t bf1 Eldl"'n beg.1n ro paf~ a ddcriminarion, as you have ir fet !nrdt in :p(Jim 78. tow:1nh the Clo:c oi that Pf;drn. Epbraim, or the Ten Tribes, hatl ar firf1 the 3d– v•ntage of Judtlb in Spirituals: For the Ark, the Token of God's Prefcnce, was committed unto the:r keeping at Sht!oh, the Seal of God's Worlhip and Ordinances were bctruf1ed to them, and ]ttdab muf\ come up thither, it they would (eek tbe Lord: Bur 'Fpbraim tor their !inning againf1 that worlhip, for– feited and lofl it, • no llwuld therefore have the I;ccping of it no longer, no not for ever 30)' more; but ,'ludah had it at Betb!em, till at la!\ it was fixedly (cated in.Szort, as the Esrth is c!\ablifhed in that 'Pjrz!m: And this for no other re3lim than that hehad loved them, and out of love had cho(en them; vrrr: 67, 68, 69. Mortover, he-refu{rdtbe Ta6rrnuc!e of Jofeph, rmdcho(e 110t the Trzbeo{ Ep!;raim; tutcbojetbeTribeof Judah. theMoulltSionwbichhelo· · ved. .And he bru/1 hu SnnD1ury lzke high Pal<~ces: !de tbe E1rtb whJCb be br~def/,zbl<j!Jed for rver. For otherwile .1udah was as well as Epbr.Jim a– lil<e involved in the f1mc guilt of fin which had forfeirrd it; as VerJ 56, 57, 58, 59,60. (1'lll. thr_1•1trnptedmzdprovokedthe moflbzj,bGod, andkeptnvl hu teflimouze.<, C!ic.) of that Pf:!m plainly !he lA s. He fpeal;s it of the whole in tho(e Vcr(cs, and yet takes the occafton ag3in{l Fphrmm, to remove it for ever, Thus the firfl m·e !4/, and tbe /,z(l fir(/; and tho(e whom God's !'re– fence is with for a wlulc, upon fome eminent fin God begins to withdraw from them, and by degrees. as he did by that People of the Ten Tribes, till at laf1 he· cafl themdf from being a People; but dealt not fo "ith .'lrtdab, though thc(e made a finf.:tt urc of their Temple, and Worfl1ip, and Natton, m· rhc