Of EMlion. r"-..A/' Mercies : And this Infiance makes good the words I put the D,ochine BooK Ill. into. ~. Thus much for the Old Tefiament Tnflances. I come to thofe of the New which are more dired '· and pundual to Gods difcriminati?n , as ro the poin~ of Salvauon: Some ot thofe of the Old, are fuch wherem tillS Eltdion and Rejedion were fcen , in refped ot outward Priviledges, for outfid~ ofthem yet fuch as lhadowed out with all the eternal rejedion of the perfQQS them: felves f?rementioned, irom Salvation, as well as in rcfpe'* to thofe tempu– rary thmgs. I. Tou have an Infiance in Peter and Judas. Thefe are the firfl and leading ones , unto all the other that followed and were accordingly the mofi eminent and confpicuous. The great God', the more to !hew and magnifie (even to an infinity of Grace) himfelf as a God of all Grace to P<ter, d1d in his Providence order a COfltrary occurrence to fall out unto JudM, whom he had fet up an Apofile, like as Peter himfelf was. God thought it not enough to manifefi his Grace towards P<ter, fingly confi– dered in fuch an iffue of deliverance, out of and preferving him therein but was farther pleafed io.fet it offin the highefi, in a comparative way with Ju– das. It cannot but be highly remarkable unto this purpofe, that God fo or~ dred it that one and the l!ke temptation for kind againfi their Mafier Chrifr (though not in degree of. finni~g) the one of reno_uncing, and forf~earing him, the other of betraywg h1m ; and both Wtthm the compafs of a few hours, the fame night, They both lay as Malefadors, bound in Chains of Guilt, afore God; and God forefeein& Ptter's forfwearing him with a curfe, I hzow~tot the Mall, he mtght have fatd as at latter day he will to Judas, 'lJtpart from me thou curj<d, I lmever knew thee, thou worker of iui– quzty: And fo in like manner I fwear concerning thee , that thou !halt ne– ver t1Jttr i11to my refl. And he might have takenJudas, and !hewn the fame Grace to him in Ptltr's fiead; and yet, admire! for fee the diffe– rence he puts, he fends Peter out a weeping bitterly w_ith Godly forrow, and repentance never to be repented of, and refiored htm to Grace and Apofilefhip again: But fends JudM forth .to ·hang himfelf, though repen· ting alfo , yet out of horrour and dtfpatr. And all thts was tranfaded in twelve or fourteen hours fpace. We farther read, that the felf fame Pettr, having been perfedly par– doned, healed , refiored, ftrengthned and recovered that very night of his !all , within a very few days after the Spirit of God fingled him out of all the company of Difciples, to preach JudM his fatal funeral Sermon, God would have him, of all other Men, to tell and relate that Tragi– cal Story of Jud.u his Apofiafie, and undoing; and the fame Spirit im. mediately infpired him wi•th fight into n Prophefie, that had fore· told this of Juri M, \\hieh otherwifc he \\ouldnever have applied to him. Of which I may lay , that Peter took it for his Text; read the whole, .Alts 1. I), 16, 17, 18, 19, 20• .A1tdm thofe days Peter flood up in th< midfl of the 'lJifci– ples, mzd (a1d, (the 11umber of 11amts together wtrt about an h1,mdred and twenty) Mm aud Brethren, the Smpttzre muff 1zeeds have bem fflljitied, '11!hich the Holy Ghojl, by the mo11th of Davtd. fPake before co7zcer11i11g Ju– daswhichw.uguidetothem that took Jefm, For he was tmmbredwith ""• a11d had obtamed port of thi< mi11i ffry. Now thu Ma11 purcha(ed a Fu!d with the reward of i11iquity, mzd falling headlong, he bt~rfl afund•r itztht midfl, a11d all bu bowels gufhed out, .And zl was knowfl tmtoa!J the dwelln·s at Jerufalem, in jo mucb as that Fu!d u catied ill their proper To1Jg11e , Aceldama , tbat is to {ay, the Field of Blood. f'or it u written in the Book of the Pfalms, let hu H,Jbitation be dejolatt, a11d tft 110 ma11 dwe/1 tberti?t: atUI bis Bi{hoprick ltt anotber take. 0! with what a bleeding, melted, broken, and yet with a rejoycing heart, and