.. Of Eleflion. ~ in the tajl days ptriJtow times fball come, (!)c. And exemplifies the Charader Bo oKlll. of fuch, by the like fon or gaog,which in thofe times were then extant, whom ~he accordingly points unto verfethe 6th.--Of thil fort art they, &c. So as thofe Exa.mples then were parallels of what in after Ages was to come, which differing fort of Profellors extant together, will cominue unril the end, and be found to hold true,even at the very lafi : For at Chrifi'scoming, Matt h. 25. r, 2. our Lord tells us, that thtn, that is, at that time, The Kmgdom of Heavtn fbalt l!etikttmto Ten Virgi11s, t!ic. and~vt of them were wtft, and. five were foolijh:There are as many ofthe one fort as of the other,and both had Lamps, and both llept; yet the one fort fell !hort, and were !hut out,the other were preferved, and taken in. ~HAP.