Of EMlion 167 --------------------~- C H A P. VJI. A Brief Expojirion of the Epiftle of Jude, by may of Confirmatton of the Precedent Doclrine, that Godi difcriminating Grace appears i1t the vaft difference he putJ between Enlightened Temporrtries, and hir E– ieEl, that perfevere ; witbVfes and DtreElionr proper to the DoElrine, out ofthat Epiftle. TRs hath been the Doctrine, and here is a whole Epi!Ue ma.de ori pur: pnfc for1t, broth .for the Confirmation of it, by the greatdt and rnoft tamou. inflance of all others (which I therefore referved Ja(l) and plentifully affording the mofi pertinent Ufes fitted unto the Doctrino. An IntroduEiion to t!;e Expofition. Before I can (et fer out the Doctrinal Points, and Ufes contained in dtis Epi· 'file, (muLl firfl fpeai< fome things as to, "' J. The Infcr;prion. 2. The T, me, orSe11jou. 3· The Occafion ofwrit,ng the Epifile. 1. The lnfcription, To rhe Preferved in Chrif!. this infcr;prion or Dedication of the Epiflle in G,·neral, fpeai<s the Argii• rncnt nfrhc whole. [Tu the Prefervtd tn Chnfl] wh .c/1 comes in nfrer, Bt– lvvrd in Gut! the F.11her, [of" IH<:h reading afterwards.] A ilflng:' and url– collth Title, and nor found in other Apo!tolical Epiflles : as Bez 1 alfo Ob– ferves, he giving w.tlull this wi•nefs c0ncerning ir, that this pa!tage alone fully Tcflifies or Argues the Epillle to have fa in from an Apoflles Pen. It Is indeed foil ofa Spiritu• l Emphafis in it felf, and alfo breatheth forth ihe Spirit and defign of the whole Epiltle, which is the fum of this Doctrine I have inli– , ILd on; for the true rcalon and ground of his fJit,ting rhe Chrillians under tl1:s Title of The Pre{n-ved i11 Chnjl, was the occalion .of his wnting again(\ ann· ther Sect and company of men, (;id to 6e (ou-Ort/,;i11ed ro a cu11trary co1J· dem;Mtl•ll, Ver(. 4· Wbic;ltWO forrs ofmen. He fcts as in nppofition each tn other, as thofe words, Ver{; 20, But ;ou, &c. do expretly Chew. Bdides, the Evidence oft he thing it felf. And this fo Glorious a 'Prrjerv,,tiD11, and that other fo dreadful a I oudenmatiou, do take up the whole. And the Epi– pit11e contamcth nothing ellc, (I fa y nothing elfe) but whltbelongeth unto r11efe Two; we are therefore called the more deeply to confrdor this Argu– ment ; in that one whole and entire piece of Holy Writ, fhould be on purpofe Penned by the Holy Gho!l upon this Argument, Even as So!omom Book of Ecr!e(i;{/es, was to fhcw rhc-Vtmityand Ve:•:,;tloll in all Worldly thing•; I /hall not be fnlicitous about any accuratenefs of Atulyfis, bui will endoa•oM to give the Rays and Glea11 of it under thcfc Heads.