OJE!eC!ion. SECTION I. Tbe jirfl part of tbe Expojition of J udc's Epiflle, wl:rerein io Jemon– flrated Gcd's difoiminating Grace, as it appears ~rz the vajl differ– ence God t!otb pm between enltghtnet! Ter11porarzes that fall away , am! bio EleEI be dotb in Chrifl preferv.e. T Hcfc things premifed concerning the Occafio~, t!ic. I come to the Mat– ter of the Epifile 1t felf; whtch J Jhall diVIde mto two parts. Two Dotlrinals. And two Ufcs fuited thereunto. The fir{\ Parr, and Doctrinal io,--Thediffhing Fate and Condition of thefe tWO forts of Perfons. ' , Apofiates. 2. Preferved Ones. The Condition of which Apofiates is fet forth in 1. Their Sin, 2, Their Punifhment, from verJ. 4· unto ver[: 181 '9· What the Condition of the preferved in Chri!l was, is lcatteredly and promilcuoufly fet out up and down in the whole Epillle. And as to this firll Dochinal Head, there is a fingular Ufe made thereofby -the Apofile, proper thereunto: An Ufe confillmg of feveral 'Dirdlio11s given upon occafwn hereof unto thofe prden·ed Ones, of what theor 'Dutus arc, that they m>y fiill be kept and preferved; and this fromwrf 21. And thefc two, 1. The Doctrinal Part: And 2ly, thofeV{ts, do make up that which I call theftrfl przrt of my Expofition of this Epillle; In the Second Part there i•, 1 • The Doctrinal, which concerns the drfftrent Foun(ai11, or Original (as in God's heart of old) of borh thefe Iwo, to vallly differing Conditions of thefe two forts of Perfons. 1 , The OnginaJ Caufes of the_Prefervation of the one , ver{. 1, 2, 2 r. As 1 • their having beer belovedin God the F:uher (of which reading afterwards) And i, given to Cbn(/ tobe pre(tn•edrznd caUed, verf, 21, 22, 2. The Original of thatCondemnation which befell thofe other, verf 4· Fore-written of oldUNto tbts Co11demnatio11. 2. This fecond Doctrine, as the former, hath an Vfe Jhaped out for it, an<f proper to it, as had the former been to its Doctrinal fpecified, and that Ufe be– gins explicitely, verf. 24, 25. in the Clofe and Conclufion of the Epillle; Now tmto him thtll is ab!t to kup J•ou from]aUi11g, and to prefent you fauttlefi. hfore the Prtjenaof his G!orr with exceeding joy, to the only wrfe God 0 11Y s ,,viour, 6e G!or1 and Mt~jejly, 'Domi11ion and Power, now atui evtr, Amerr. And this fecond mentioned Doctrinal, and this Vft, I cafi together, to make up a {eco11d przrt of this Epifile, and all ferving properly and perti– nently unto the main Doctrine I at firll propofed, concerning difcriminnting Gr11ce towards,f§c, and thofe two Jhall be all the Ufes l mean to make thereof, thcfe being thus made unto my hands by the Apofile himfelf, As to the firll Part, and the•ein the firll 'Dot:lrit~a! Head fetting forth the .flare and condition of thefe two forts of Pcrfons. " What concerns the Apollates Condition, which I reduce unto thefe three Heado. Z z. I.That ~, Chap. 7· ~