Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of EfeCJioit. His fecond Allulion is yet higher, even to the Condition of the Angels that ~'-IT'> fell; 'llfrj.6. Andthe/J!Igr!swhrchkept11ol'thm:Jirrlrfl,rte, /;ut left therrChap.~~ owu h.thJtaliou, ht /;,Jth 1·ejerved tn. evt~~ajlwg Ch,JJ1JJ w~der d.J.rlwefi, tJnto _.-"" the ,'lrulgmnrt of the great Drty. Hts dnft IS tocomp~re hke Gn_and punilhment of the Angels that tell from Heaven, wtth that of tbofe Protctfors,having once !hined in their Churches •s Angels of L1ght, but out of their own LuHs and corrupt Free-will , have forfakm and fain from that Station, as thcfe 1\rigefs did. . I Thirdly, Likewife to Bal.zam;the Man (as himfelf fpealts) '-Vhom the Spirit of God crzme upon; ·the M.w whu(e Eyes were opm, which Jrtw the vrfio" of the Almighty, Numb, 24. 2, 4· A11d kNew the k11owJedge of the mofll-irgb; Ver(. I6, And wh1t affections he had from that enlightning, you know that Pa!hge, 1Vnmb. 2J. I O. alfo !hews, Let me du the dMth of the nghteutu, and let my lafl ·wd 6r lrke hit. Who yet for a reward, gave that curled coun~ fet to intice the lfrrzelites from God, by the Moabatfb Women, drawing .them alfo to Idolatry, and him, with that mifchievous ddign, fo to bring a Curfe fromGod upon them, Numb.J I. I 6. l· And be alfo makes his Allulion to Cain the elde!l Sonof Rejection, yea , and of Profellion; for he offered Sacrifice to God as wdl as Abel,( as I !hewed,) yet in the End, hated and perfecu<ed his Brother,as thefe alfo did the faitl1tul Chriflians. Lil<ewife fo Korah and his c<>mp,ny (you have all thefe three together, lrer_(:, r.) Now you read Numb. I 6. f/er(. I, 2. l\'owKorah thr So11 of lzhar, the So11 of Kohath &e. look .Um, and th'y ro(e up befo>·e Mofcs, with cer– tain ef tbe Cbtldrm of lfrael, two h;mdredPrinces of the a(Jemb!y, f nnozq i1~ the Co1Jf!.reg~ltio1J ~ Mt1t of reno~IJ. So tn like manner thtft:: were fuch as had bern famous in the Congregaflon of the Sainr. in their times, but no\V were rebellious againfl their Elders, Cilurches, and all. . 4· In the fame Verfe he fays .' they had once been 1'rers, that liad had Fruit on thcr:-1, and afrer t.Jetr firfl death tn /!dam, had yet had lome Life , fap, and greenefs renewed _in them , whereby they had put forth that fruir ; but their truit was now Withered., and they were utterly become without fruit , and were now dead a fecondtime, twice dead; and fo incuflbly dead for ever, having no Life to come tnto them agatn. 5. His allulion is to Stars that h>d their place and !\ation in the Heavens ; and gave forth a 01ining light, and who had feemed in their motion to have gone the common courfe of theother Stars; fo thcfc of the profcllion and practice of the Churches they lived tn, bur now after fome progrefs oftirrte, were difcovered to be but wmrdrin.~ Stars; and to have had another by and Eccentrick Motion of thr·ir own; differing from the common tourfe of the refi, Crooked ways (as the P[tilmzfl tearms the private path'soffuch, Pfa!, 2). hit) To ln!lance in no more. Ill. As to tbrir Apofl,rcy, and wh,rt fort of Apoflutes tbty provtd, dnd howgrtal. . I, As to the Grace of God, which they had eot~rtained and profc!fed; their ungodly He.m turned this Grace mlo w ,111tomre(S, their lull abufed rhe Doctrine of Gods Free-grace , to warrant all licen1ioufne:s or liberty to Sin, which Prter in other words expre!feth of th<m. they promifed [a. if they had had Gods warrant and encouragement for it J 2 'Pntr 2 rS, ' 9· For wbffl they [peak grr,zt fwrlling words of vanity, (!)c. Wbi!r they prqmr(i: . them Liberty, tbey themjetves m·e tht Servants of Corruptio11, &c. StmofJ ~~btrM tffu:rt~ Magtu, they fay. the firfr Hererick of the Primitive Times, btgan th'is bo- q:~~t~~~·: (t– drine from the firft, viz. That /;tluvers were fret to do they would; ~~md:m~ tni"! for Me1z were j(1ved 6y G1·au and 11ot .go?d Work.r: And taught , th lt good fi~~rJ:~;-:;~ had come in but b;• acczdent , tbrough ltJe mvy of the AIIJfls; tb.1t hadJ.Jid & "'" fw,. B111lds 11po11 l!1en Confcie1Jas: Thus ]rentem. :::~~{~~~'~::.: Now 2~.