Of 1:!./eflion. add drtmkennefs to thirf/: The Lord wiU notfpare him,6ttt thm the ~11ger ofthe CWl Lord, and his.jea!ou/ie jbatifmotlk agawfl that M ,m, m.d ,,IJ the Ctsr[es Chap. 7• thrzt are writtm iTJ thir bookjha/J!ieupon him, aiJd the LordjhaU b!otoflt his ~ Name from tmder Heaven. Your felves that have true love to God, yet having this bitter root Self, find fuch (many fuch) fprmstngs up: And thcfe two R.ocks Men moll ordinanly fpltt upon; the Ctrcumctfion dtd fall upon the firfl thefe in 7ude fell foul on the othor. u'. You have next THEIR SIN, and APOST·ACT. And there– fore you need not wonder at that wickedncfs in praCtice rhat you here read of, as thatthey ran into, Sodomy, Fornication, Verf 7· Evm '" Sodom and Gomorrha, mid the Cities about thfm in Jzke mmmer, giving themfe!ves o– ver to fornicatio1l, tmdgoing afier flra.zge F!efb, are jetJortb for all txam. pit, fsfferi11g the Vf1Jgemtce of etemat Fzre, Verf. the 8. Likewi/e a!Jo tbefe filthy 'Drramers defile thf Ftejb,dejpzje 'Domittio1l,andJpeak evil of 'Dig1litits. They were defpifers ofDominion,Dignities, that is of Miniflry, whetherEccle– fiafltcal,as Apoflles,or others fet over them,as all civil Magiflrates Power ; and therefore are faid to perfifl in thegai1lfayi11gofCorah,th•t rebelled againfl both Mofes and Araon, Numb. t6. ~- And ~ly again, Verfe the ro, They finned even againrt what they knew naturally , M it foUows of them ; But theft [peak evil of tho(( thi1Jgs which tbry know 110t: But w!iat thry know tzattlra/Jy, M Brutt Beaf/s, in thojt thingr they corrupt thtmfelves. They ' finning as freely as Brute Beafls do adlons ofnature ; thefe havmg firfl finned away their light, you may read the other Characters that follow, Verf. r r,, 12, •l· '1• t6. Wo tmto them, for tliry bavt gone itt the way of Cain, and ratJ grudily after the error of Balaam for rtward, mzdperzjhed in thegai1J· faying of Corah f!$c. ( a.s indeed what w.ickednds would not hereupon fol– low.) . , Then 4ly, again in Opinions, in the 4th Verfe, 'Denying tht LordGod,and our Lord '}eftzs Omf/. For Men began foon to turn or change (as t he Apollles.. words is of the Heathens concerning their Religion ) 1 Rom. 23. Andchmtged the Glory of the uncorrupti6tt God i11to atJ Imrlf!.t made like to corrupt:6ti M an, <~nd to Birds and four-footed Beaf/s, a11d creeping things. So thefe, the Glory of the perfon of Chrirt , which confifl; only of God-man in one perfon, ( the Man crucified ai Jeruja!em) into multitudes of fpeculations and Dotagcs. They had begun to impofe upon the Saints,to fet up an other Chrirt; even in the time before 'Paul had wrote his fecond Epirtlc to the Cori!Jihimzs , 2, Cor. t t. 3d and 4th Verfes. But I fear lejl6y mtj. me,ms, M the Serpent btgtHledEve, through hts fu6tilty, Jo your mir.ds jhould be corrupttd from thtjimptic:ty that" in Chrifl. For if ht thtit cometh, prtacheth another .7ef.u whom wr h,zvr not preached, f!$c. And to err in this point concerning the perfon o_f Chrifl ; there'.' 1lothing more eafit, 11br nothi11g mort da11gr- 1 .,;J>uo fa~l/i: rous : For !m perfon confills"' lnd:vzjibz!J, that IS, 1n what nothmg mull ;~;, •iOilop•i. be detracted from, or added to; and fo as by either we do un-Chritt him "''1 •/i•• trr<• make "o Chrirt of him; thert is all unity of Faith concrr11i1'~ the So~t of God: wr. Eph. 4• 4, f· in all Ages, which if any deflect froni in the leaf!, they fpoil and evacuate the.true Chrifl unto their faith, and imbrace a Cloud, and rurt into a Fancy or Pbtttiomenon, which we fee hath been Verified in the varieties of Herefies about his perfon in Elder times; and Gnce he is the Son of God, God united imooneperfim with /J ptrfeCl Man; the Mm1 Jefus ; who' was Crucified at ]emfalern in our Ciuirt, add hereto, or detrad trom this; and he ceafeth to be C~rirt, oSaviour; as take away God, and take Saviour too, and foof the rell : And thefe Men did both, andfo denied him, as the Text bath it. Again sly, Thefc wrte high-flown Seraphick Super-Cefertiaf:Profeirers; and were fo much in fpirit, as they profeffed , that as for all thofe Ordinances Chrirt had appointed and themfelves had embraced and once joined withall ;' (as the word Separatt'11g fhews ) they pretended to' be above them, being pfo. fitcd or benefitted thereby, and now needing no fuch things { And upon that ground ir was that they (eparated themfdves, Verj: rg. The[e b'e they,who' {tparate themftlve!, fen[~''' , having not I he Spirt. As being pail a fJUildiii~