Of Eief1ion. ~----------------·------------------------------------------ ~ling up by public!< preaching, or the ltke action and means, as the Lords Sup– BO ° KIll. pa t:sic. This you may difcern to have been the Apof\les meaning in that Ex– ~ prdlion, Sep.lrtltmg themjelves; by the oppofite that follows; But )Oft, t:sic. Verf: :w. But )'e, beloved, btltldmg up )OUr jelves 011 )'Otlr mofi huly Fanh pr.l)•iug 111the Holy Ghofl. From tl1ele therefore, and iuch Ordinances a; thde it "as, they wholly fcquef\red themfclves; and it was not a Cctting up thefe fame Ordtnances among themfclves, as we do, but a toto! rehnquiiliing ot them. And y« obfcrve, thele would partake in the good Cheer ofChurc:t– fellowfhip therein, wtth the true Chril\ians, and thetrAITemb/ings, as to fuch ends, when they bad only Feaf\sof Love; and yet therein, they by thetr gluttony and not, !hewed and dtlcovered they were utterly without all reverence, or fear of God, from whom thofe blellings came , feedmg them– Jelves withotll fear, Verj. the 12. But truly, I would fay to all fucb, that furely whtle thetr Bodtes needed thofe Ordrnances of Meat and Drink, (the Ordinances of Nature) to repair their natural Spirits, that furely their Souls fhould need the Lords Supper, and all the Ordinances of Grace much more. 6. They pretended unto a living in the Spirit, and being filled with the Spirit; and hence it is, that rl)e ilpofile fays of them, Vrrj. rg. Theje be they who Jeparate themfelvN, Jenfu:ll, havi11g 1101 the Spirit. As in perfec.l: con– tradic.l:ion unto what they gave out of themfelves, and what the)c pretended to the mofi of any other: And this their life i11 Spirit, they proleiTed to confifi, 1. In points of knowledge of higher Mif\ery than the Ttnents of that common Salvation, 1ttde fpeaks of, did, ( whicl1 yet were Generally held forih by the Community ofChri!lians,and once delivered by theApo!lles) but they pretended unto a knowledge more fublime, and farr more fptritual, / which the Apof\lc 'Paul {it beginning in his time) aims at, whilf! he re– Jlec.l:s thus upon them, Scie11ce or Knowledge (as they cried it up) &utfalfe– ly Jo ca/Jed, t. 7im. 6. 20. As alfo the Evangelilt ]oh11, 'Depths, a< thty jpeak, ( fays he) bttt of SatmJ, Revel, 2. 24. The common Sa/·vatl011, as .Jude here, Verj; l· o11ce delivered to the Sui11ts ; the commo11 Etith, as 1 Tilt,., 4- This they, as too common, dcfpifed, bccaufeof thecommonnelsof it. And 2ly they pretended to incomes of the Spirit, Revelations and Enjoy• ments, (!ic. which their Doc.l:rines, and that Spirit raifed them up unto, above what the Doc.l:rinc of Chrif!, and Faith in him, did elevate the true Chrif\i– ans unto (though that fills them often with joy unfpeebble, and full ot glor)) fo as they boafled themftlvcs to b~ the only Spintu<ll Mm. lrmt£tu fays , that they f!iled themfelves, '"'" ""'~•n•ol, naturally fpir:tual, and all other Men, ~m<>l, living but an animal Life, ·as appeareth by Terttt/Jia11's Tttle of a Book, and themfelves to be fpirited above all gruious ac.l:ings or habits, be– yond an having the Spirit communicated by Ordinances. smfua!, fays the Apoll le of them, 11ot bavrn;; the Spirit. And as to thefe their rants and high– flownnefs, the Apof\le, by fimilitudes, fully expreiTeth both them and their Ooc.l:rines: Clouds they are, Vrrj: 12. th>t foar high, and the cmptier the higher, but witbo11t water; that u, any folid Doc.l:rine to make their Hearts, or others, fruitful: And Vnj, 16. Their Mouths fpeilkgreilt jweUlllgs thi11gs, Supra modum turgid,,, :imr•f«, or like bubbles !welled with wind,whtch there– fore, Pere•-. 2 Eptf/. Ch<~p. 2. Ver[. 8. Tearmed {we/liJ'g words of Vtmil_)•. Ilut as for this high pretence of the Spirit, we alfo find it in 2Cor. 11. 4· For t/' he thtlt cometh preacbtth (mol btr .7efU4, whom we h,zve 11ot preached; or tj) e rueive a11other Spirit which l'f have tJot •·eceived; o>: illlother gojpt! which )'e h,zve uot ilCcrpted, &c. and the reafon of it was,as in thofe ,words afore, The jimplicity_oi the Gofpel, of the perfon, that uCh;if/, and the trutbsabout him , wluch they look upon as too mean, and not htghenou~h for them. But whnt Spirit that was they had got in f\cad of ours, and which infpetled them, and made a fi1pply to them in f!ead of our Holy Ghofl by Ordinances, and which blew them 'up above all Apof\ol:c1l Truths, you may enform your [elves from the fame ApoOie, in the very fame Chapter,"if you read Ver{: Ij, 14, 15. RagitJ._C{ w.1ve~ of ~he Se,l, Joammg out fbeir ou:nfo11me; w .m· drlllg Stars, to«:hmm rejerved the black11ejS of dt~rklle(s for ever , (!ic. This for the;r ilpc,!lacy. Ill. As