Of EleElion. !77 rvV'i Ilf, Asfor the J11dgmmts he dtnoullctth agai1ifl them, they art the mofl Chap.7. dre, 1 djid. For Caprr11C1um's Cafe is an Umverfal meafure, that the higher~ men arc li ft up in Englightmngs once,. and m the1r Affect10ns unto Spiritual things Heavcn·w~rds, 1f they Apofiauzc, the lower they fall1nto Hell hereafter, and a Diabolical frame of Spirit hereupon : This Heb. 6. 4th and 8th verJes fhews. Now the dreadfulnefs of their Judgment is fet out, '· In General, verf. 4• This Condemnation with an Eminency and Tranf. cendency, 2. Particularly, ,, 'Deflroyed, vtr(. 5· 2. Re(erved irrecoverably in e· vcrlafiing Ch3ins tmder darkne[s, to the Judgment of the great df!Y, verf" 6. as the Devils, to whom in their Fall they had there been likened. 1• S'tiffer– i11g the vmgem:ct of eterllat fire, verfc 7.· 4• Wo to them, verf. i r. ; , They perijb ;, thegain-Jf•yillgof Corah. And 6ly, are Trees twice dead, to be· pluck't 11p by the Roots,verf.t2, 7.To them ilrefervtd the btacknefiofdark11tfi for ever. Not darlmefs only,but the btacknefi of darknefi: If there be any place in Hell darker than other, thefe !halt have it: And 'Darknt{s is attrlbu:_ ted to Hell, as the Inberitmtce of Light is to Heaven; The foie Obfervation I raife from hence is, That in fuch .Ages wherein the light of the Gofpt! jhi11es brighttf/, a11d with mofl power, in that Agt Godd hu Providmcr dijpo(eth it{o, that therefoa/J be e1lli!J.htned Profe!Jors to th~ highejl miitmzcr of ProFf]io11, that fall into tht worjt of Errors,andthe mofl abomi11abte of Pracrices. . Where there hath been fuch a Summer, look for a great Fall of the Leaf: And this, infiead of being a fiumble or fcandal to any againfi the Profeiiion of the true Religion, doth rather give a witnefs and feal unto the foundnefs and power of it. Such an Age breeds up dcfperatc Apofiates, like as the excciiive heat in Africacloth Monfl:ers. The Primitive times produced this, and alfo the times of Luthtr and Calvi11, and of thofe other holy Reformers, did the ltke,which the Papifis objed; againfi us; and our own experience in this Age,ia this Nation, hath feen the fame; fo as we may fay, tU it WtU thm, fo it i4 11ow: Nor could fuch helli!h Abominations have been made even Principles of Religiorn amongfi us, had not our light and rriviledges in that refpeCl been a– like : Had not Heaven been let down amongfi us, or that we had not been lift up to Heaven (as they were) this had not fain out. I could make a great and large Application of all thcfe things, unto the Complexion of Twenty years. lafi pafi, which was the Autumn ofa glorious Summer foregone; and I believe . that your felves, in thefe Characters I have drawn out of J"de; made by him of Primitive Defectors, have had your thoughts all along in this my Difcourfe of them, upon a rellexion on our Times pafl: which you have fecn, and your Experience had in your view ; and the Monfiers ofour Times have been paint' ed unto the Life, in thefe Portraitures of Jude's drawing of thofe of old, of many Principles, Doctrines, and AClings that have been fourid amoilgfi us; The Devil hath read over his old Collegian Methods or Lectures anew, but did it with fame refinements_; that ?Id Serpent growing wifer and learncdet, every Age, and attempers hts add1t10n of falfhood to I he temperament of the Ages. The Ufe ofthe Dotlrine, frcim thofe words in Jude 24, 2$. Now unto him that u able to keep you from faCing, audto prefentyou fautttefs before thepre.: Jtnce of hts Glory with exceeditJg joy. To the ouly wtfe Godour Sa-vionr, 6~ Glory a11d Ma;ejly, Dominion a11d Power; now and ever. Ameu; To provoke you the called and preferved Ones in Chrifl:, to give Glory ti:l God , aad Adore him for thofe differing Difpenfations of his , with differ– ence from tbofe other Pn>felfors, this DoKQlogy at the dofe of the Epifile,lik~ a firong Wlml·pool draws down, and fwallows up into it felf the m·am Stream' and Current of the whole EpiaJ,e, as matter of Praife to God; and that is t_he General Scope of thcfe two la!l v' eifes·: ~lfd it is evident that the main drift of &« ih~~~