Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

OfEJeflion. -,_ . And feeing every Tiule thereof falls in f~ aptly, and fuits urho that fore~ ,....._~, going Matter ~cd Scope oi the Body of _the Eptille 1t fdf, wh!ch tends to mag- Chaf>. 7· . nifie God in hts Love and Grace m Elelhng, Callmg, Pr.cferving to the end;~ in which hJS Wifdom, Power, Glory, Ma;eily, Domtmon do appear. And thirdly, Twoof the Titles of God here, Jar which he gives him fmife; do eminently relate to ht> Grace tn Elecbng, Lovmg us, Callmg us, aad Pre– ferving us unto the end ; Namely; I. To btm tb,Jt u able to ketpyou;~... v1hich begins the Conclu(ivc Doxol0gy; verf. 24. .A11d to God ti1Jdoitr .y.,viou•·; vr;.f 2 ). This lliews partJcularly, th:Jt what went afore ts here agatn confidered l and therefore to htm, ·as fuch a God, be glory and power, ~c. And for thiS reafon alithe other of Glory , M•je!ry, Dominion, Power, as Cbmributers to this Salvation, are to be included , and Glory to be given for theni. 1"' 4- The Inilances of the like D~xologics, in other f pifiles, .warrant this i, as Rom. 16. 25, 26, 27- Now to btm thut u of power to f/~6/ijh yott accordi11g to myGolprl, and the preach111g of JejU< Cbrzfl, accordmg to the re-vet 1tion 1 of the Myf/ery, which WM kept fecretjiflce the world 6egcm; but niJw f& mad~ maiJifejl, rmd by 1he Scriptures of the Prophets, t/Ccordittg to tbe com'man"d– mwt of the everlajlit.g God, made known to at/ Nations for the obedience of Faith: To God o11!J wtfe, 6e glor~ throu~h JejU< Chrtjl for ever, Amt1); In which rhe principal Matters ofthat Epi!lle is fummarily wrapt, as the fpe; cial ground ot that Praife given to God therefore : And therefore that Epi!tle is a cornpleat Syileme of the Do&nne of the Gofpel, which had been 'the great Subjed delivered in that Epiille; and he Wtnds in, (as you fee) and con~ uads the brief or main of all, as Matter Jor which God is to be praifed arid ndored by us. And .7ude doth here the like, and exceeds t bat other Apoille in enumeration of Attributes and Praifes. The like you find done by Paul to the Hebrews; he in a Prayer fumming up the moft material Matters ofthat foregoing Epiille in the Clofe of it, He6r, IJ• zo. for which; fee my Sermor:i on that Text. . .. So as, although I will not wholly limit this Doxology in Jude unto the Mat– ter of his Epiille, (though mo!t eminently it is fLuted to it) but alfo allow it to be extended Unto all of this Glory attributed to God in himfclf, (as was ob– jeded) yet upon this warrant I fhall at leail handle all the Parrjcularsonly, a~ they may and do relate unto the Love and Mercy of Godtbe Father, a11d of Chrifi, M th~ original mui corttinuing Caufes ?f cur CJUing, Prtj"crvation,~c. As this love ts fet off by thofe hts dtffenng Dtfpenfattorls unro the other Apo~ !tares, as they have been opened; and thereby, by way of V(e, I lhall en' deavour to provoke you to blefs God for each one of them, as he doth here thofe he wrote unto ; and n1all briefly fhew how all thefe Attributes are to be adored by us, in relation to thefe Difpenfarions. · i. Go up to the Original Cmifo. take, Beloved, the Love oti::>odthe Fii' tber, Verf r. and bring it down hither, and fay , and cry aloud, To the on' hwi(eGodandourSaviour, 6eGiory, ~c. for that hi< love. Blefs him that he bath fuch, and fo great a Love in him, that he can love fome of hit Creatures fo well, who had not , nor could give any ihing to him, to movd him to it; with which the Apo!\le contludes his Dodrine of Elec.'iion, Roni: r 1. ~ 5· That hehath Loved them fo wonderfully, fo imri1Utably, fo infinite" ly, in his Electing Love 1 that although you read he is willing , for his Glory, to pafs by others, and to tnke an occafion to fhew the Power of his Wrath on fucti, as have prepared ihemfelves by fin, for beftrudiori; that yet he bath it in his Heart, Namre, and Purp"ofes tci Love fame fo fingu-~arly' traofcendently, who was bound to none, more ihan to deal with them accoro ding to the Law of their Creation, which was and is the Covenant of Works: Draw but a draught in your own thoughts, an Idea of whor a Love; our De(: ctrinr of Eledioo, out of Scriptures hath given ; a love fo gre~t, . as ever" lafl:ng as himfclf; fo free, unlimited, abfolute, p'eremprory, un'ciJan·gea" ble, 10vincible, arid the fame in fach refpeCI's w!1erewiih he Lovesdre far1ie; and then blefs him that fuch a love is in him, wl"fich m·ua needs fendet him lovely, though thou hadll rio fhmi in ii 1a Love ·6£ the gieateft iMl'rriacY,; Aa i; Btd