Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of EleCiion. he leaves with them, notwithfianding that wickednefs , of which r undor- r..J"-'0 !land the next immediate words, Verj, ), 6. Thy Mercy, 0 Lord h i11 the Chap. 7. Heavms; and thy F111thfulitlljs reacheth rmto tbe Clottds. Thy righteorJ[ne{s ~---' is tikethegreat Mormtaws; thy J udgme1Jisare agreatdeep; 0 Lord, thot~ prefervefl Mrm a11dBeafl, Which is to be underfiood common Mercies vouchfa fed to Man , fuch as to bcafis: That were he not a God that lives in Heaven and in perfect Blc!l'ednefs, from whom thofe Mercies c•me, he would neve~ leave them with them, nor be in that manner good unto them, He then, in the Contemplation of thole other fo farr Excelling Mercies (we are fpeaking of ) with which he perfues his Children that know him , breaks out, Verf. 7, 8, 9· How txctllent is tl')' tovi11g ki11dt1t{s, 0 God! Therefore the Childrm of Mmput thrir trt~fl tmder thtjhadow of thy wi1lgs :TherfhaO 6e abundantly filtisjird with theJatnr[J of thy hott{r: A11d thou jh.Jit makr them drink of th~ River of thy ptrafitres. For Wi th thre is tlu Fottntai1l of !tght; in thy light jhaO wr (edtght, 0! therefore blefs God for this his Mercy in Chrifi; and the Mercy of this Chri!l our Saviour. 4• Blef• God for the continuance of thefe both from Everlafiing , afteNhey had been fet upon their perfons by the Father, untill our Calling, Verj. r. and untill their being prefented to himfelf bef~re the prefence of his Glory, as Verj: 24. The real import of the word multiplied, fays de Ouiros, in Verj: i . imports three things. ~ r, A Continuation of them 2, And that 6y amnlttplication. 3· Untill all be prefented and compleated. Blefs him for the continuation of thefe towards you, His Love and Mercy; as bath been opened: The conlhncy whereof I have opened: For fuch , and fo great a Love to continue the fame, fixt and-firm, from Everlafiing to E– verlafiing, is of a long continuance: And for God to have you in his Heart, Eye, what can be more? N o Lover that ever was, had him or t hem he lov– ed, continually in his al.lual thoughts; much lefs for an Eternity of time : This is only proper to the Eternal and Unchangable God, And that God bath had his people thus in his Heart, Ijatrth 49• r6. fl1cws; Br– hold I have gravrnthee t~poli thr Palms o{ .my hrmds ; thy walls are coiJI111U• . ally before me. God did Pourtray a Model or Drought of what he would make, and rear them up to be in Glory in the End, and he bore it continually in his Heart and thoughts ;---And did fet them, ,u a Seat upolt his Heart <JIJd Arm, Cant. 8. 6. as the Church fpeaks of his Love , Vrrf. 7. Tjs faia of Chrifi , who had chofen them, ( as God had done, ) that whom he loved, he loved to the End, .rohn i l• 1. It ceafed not after it firl1 began, I{ai; 64, 5· In tho{e i< contimwtre , a11dwe/halt be Saved. [ bt thofe] what thipgs are thofe? his ways of Mercy and Grace, fpoken of before, which poor Souls remembring , and having recourfe unto by Faith; though God be wrath. for a while when we have finned , yet in thofe ways of Mercy is continuance and we !hall be faved. I guoied afore the 36th P(,1lm for the difference of thofe Mercies which God vouchfafes his Elect, that know him and tru!l in him, from thore that are common to the refi of the World, This in Verj: 7, 8, 9, And then he continues Verf. I o. 0 contimu thy loving-kindnefs to them that k11ow tha; and thy righteoufnefs to the upright 111 heart. The word in the Ongmal, as alro in the Margent; is varied, is drawn out at length. Jt hatq been, one would think, drawn out unto a length, great enough in that it hath been continued from Evcrlailing; but thefe Mercies, and this Infinite. Loving-kindnefs, will be drawn omt to an Infinity of length further, ev•n to Eternity in Heaven; which follo\VS, l11 thy light wr (b.JO Ji!t light: They will !lretch and reach from Everlafiir.g toEverlafiing, PJ~l. IOj. _. 2. They continue and are drawn out at length, and fo have been by their being multiplied; whic!i was another thing I opened uponVer( 2. Remwed e- . vrry Momem, And this !till proves a higher agrnndifing of this.: As they fay of Beams, or the Species's,or vifual Images that ffow from the Object unto!he Eye, that they·ar,e a multiplicati<?nof th~ fame Image, without interrupti-. on falhng upon the Eye,' fuch as thofe ra1es and wings of the Sun, tt IS b\JF; ~ll~