Of EMlion. ~ one and the fame Love multiplied in the Ach of it continu~lly; as Ju!bfication BooK 11 [. is laid to be butA'Utu ""'ctu ,and yet IS renewed all of the fame every Moment• ~ {o both is Gods choice and Love,(which !hews over abundantly) that;,, wha~ it appertained to; yea there is not only a New Act of remembrance , but a [ Ct/111/0I forget] put upon it, If;u. 49· 1 )·IwrUytt choofe Jerufalem, l}aiab. 14. 1. and L!,ach. 2, 12. 17. 0! At once comfort thy felf, and blefs and adore God: Thou mulriplrcli w Sin, and he multiplieth to Love : Thou multiplieft breaches between hrm ond thee, and he multiplieth to pardon, !fa. H• And the older you grow, the more you do need this multiplication of Love and Mercy the more: For your Sins, take them lrom fir(\ to La(\, are multiplied,· And all your fins of Youth, middle A~e , are afore~ im, and would one day alfo ilrcompP{s you rormd about, M Pfal. 7· 2. were 1t not that God multiplies to Pardon. Thus alfo Grace, continuing to Sanctifie, is re11ewed day by day 2 Cor. 16. Yea night and day; yea, every moment, lfa, 27, ~ · I the Lord d; lurp it, 1will wattr iJ rverymommt; lef/ tmy hurt it, I will kup it uigbt a11d daf. 0 blefs him aod adore him lor this ! 3; It is continued untill all is perfected , even as here, till thou come!\ tobe prefented afore the prefence, ( Verf. 24. ) of his Glory, and then thou''arr {afe enough. Thus 2 1heff. I. I I. Wherefore alfo Wt pray always fo~ you,thrlt our God wortld corm&)'"" worthy of th~< Callwg, and fuljilt all thegoodflea· Jure of hugoodtrejs, a11d the work of Faith wzth Power. A11d Pfal. 25. 6. Su~flygoodrufland Mercy fhall follow me alt the days of my Jrfe, iind I will dwell"' the houfe of the Lord for ever. And Lafily, When thou art in Heaven, that is the time when Love and the Kindnefs of Love are drawn out, and drawn at length indeed; That in Ages to come he might jhrw the excuding richeJ of hi< Grace, in hi< ki11dne(s towards us through Chrif/.'1tJH4. Heaven is but the kindnefs of God, heap· ed upon kindnefs: Kindnefs indeed, and thiJ; continued in the fulnefs of ir, to all Eternity. Hitherto of our Celebration of God for thofe Attributes or Effects thereof, which we find to have an Hand and Influence into our Salvation, in the fore– going part of this Epiflle. I come now to thofe Attributes and Acts, which here in the Conclufion of his Epifile, he more directly incites us to give God the Glory of, for thofe his Difpenfatioos towards us, that are Called and chofen with fuch a va(\ dif· fercnce from others, as eminently appearing therein; which part of the E– pifile begins at Vaj; 24. Now unto hrm thtJt u able to kup you from falling, and to pre[e111 youfaultlefj btfore the prrjence of hu Glory with rxcudzng joy Thefe words that celebrate his Power, ~c. have two Scopes or Afpects, as Ef/i114 hath obferved. 1. The one Implicite, yet firongly implied , viz. a fupport or Prop unto Faith , from what in God they lhould further Eye, befides his Mercy and Love, as which are engaged to preferve them , and that is his Power, To him that u able, f§c. or as m R.om. 16. 25. To him that u of Po'Jlltr to Ef/ablijb JOU. The 2d Scope is Explicite, and that is, to give Glory to God for that his Power joyned with his Love , as that which would certainly keep them to the End; and that he lhould provoke them to praife God for this, afore the work was carried through to perfection (as in thofe he wrote to, as yet, it was not) imports withall Gods Faithfulnefs to be joyned with that Power,which they might be allured of, he would put forth, even all the Power that was in him to perform it. Thrte particular things then you have further here to celebrate God for in this Verfe. '· His Power that is engaged by his Love to carry you througiJ, To him that is able, (§c. And that his Power is faid to be engaged to be put forth, 1. In this life to keep us from falliag. 2, When you come to dye to prefem you, f§c. Where