Of Eleelion. . > Where fecondly comes (as a new Head to becohC!dered) the End orilfue of~ all as that which his Love bad deC!gned (though 'tis his Power mull effect Chap. 7• it)' which is to bring you to the prefence of his own Glory faultlefs; for which ~ fo glorious End and Jlfueof all you are toglonfic God. . , Thirdly, The cxcecdmg JOY that wtll be m.God and Chnll s heart, when he hnth brought you fafe home to htmfelf? :-vJuch argues his great and conf!ant Love. This as ro the femng out that Dlvlfion of the words, and the Heads drawn out from thence, which I am to enlarge upon. I. Celebrate his Powtr; whereto . '· InGeneral, P[al.)9·16,17• Butlwi!J(illgofthyl'ou)er;jta, Iwilt fing aloud of 1hy Mercy 111 the mortJing: For thou haf/6tm my defence andre– fuge in tht diJ) of my trouble. V11to thn, 0 my jlrfllgth, wi!J I ji11g; for God is my defena, mJdthtGod of my mercy. Where you fee Mercy and Pow– er are llilljoyned; as alfo in Pjal. 61.. 11, 12, In Ephef ~·having lirfl pray'd, verf 19. .A11dto ktJo'W the Love of Ghrijl which paffrth bzowledgt , that ye might be fi!Jed with a!J theful11e{s of God, he then adds this Doxology made to his Power, as that which mull work and effect all in them , vrrf. 20. N ow to him that is able to do exceedi11g almndantly above a!J that we Mk or thi11k, accordiug to tht 'Powtr hat worketh in 1<1. The Power that worketh in us, is all one as to fay, Th~ Power that is ingaged in u•, by having begun, is in– tercil<d to continue to work. And you fee how, upon the account of that a– lone, he gives Glory to him, (even as here) vtrf. 21, Unto him be glory in the Church by Chrtfl .fefm, throughout a/J Ages, world withortt e11d, .Amen. And as his Love palfeth Knowledge, fo for our Comfort his Power doth. The. like to both you have, Rom, r6. 2). Now to him that iJ of power to effabtifb you, be glory forevtr, Verf. 27. To God 011/y wtfe, be glory through Jejiu Chrifl fo•· ever, Amm. But Particularly, blefs his Power fortwo things; 1. Forthat it engaged to keepJDUjromfalli11g in this life; that is,both from Apollafte, which you have feen others run into; and in this life fromja!Jing mto groJs fi•s, which is Ptter's ~en~e of falling, 2 P tt.1 . ro. If you do thefe things yo" /hall never [<1/J; that IS, tnto any foul, fcandalous mifcarnage. As alfo 1'attl tothe Galati.•ns, Chapt. ) , •6, This I fr'Y thm, walk i1t the Spirit, and yottjha!ltJot f ulfil the lufls of thtjlefb. And for that alfo,Secondly, That if 1bty do fall, they fha/J rift again, and by Reptt~ttmce thew themfelvcs clear in that matter, as if they had never finned. This is to keep you fo, as in the End and I[uc of all to be blamelefs: And to carry us in this manner through all R.ocks, Hazards, and Dangers, as in refpcel: of linning~, is a far [greater Miracle, than to !leer a Ship through the moll dangerous Seas that are known to be in the World, or to carry a Candle through a vall Heath in ihe midll of Winds and Storms, and to preferve it from being extinguithed. The fcco~d thing is at your Deaths, and at the Day of Judgment to prefent )'DU faultle{s; whichjau!tle[tujs mufl needs be underfrood of perfect holinefs : For it is that fau!tlejnejr which is at your coming to Glory , and is a further degree than that of being kept from falling, or a being reduced again in this· life; for this faultlefnefs at death is to be without all fin, made per(eft. Is it poffible, fays the guilty and defiled Soul, that ever I lhould be prefented faul t· lefs, efpecially on fuch a fuddain as the inflant of Death? Yes: God hath Pow· er in, him to do it, Ephef. 5.27. That htmight prefent rou to himjtlfaglorious Ch11rch, not havi1;g [pot or wrinkle, or any fuch thing: Br~t that it jhould 6e holy a11d without hlemifb. And there needs no Purg•tory for it, but Chrills Blood, and the efficacy thereof, (fo in the words afore) whogave himjttj for his Church, that he m1ght [a11fti(ie tmd clemtje it with thr wajhing of wmrr, by the Word. 0 glorifie his love, that this is and bath been the deiign there– of, Ephrf. 1. 4· .llccordi~g M he bath c/iofm 1<1 in him, before tl-e foundatiMI of' the World, that wt fbou!d 6e holy, and without blame J,efore htm i11 love. Ye fee that was the firfl of his thoughts, as the order of its plocing there thews, and indud it is agrtater benefit, and more tbmtglor)'• And ogain i Glorifie his Power that is able to effeCt thi~ in you, when you look upon your viM