Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of EleCiion. ~ may make hereof, that fo much Joy as arifetb in any ones heart, in fuch a cafe, BooK Ilf. there was fo much love 1 for thefe affections are commenfurable. And there· ~ fore if God aforehand tells us he will prefent evory particular perfon of us afore his own glory, with fogreat joy, as to himfelf, this infallibly argues the like proportion of an i~finite Love to have been born by him towards us ·fn 11!s heart : Let us therefore, fir(l ea!ling our eyes backward unto his eternal Love that defigned all to us, and then turning and fetting our eyes forward unto that joy that will be at the aecomplilhment, retire in the view of both to blefs and adore him for all, and fanctifie him in our hearts, And this for that third and lafi thing in verfe4· SECTION II. The di/criminating Grace of E!etlion, ao it appears in th~ difference Godputs between Temporaries, and tbofe whom he finally Preferves, further illuflrated in an Expojition of the other part of Judc:'sE– pijtle; wherein are dijcovered the different Fountai11s and Caufes in Gods Heart of our Salvation, both Original and Continu~ ed. I. you have inVerf. firft and fecond of this Epifile of Jude, the Caufes of Salvation, and of.. our being kept, held up unto our view. Then Secondly, The eminency of that Grace and Fovour illu!\rated by the oppofite thereof, viz. The Condemnation and Apofiacy ofothers( ordained of old to this Condemnation.) , Then thirdly, a provocation of thefe faved and preferved Ones , to give Glory unto God for all his difcriminating Grace towards them, Verf. 24, 2). . And that we alllhould adore and blefsthis God for all thefe , is my Second Ufe which I intend to profecute at this time, founding all I lhall urge upon you therein, upon what 1ttde bath fpoke before me. In the doing of which, llhall but open the remaining Pallages in Jttde, not fpoken to the lafi time; and which, added to the former, will prove as fomc brief Expolition upon the refi of the Epifile. You have the eaufes of Salvation and our Prefervation in Judr, Vrr[. I. To them that are thr /;e/ovii.if God thr Father, andpreforvrd in 1.eftu Chrifl, nndcaUed, In this firfi Verfe you have the original caufes both of SGod the Rzthtr, the Perfons . 2Jrftu Chrifl. As alfo of the Atls in· both which are the Foundation. ol our Salvation, ~c. , 1. Lo't!t inGodthr Father; which fpeaks hi• Electing of us. Bdovtd i11 God thr Father. For which reading Ilhall give an account. z, Prefrrved in Chrif/; which fpeaks his havingGiven us unto Chrifi out of that Loye for him, to keep and topreferve us. That third of !JeingCaUed, is brought in as the firfi breaking forth of that Love of God upon us, at and from which Chrifi's actual performance in keep· ing ofus, commenceth, and from thence is continued to the end. Vnft • · Mercy nnto you, andptact, and Love be multiplitd. . In this Verfe you have the co1Jtin11ing mzd contimted Cau(rs of our Salvauorf ( as in the former the Original) by the ·multiplication of which, with thea' proper