Of EleCtion. ~rife, the defcent, and l\ory of our bemg Pre(ervedw Chrijl. r. Love m the Bc oK Ill. Father, made us to be Ius. Thereupon,fecondly, proceeded a g1vmg us to Chnfl; ~that as he loved him, he would keep us as the end ot his g1ving us: Which th1rdly,Ciui!t willingly undertook and performs, All rhde you have fully ex reffed by Chrift in his !aft PublickPrayer, Job" rJ. r; That they had been given him by his Father, as his own. So the Se– condVerfe begins , that He jhouldgive etei'1MI /Jfe to as many M God h,zd givm him, He purfuiog this again, fays, Verf, 6. I have tnamfef/ed thy uametmto the Mmwhich thougave(/ me out of the World: Thme they were adthougavef/themme. Thm Vtr(. 9.I pray for them, I pray _not for the World, but jot· them whtch thou ha(/ gzve1z t11e; for they are thme. 2. Given him they were, for that end, for him to keep; and therefore he returns an account to his Father, how he had kept them: And indigitates it twice, Verf. 12, Wht!t I WtU with them ill the World, I kept them in thy 11ame: Thofo that thots gavtjl me I have kept , mtd 11o11e of them zs /of/, ~· That he had undertaken to keep them, upon his Fathers giving them, nil and every or thofe words declare: As namely, his giving that accoum of the difcharge of hi.trufl thereiu; Ver(. 6. I h.zve mamjffled thy name unto themmwhJchthougavef/meotll of the World. ~c. And that he had done (what in him lay to do) that which might preferve them; I have ma11ifef/ul thy namt, Verf. 6, I havegiven them thy words f!5c. Verf. 8. And alfo by the dfech he had wrought in them, Ver(. 8. They havt receivedthem, a11d havr know!l j11rely that I came out from thee,and they have bt!ievedthat thou d1djl fend me. And then likewife by his Care to recommend them again unro his Father; Per(. 12. Wbile I wa< with thtm in the World, I kept tbem in thy flflme: Thojt that thoz1 gavejl me I have kept , and no111 of them 1s /off. 4 And all thi•, and thofe other great benefits that follow, do run up into Gods having loved them, which is not only implied in his urging they wert thi1u; Btst that God h,zd cbofm tbem. Tho11 ha(/ Loved thrm M thou haft Lo·L'tdmr, Verf. 2 ~·Now of himfelf, he [<rys, thotl lovedfl me afore tht Fou11dati01zs of the World; that is, haft chofen me: Which I fl1ewed even now. And he e~prelly gives it, as the reafon, why he had fo kept them, Verj: 9· For they were thine. If you will tal<e another Scripture they alfo refcrr unto, 1ohll 6. Verf. 39· And thu u the Fathers will which bath fent me, that of all which he hatb <~ivmme, Ijbot~td loje uothi11g, !mtjhouldrazfe it up agai11 at the lajl day, Thefe words !hew; r. That they were given by Election; for he fays, Allthat the Father h.1th givm me, jhall come to me, Verj: ~ 9· and therefore given before their com– ing, and as the caufe of their coming, And when afore, but at the date the Scripture plnceth Ele{tion at? Afore the World 6rgmr, . 2. Given for this very end to be kept, and that to be Gods w1ll, ood inten– tion in Giving them, and exprefl at his giving them, cloth as manifeflly fol– low there, Vtrf. ~8. and ~9· For 1 came dow1t from HMven, uot to do my OWIJ wiO, 6ttt the will of htm that font me. Aud thu u the Fathen wt!! which ht1th fmt me, that of all which he bathgivmmt, I jhou!d loj'e nothing, 6z1t Jbould raife it 11/' agam at the laf/ day. 3· Their beingcalled arifeth from their having been given by the Father, Verj: 37· A11d all that the Fathtr gtvethme, foal! comt to me, ~c. And fo you have in this one Scripture all thofe three things met, which are mentioned in my Text; and likewife the Prop, Order, and Connexion of all rhefe; fitfl,Beloved of the Fatber; and fo lecondly,Given to,andpreferved i11 Chrij/; And thirdly, Called. And this is a clear Rea{on, whyprefervtdi" Chrifl is fer afore called, be– caufe it prc-imports that original act of Giving us unto Chrifl , and olfo is the caufe of OLr being Called. For although indeed Cbrill's actual prcrtrvation of us,' nd his performance of it upon us, begins from Calling, and follows forever after it: Yet becat1fe the Foundation of that prefcrvation lay in God's havmg gli'Cn