Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of EleClion. mher Scriptures) therefore :he Scriptures exprcfly fpcak ot tt; as ·a multiply: r...._,~ ing ton .rJon; J[,u. s·s. 7· We multiply tranfgrclliuns, by addi'ng unto the Chap~ 7· hc:q> ~ew ~as of finnmg; :mri f:;r our comforr, God mulripiles ro pardon by___.......,, --.~ rent:\' ing the A.... 't· o~· Gr<~ce in a full and perfcdpardon ever~· d<!y; not only of thr.ic d.Jd) fi~s co:nm!Jt·:d l wl.ich) et we are moll fenf1ble of) but oi all our fHl", as :Jt iirft, 2 (Ut. I )· yea, and corn:fpondenrlv hereto'... the Scripiur'C fpc ,ksof Go.J'• Elc~'1ion it fdi', wh:c!t of all oth<r acts of Goct's, is fuppokd ro i 13 ve been done but once, and rhat before the foundation of rhe World; " '.d , erthe Scriprure. in m::my p:o.1ces, fpeaks of it as reittrat cd or renn\'c-d again ~rci abai n, whiciJ rrpe·iricn, er renew:tl of ir, is fpol<cn of up"Jn /;)Icmn occafwn ol God's taki:Jg his p:nple into his favour after fome dlipleafure. Thus you have ir, lf•i 14-1, TIH Lord will h.<ve mercy Oil Jacob, a11d will ; ·et cboofe JeruCalem. And in Zach. 1. I 7· upon occauon of rdloring rhem, h~ [peaks thu<, The Lord }ball yt cbooje Jcrufalem : and Chapter z, 12. Tbe Lord jba/1 choofe Jerufalem again, Nor is this meant wholly and altogether of a temporary choice (as yet in the Type I acknowledge it was) but fo as that Typ·e holds forrh the fubfiance towards his Elect people among them.) For it is fuclt a choice as upon which his peoples uns are done away ,and whereby Satan, that impleads them, which in the next words, Cbapt. ~· verf. 2, is rebuked, The Angel, Chrift, that pleads again[\ him, anfwers him with this, The Lord, who IJ,,th chofm Jeru13lem, r<buke tbtt. And it was by fuch an ElcClion renewed, as by virtue of which, JojhtJa's filthy Garments were taken away, that is, his fins, verf. 4· Chaf,· >· and fo proper to God's Elect; which that in Rom. 8. fu lly ah[wers to, ffho fhall t,Jy a11y tbi"g to the chargt of God's Elect? It u God tb,Jt juflifits, No,. as JuQ!Jicarion and EleClion arc thus renewed and multiplyed, fo I fay not only, whymay nor, but tliat neceiTarily withal, Mere)', .md Love, and 'Pt<~cr, as !n God's l:earr, mufr be together with them fuppofed ro be fo: For thefe Mtrc:cs "re but the thoughts and purpofes of Grace, Love, e;lc. imma– nent in God born towords us, as well as rhofe aCls of Jufttficari~n and E.lect,on, are ac:h ol Gcd upon us, ard yet immanent firfr in bimfdf; yea, •n·d tho'fe Merci e>, and that Love, arerhe Caufes of thofc acts, and therefore are re· newed together wirh them, upon his renewal of them within himfdf, And hene~, in the fame fenfe, may Love and Mercy in God's heart be (aid, by a multiplication, to be continued to us, as thofe acts are. And in this reipect it i<, that, 'l'Jal, 40. 'i· l.kc as the works of God, fo his thoughts toward! us are (aid to be many, and mulriplyed; Memy, 0 Lord my God, are thy wolt· de•f~tt works wbich thou bafl done, a11d tby thougbts which at·e to m-ward: They' ca1111ol 6e recko11ed up in order ttiJ/o tbu; if1would declm·e and [peak of them, rho• are more than crm6e mtmbred, lt is ChriO's fpcech of whom the 'l'(,dm is made, and thu relatin{!; unto his Father's refolved purpofes and con– trivcmcnts from eternity, ann thofe continued unto his tending Chrifi into the World to dye for us, as w r(. 6, 7· Jt follows (o, as although llis thoughts and purpofes were bur one individual act at firfr, and never to be altered; yet they · ' became many, t hrot•gh a P"rpetuated reiteration of them, wherein his coo· ~ llancy to himfelf is feen. The Prophet 'David, in P{izt. 2). v. 6. imprecates God's Loving-kind>Jefs in thefe words, Remem!Jtr,O God,thy lender mercies, and tby loving-kindrlfffos: For they b,1ve6een ever of otd: which Phrafe im· pores it is of old; that is, from eternity : So for evtr ofold; that is, all along from eternity perpetuoted; and therefore fuitable to this meaning, he defircs tlut Gcd would remember them: it is good now to remember th<fc; and re– membrance i' but o reireutcd ad of the Underfianding with the fame Affecti– ons that were t:'lkr.n up at firft. . Awlthe reafnn fro:n all this isos evident; for fuch ~as as arc of pure, free, and ablolute grace in God, are in their kind fuch, as though he dorh act any of 1 hc:n towards us in this moment, yer to continue the acting of the fame the ne~t m.omenr, or upon the next occafion, is from, ,nd depends upon a new Grace'" h1m; yea, the l'romifes of Guce hnve a frefh act of Gr.Ice to move Llm unto the performance. Ltzmt'nt. ~- 22. !tU of tht Lord'J tJJ(rcies we art 11o1 Collj;m:d, bcc.wfe his comp,;j]ions (thofe w:1ich in himfelf) fd! not. They Cc an