Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

of the REVE~ATION. Book, doth llill import, as ch,"P· 1 I. 8. chJf' I6. ! 9, &c.) and I<> is on purp0fe Q;';"~' added, to fhew, that tt befals even fuch Kmgdoms and Pbces as had call off the ~""'4.J Pope's Supremacy. And it appears al!o by thts, that tt IS mennoned aparr from the Vials which follow; which 'are all the Judgments that fall upon the Popilh and Turkifh Enemies of the Church ; but this up011 a third for't of Enemid within the Church it felf. And alihough it be true, that fo far as there Ha rh befain (through thefe German Wars) a Plague Upon the Popi(h Party in Germany, (as upon the Emperor, and thofe Popifh Princes under him) fo far in~ deed as upon them, it is to be reduced to one of the V~als, ( whtch do i::omairl all the !all Plagues on the Popifh Party) and particularly comes lmder rhe 41h Vial : Yet fo far as thefe Wars have bro)lght Miferies and Qefobrion oi1 the Protellant Parry, fo far in that refpect it is prefemed in this Vintage. And there" fore you may obferve, that th~ A\]gel, who (it is faid) bath power over Fire, (who is indeed the Angel of the Fourth Vial, as che Angel of th~ Third is called the Angel of the Waters) becaufe he bath pvf&er to fcnrch Mm with Fire; Ch•p. i6. 8. that Angel it is that incites and provokes this Angel here, withth<; fharp Sickle, to CHI dOivh, and tread theft Gra)ts. Sii that Ihis. Vintage is a dillinCl: execution from that of the Fourth Vial, and yet contemporaneous with it. In a word; thefc Wars, Co far as they hurt the Popilli Parry, are the fourth Vial; and fo far as they hurt the Prote£hnt Patty, they are rne Vintage here meant. That Horfes are mentioned as treaders of tl\is W!ne-prefs, mofr fitly tarries it tci thefe German Wars; the German Horfes being the moll. approved War-horfes in Europe, and thefe ,Wars having been chiefly mainrah1~d arid acted by them. And then alfo this Allufion of Grapes trodden in a Wine-pre!s, was as filitable to expfefs the Miferies befallen thofe Countries; 1¥hith'are £1mdus for Vines and . Vintages, (as the Palatinate and other places in Germany are). And for the like Reafon the Judgments upon Edom and Bofrah are exprdfed by a Vintage; !fa. 63. I. becaufe it \Vas a Coontry fatnous for Vines. And then again; haply the fpace of I6oo Furlongs here mentioned (which, fonie make more Miles, fome lefs) may for the length be found as fitly to agree unw tlie chief Seat of the(e Wars- and Wine-prelfe; which (take the length of the Protefi•nt part of Germany troden down; and here only intendeil) may nor every way extend much further. But the computation, and meafuring of this, I leave untoothers. And whether or no God will ,bring this Wine·pre!S int() any other of his Vineyards, as England, Scotland, &c. and By' bloody Wars rtead down tne Grapes there, .as he bath done in Germany, keeping frill to the Gme propdtJion of I 6oo Furlongs; (as our Btightmall reckOiis tFl'e Jcngtli of Eff'giJ1lil to bt) and fulfilling it over and over in other feveral l>rotefbint Kingddn\'s1anc! Dominions;· He only knows who is the Lord both of this Hatvell and Vintage. Only this 11\ay·be more confidently affirmed, that rile reil of thofe Carnal Ptotellants in England, and other Places, who like the outward Court ha've been laid aild joined td the People of God, fha!l yet, bef9re the expiration and ending of the Beafl"s ltingdotn and Number, be1rddre or lefs giv'eri up ro the Papi!ls, .and to' tlie JurifdiCHon of tne City of R'ome, and be troden down, and made to vail · to them, if not all of them by bloody Wari and C0nquefl's, yet by Come bale and unworthy yielding to them, as a jull P.unifhment of rheit C::arnal Profdfiori of tlie Gorper. And this in Englditd (we fe(Y th'ey begin to do'; and ~his ( i take it)' the irthChapter, mrfi. dotldol'ete!l and pfdphefy of. Wlrich Chapter bei,ng fute~ded to give a'SigiJal pr Fore-rurincr of the •aeo~ft's Ruin, ana ibe expira~>on of his t 26o YearS, andPeriod of hiS' Kingdom, ( whiclt now 1s' approaching) l poth''prefifnt tlie Srate of the Chn'l'ch, and' w~at fhall befalii( nl'>t loo~ befor~· fM l\'nit1; :ind~fo· Mtha!f th3~1 F"ate of rtle -~hU~ch jii'n af\m~. •j$ J)r\!fented there, (CTisp. I I} ~trf I.)" · l'lnd ih'e1 fett1ng dq~fi What fhou!d befal tl' ( f~oril verf.'7,~ to' . i 4·) m~·necelfarify beloh~ ~d thefe Tithe~;' and fo'is•to'·be fuBjotned unrbtlils (4th C¥tte't' (rho)lgh'iicl>mt!s i'nthcte', il a comm'oil fig" nal of the ending bf, b'oth ProptJetfes; a'nd ,rnet'efbrc l:iet\vcch 6oth) r& make fhe'Story ?f the Chutch con\pleat. - ""' ' > • ... . And thiS I lhall handle, and make to appear, when I have full dpeffed, the !1'eaniog of the Vials, efpecially of the. four firfr of them ; which though for order-fake are by the Holy Ghoft pU:t (as in this Book things of a fort ufe tobe ) With