Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

OF REPENTANCE AND TRVE SORROW FOR SIN. THE SEVENTH SERMON. Adsz.verf..37.38. áwwhen theyheardit,theywereprickedin theirhearts,andfaidemtoPeter,andthe otherApellles,Men andbrethren,whatfhallwedoe? ThenPeter f idvnto them, Amendyour limes, andhebaptizedeuery oneofyouin the name oflefersChr for theremißionofftnnes, &e. N this portion of the holy hooke of God is let downe to vs an effrhh, or rather a fruite of Peter his Sermon, which lire made for the anfwering of the flanderous reports of the Iewes, atwhat nine they tawthe wonderfull gifts ofGod tent downe upon theApoftles. In whichSermon, the Apoftle had pricked their confctenceswith Ihe.vingthem their finites, tel- ling them ofa furerie, that their iniquities was the caufe of Chrift his death : whereby a certaine care began tobe wrought in them, in fo much that being thus troubled, they enquired and faid, Men and Breteren, what(hall we doe? Whereupon afterward followed thefe- gond Sermon of Peter: eherein flee exhorteth them to continue in their repentance, and teacheth vsthat if our forrow bee good, we muft goe forward therein. Further he fheweth them to this ender that they ninfe beleeue, that belecuing they may beebap tized, that being baptized they might receiuethe gift ofthe holy Ghoft. Laltly it is manifeft,bow theyhearingthat Sermon,fidtreceiued the doétrine,and after perfucredin thepracaifeof thefaine. Briefly therefore three things are here tobe noted. Fiele, the fruit Three tbisto of the formerSermon ofPetercontained in theft words : Nowwhentheybeardit,eyc. Se- tobenotedán condly, thefumme ofa new SermonofPeter in theftwords : Then Peter faidonto them, thistrue. Amendyour lines, Vie. Thirdly is let downethefruite of their obedience. In the former part of thisChapter we mayknow the wonderfull workes of God,that the Apoftles, who were neuer brought vp infchooles,fpake with diuerstongues : which when themultitude heard,fome are laid tomaruaìle and to beaftonied : tome mocked them and laid, Theyare fullof new wine. But when Peter withgreatboldnefle of1pirit hadin thisSermon which he made, let the truethof God againfttheir falfeaccufations, and had preachedagainit their finites, then they left offmocking, andwerepricked intheir hearts. Where firft wee may Thepon,erof note thepower of Gods word,whichonly is able to touch our confciencesfor finne. For Godseord,án neither thediucrfitieoftongues,nor other gifts oftheholyGhoftcould pricketheirhearts, theronuerfien as being able onely to caftthem into an admiration. What more forcible thing then thatoffinners. which cauheth agodly furrow, andcaufethourconfciences to be pricked? Wlmatfo able to pricke our confcience asthe word ofGod ? Indeed manyfreleforrow, and are inwardly pricked : but becaufe therewithis not ioyned the power of Gods worde, they be eyther fenfeleffc asblockes,or in theirfeelingthey aremurmurers. Tins commethvntovsbythe I 4 dignitie Pt