e7 [editeitions. ailured thàt he Ihouldcontinue fafe, notwithflandingall the temptations of the wicked: getthe care of his familie, and feareof their falling fhould be a caufe fufficient todriue him fromwicked company. Butif he himfeife betouchedwith a confcienceand afeeling of hisowne infinnitie, what loutof profite, what hope of advantage Mould keepe bon No hope of there? Lottherefore mightplamelyfee the iudgeinent ofGodvpon him and vpon his fa- toeee orprefer- mily,becaufehewould hue and linger fo long among thole wicked Sodomites. No-.v if linkemuf ary thefe menreceiued Inch deepe and great woundes by wickedcompany, then who is that tee ue with man,or what is his namethat canteinketoftandamangthem? We thereforeought to be wúkedmm, . moll circumfpeet and carefulltokeepevs fromthecompany ofwicked men:for their he- 'retieswillmake vsheretikes, their carelefnes willmake vsvogodlÿ and fetus-. Thiscoue- mandement of flying euill is verygeneral], and maybe extendedmall the co:mnande- ments, which weare broughttobreakeby reafonof cuill company. Vert t 6. Forthey cannotlleepeexcept theyhavedoneeuill : their Jleepe departeth except they hour ceufedfometo fall,&c. He law and preceptwhich was prouided for theauoyding ofeuill company,was molt effeEtuallyfetdownein thetwo formerverfes. The realons of this commandment dofollowin thefourenext verfes. Thefe reafons are in number two. The firit is drawee Reafons ofihe from the peruerfeand crooked natureofthewilland difpofitionofwicked men,in the16. former yrerepa and 17.&r9.verfes. Thefecond is drauvnefrom tise Itateof thegodly,andfrom their be. hauiour,verfa8. Thenature of thewicked is filch, thattheycount. wickedneflèas plea- The delight of fan as wine : and therefore they make vngodly praetifes their chiefedelióht; it is their thesmirked. ineatcand drinke todo euill,they are belt refrefhed when they moft offend : neyrher are they content with their owne wickedneffe, but they do moreouer caufeother to fallinto wickedneffe. If they cannot come by their purpofe ; if they have not great occafon to workethat which theyhaue deuifed; ifthey haue not made fome fitter for theirvngodly friendfhip,thenthey step defperatelyfrom them, theycannot beat refs. Foras thehungry man cannotlleepe quietly, becaufehis appetite continually craueth meate: fo the wicked takethnoreit nor ileepe, if he benotstuffed, if het hauenot his billy full of wickedneffe. How carefullought wethen to betaauoyd euill company ? howfarre muft weHie fromit, Atrue marke and how heartily Mould wehate it continually ? Herewe maynotethe contrary, as ave- ofthevvirked. ry fpeciall ligne and marke of thetrue childof God : for ifwe canmake it oarmeate and ourdrinke todogood, as ourSaviourCivili faith, It is mymeate todoe thewill of myfather: andAs lob faith, I effeemedirmore then mine appointedfootle: And againe, Ifwee can count it the great comfort of our hearts,and folace or our foules,whenwe cando goodto others, xovv vve and rouokeand (titre themvptogoodnefie, this is an argument that wee hauerecciued mutt "..4. the spirit of God,as apledge andaPeale ofour euerlaftingfaluation, and that we are the ihfstoesip children of God. Moreouer, if we begrieued when wehaue wrought nogoodneffe,nor neffe:and.be gottengood by others : if webe asit were comfortleffe, when wee haue not caught others foric vvhen fouregoodneffe, or when wehaue notprouoked them vnto praftife of foure good, which woe heme not they had before time learned: this maywell warrantvs that we do truely loueGod , and perfourmeda- thathe loueth vs, and 'will bring vsvnto life. Thus farrefor the firlt reafon, which asit de- nyIrish dune. fcribeth vnto vs thenature of the wicked: fo it mutt beapplied to the generall head of finne, and the corruptionof ournature. Veri. i 8. Thewayof the righteous fhineth as the light, thatJhineth moreand more tinto the perfitday. Pfal. t r9. RuneMg- ientoferhe T" "THefecond reafon wh wefhouldanoidtheeuillcom anieofthewicked o is, becaufeunfek rtnd of dutie wearebound to ioyneourfelues to the godly, and to be companions of all companiesof themthatfeare the Lord. It is notenough to flit from thewicked,and to leave theircoin_ thevvirked. panie:butwe muttmakehafte to theaffemblies ofthegodly,andlinke ourfelues infriend- Ytve mufl hi-a" with them : for of our felues wee deuilàcuill andby our we canlearnt to den to thefo- P cietieojthe K z wor kegodly. 99