Izo TheEpiale flic ions ofmiede : andwhen they heaveanyleech ofany f chmatter, they f ppnfe they hareamaneake inaflrange language. But he counflleth vs to runne veto theLordin this lifewitÿ"a troubledrninde,leafl wee tariewithfachmen to be lockt vpwith theheauie fetters ofdeferation,whenheftallfummonvsto the barreofhis iudgementin thefight of hisAngels, &c. 7. Inproferitie many thinke Gods blefsingsare their own right, and binde God(asitwere)in this lifeto intertaine thematfullcharges; andfuehimasit were byan obligation, ifheefeeme to withdraw his hand from them : So theyprovoke him,to ?roue to theirfaces by fomefpeciallcroffë andaffitlion, that all they haue is but lentand borrowed. But Godschildrenacknowledge continually that God bath rods inareadines (though theyfee noprefent euils) to beatethemfrom their,fnnes : andbend alltheir care how theymay ratherfifer aduerfitie toGodsglorie, then tofleepefcureyinprofperitieto enjoy thepleafuresoffnnefirafeafin. For they knowGodsgracesmullnot beeidle inhis children,butwell byaffliltions. Thusfárre forthe fecondtreatife. Thethird treatifeteachethvs whatbe thefpeciall markesof a righteous man. Herefrfhefheweththattruerighteoufnefedothnot conf/1 ofany inherent qualitie, be it newerfo excellent, but is only by imputation : for theobtainingwhereofa manmuff fiele andfinde him fenaked,and voide ofallrighteoufne , andfullofallvnrighteiufnef, byreafönofthatfinnewhichdwellethinvs. 2. A manmußdefire to leant hísßn,ses, and toefeape the punifhment due ontoth`em. 3. To commithim elfebyfaithvmoChrifi, and trustingin him and in hisafufficient merits for hisfull reconciliation with God. 4. LA manthus iuflfedand reconciled, is alfofaisaifledtowalke with an vprigheheart before theLord. s. Thisvprightnesis triedby foure (peciallnotes. Firfl,wee mull loue allgoodthings aawellAsone, andhate allfnnesaswellasone : hawing refeli to all Gods Qfal.ii e. commandements.:Yet this rulemayhave f me exceptions (faith he)forwedoenotat the fall know allgood,nor alleuill,muchleffè lonetheone andhatethe other aswee ought :yet let emeryman walkeaccording to that meafüreofgraceand lightreceiaed. For ofthisbe affured,in that mealurewe likeof inne,in that meafiire is hypocrifiein vs. Secondly, wee mutthaueafnglecareto approueourfluesvetoGodhimfe1, and tofet forthhisgloriein weldoingwithouthope ofreward,albeittrouble comevponvsforit. Andhere (faith hee) whereasPharifnicallPap fswhich neuer knewthe true efficient, normatter, nor forme, norendofa good worke, hauein elder ages farre pafi many ofour coldGofpellers, it is a fgne therebe buta few righteous men onearth. vino ifherewee(hallfinde inourflues much rebellion andhypocrifie,yet markeeuer our chiefefl drift inallourallions;foritu one thing todoea thingforhypocrfe,andanother thing mixt withhypocrifie. The third markets euen toproceedeon,inemery graceand inall obedience, not toflayinthebe- ginning,or tofidebacke,when wearegonefomershatforward. Andhereyet Gods children mayboth lingerandfall : buttheym f keandMournefor their lingering;andifthey fall, they take better holdofChrigin anew repentance : andbecaufe bytheirfallthey haue loft muchground, they runne thefaferand cheerefullerin the refloftheir race. Thefourth noteofarighteous man is to louerighteousmanners, and righteous matters,as wellin o- thersasin ourflues r wee muß lone ourfuperiours before vs, tofallow them ;-ourequalise confrrmethem,andto be confirmed by them; ourinfériours toinfiruil them,and to helpe them forward in thenaies ofgodlines.And thusfarce this treatife. Thefourth portionof thisbookecontaineth hisfhort notes ofeleetion. The fift treatife isofacontraet beforemariane. Andhere firft for the commendation ofthis holycontrasthevfeththefeargutnents: I. Thatitfeemeth the light ofna- ture commends it, for that thevery Heathendid like it and appraiseit. z. our blefd prefidents