Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

The Contents. The6. Chapter is ofAnger. F< The7. Chapteris ofAngels. 26 The 8. Chapter is ofBaptifme. ear' . The9. Chapter is ofCouetoufneffè and deftreofriches. 268 Theto Chapteris ofCare,Couetoufnelfe and Contentation. 269 Then. Chapteris ofour general' andfpeciall Calling. 27ò The 12. Chapter is of Conference and wifdome in the gouerntnent of the tongue. 272 The 13. Chapter is of theChurch. 273 The 14. Chapter is oftheConfeffionof finne. 274 The 15. ChapterisofConfcience. 275 The 16. Chapter is of Cenfureandcorrection. 277 The 17. ChapterisofCeremonies; thingsindifferent,andof turning Chriftian libertieinto vnchriftian wantonnes. 278 The 18. Chapter containeth godly meditations concerning Chrifts power a- gainft Sathan,&c. 279 The 19. ChapterisofDeathandludgement. 281 The 2o. Chapter is offhortnesoflife,anda meditationof Death. 284 The 21. ChapterisofDulnes offpirit andof feeling. 287 The 22. Chapter is ofCatechizing andinftructionofyouth. 288 The 23. Chapter is of Examplesand diuersoccafionsof finne. 291 The 24. Chapter isof Examination,andofthegouernment oftheEyes. 296 The25.Chapteris ofexercifes'ofreligionand thecarefullvfeofthemeanes. 298 The 26. Chapter is ofthe gouernmentof theEyes. The 27. Chapter isofFaith,Iuftification,and Feeling. The28. ChapterisofFeare. The 29. Chapter is ofFriendihi ,Familiaritie,Familie, &c. 309 The 3o. Chapter is how toprof tt whenfinnes forfakevs. 311 The 31. Chapter is ofGodlines, and by what meanes we muff drawe neere to God. 314 The 32. ChapterisofGods freegrace,iufticeandmercie. 317 The 33. Chapter is ofGods wrath,iufticeand mercie. 321 The34. Chapteristokeepewatch and wardouerour hearts. 325 The 35. Chapteristowatch narrowlyouer theheart andaffections. 329 The 36. Chapter is of hearing Gods word. 332 The 37. Chapter is of Humilitieand pride. 336 The 38. Chapterisof Hypocrifie and hardnes ofHeart. 339 The 39. Chapter is ofHereticand manycorruptkindesofknowledge,andhow thediuell peftereththe Church with euill teachers. 344 The 4o. Chapter is oftheJudgementsofGod andhisthreatnings.. 346 The 4r. Chapterisofloyandforrow. 348 The 42. Chapteris ofIniuries,offences,and controuerfies. 351 The 43. Chapter isof ludgement andfollic,iudgingand praifing. 355 The 44. Chapter is ofKnowledge and ignorance. 357 The45. ChapterisofMiracles andmeaner. 360 The46. Chapter is of Magiftracieandgouernment. 363 The 47. Chapter is of Matrimonie. 363 The 300 303 08