The Contents. The48. Chapter isof the Miniflerie. The4g. Chapter is oftheMiniflerie. The 5o. Chapter is ofGods promifesand truethofthe word. The 51. Chapter is of Murmuring. The 52. Chapter isof Patiencevnderthe croffe. 367 371 377 385 385 The 53. Chapteris of Predeflination andperfeuerance. 388 The 54. ChapterisofProfperitie and aduerfitie,ofgriefeand temptationsmci. dentto it. 389 The S5. Chapter is of Profperitie. 393 The 56. Chapter isof Prophecie and Preaching. 394 The S7. ChapterisofGods Prouidence. 397 The 58. Chapter isofPrayerand Meditation. 399 The 59. Chapter is ofRepentance. 403 The 6o. Chapter is ofRiches and their abufe. 407 The 61. Chapter isof Sacraments. 410 The 6z. Chapter is ofSinne,andhow to abfleinefrotnthe leaft. 412 The 63. Chapter is ofPhifickeanddiet,fickneffeand health. 417 The 64. Chapter isofSathanspra&ifes,of Schifine,and Securitie. 420 The 65. Chapter isof Parents,educationof Children, &c. 422 The 66. Chapter isofGodsworfhipand religiontrue andfalfe. 424 The 67. ChapterisofRegeneration andSanélification. 427 The 68. Chapter is òf theSabboth. 432 The 69. Chapter is ofthankefgiuing,andrighrvfcofthe creatures. 436 The 7o. Chapter is of Temptation. t ` 437 The 71. Chapter is ofTrueth& errors,finceritie and contempt ofthe word.44o The7z. Chapter is ofWitchcraft andvnbeleefe. The 73. Chapter is. ofthe Word of God,and of the confirmationof it by wonders. 446 The 74. Chapter isofgoodworkesandour obedienceto the word: 450 The 75. Chapter isof Zeale. 452 Thethirdand laflpart bath thefèTreatife.r following. The 1. Treatife isofthe Refurreclion. 462 The z. Treatife is ofan examination before and aftertheLords Supper. 474 The 3. Treatife is ofGodsFeare. 481 The 4. Treatifeisof Hypocrifie. 487 The 5.Treatife conraineth anroo.graue Counfels ordiuiueAphorifines. 491 The 6. Treatifeis'of Anger, 498 The 7. Treatife is ofBleffedneffe. 5o1 The 8. Treatifeisof Failing. 504 The 9. Treatife is alarge Comment containing verycomfortable andfrpitfull meditations on the119. Pfalme. 509 8'S