Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

144 eiffixeet comfort ccs, to makeamurmuring : and withfurious ftormesof temptations toterrifie vs endow confciences, albeit they neuer flingys. Wherefore if Sathan charge our confcicnccs with (inne ( if wee can feele the things a little beforementioned, inour conlciences )let vs bid him noncell vswhatwe haue been, but what we would be. Forlochwee are byimputation, at rrebein itffeiïion, andhe is nowno inner, nha for tbelouehe beareth to righteoufnet,weald6e !tote. no inner. Stich aswebesndefire andpurpofe,fich we6e in reckoningand accountwith God, who ggiueththat truedefireandholy purpofe to nonebut to hischildren whomhe iaffifieth. Neithervn- ddoubtedly can theguilrines of fin breake the peaceof our conlcience,feeingitisthe work of anotherwho hath commendedvs asrighteous beforeGod, and fauedvs. It mutt in- deedbee confeffedl, that ourowneworks will doe nothing inthe matterof iuftification, which fromChrift, and inChrift is freely given unto vs: it mutt be graunted , that inour (clues we areweaker, then thatwe canrefilt the leaft finne, fo fameoffis it, thatwecan en- counter with thelaw, fin, death, hell,and Satan : andyet inChrift weare morethen con. querorsouerthem all. When thelaw accufeth theebecaufethouhaft not obferued it,fend into Chrift, and fay ; thereisa man that hash fulfilledthe law : tohim I cleaue,he bathful- filledit for me, and bath giucn the fulfillingof it vnto me; I hauenothingto dowith thee, I haueanother law which ftriketh thee downe , mien the law of libertie , which through Chrift bath fetme free. For myconfciencewhich henceforth ferueththe law of grace, isa Rotrtaon. gloriousPrince totriumph ouer thee. If finnecaneand would haue theeby thethrote, fveresabot fend it to Chrift,and fay ; asmuch as thoumayftdo againft him, fomuch right thoufhalt and fonein haueagaintt me. Fori am inhim, and he inmewherefore (O fin)Iamrighteous through teneptationt. my Chrift,whichis become fin, to freeme which hauebeen a condemned (inner. Ifdeath creepe vpon theeand attempt todeuoure chee,fayveto it;Chrift bathouercotne thee,and openedveto me the gates of euerlafling lifeahou wouldeft bauekilled himwith the fling of fin, but thefamebeing of no force, thy purpofe(O death)hachfailed, and hebeingnty life,is becomethy death. If Satan fummon thee to anfwere for thy debts, fend.him allo to Chrift, and fay , that the wife is not liable, but the husband : enter thineaelion again* Chrift minehusband, & he wil make thee a lufficient anlwer:who then Ilia! condemnevs? or whatIudge(ball daunt vs? fichGod is ourludge andacquited vs? and Chrift was con- demned, and iuftifieth vs? bee is our ludge, that willethnot thedeath; he is our man of law, who to excufevs, fuffered himfelfcto beaccufed for vs. Ogluttonoushell, where is thydefence ? O cruelfin,where.isthytyrannouspower?Oraueningdeaèh,where isthy bloodie fling?.Ocuring lion,why doeft thou fretand fume? Chrift my Law fighteth againft thee,O law, and ismy hbertie : Sin againft thee, O fin , and is my rtghteoufiteffe: Chriftagsinft thee O diuel, and is my Saiaiour:Deathagainft thee O death,and is mylife. Thoudidft defire topane myway to theburning lake of the damned:but contrary to thy will, thouart conflrained to lift vptheladder whereby Imuff alccnd into thenew Icrufa- 1em. Wherefore ifwefhallfindeour feiuesforf akenofGod ,foasweperceiuenothingbut matterof defpaire,letvs flithold our owne;and in thecet caintie ofour faith frayour felues, fich Chrift is giuén vs of God, that hemight extinguifh finne, triumph ouerthe law, van- quiff" death,óuercome the diuell,and defroyhell,for our oncly comfort and confolat;on. Geed/1m. But peraduecurefome; willlay,my faithisweake and cold,andmy conlcicnce is as afla- ming lampe andburning fornace : Ifeare theLordwill hill parfue me with his wráthfull indignation : Thou doeft well tofeare, butfearcandaim not. For feare which fubdueth the fecurttie of the flefhis inall, molt regoifite, inthat the weakerwe are inour felues,theftronger weare inGod. But that feare is dangerous, which hindered). the certaintieoffaith,in that it incourageth our enemiemore fiercely to let vpon vs; whenwe(comminginto thecampe)willcafe away ourarmour cfpeeially which fhoulde defend vs.Comfort thy felfe,theLordwill not quenchthe finoking flaxe, nor breake the brinedreede, he lookethnot on thequantity but on the quality ofour faith. For asagood mother dothnot reieet herchildebecaufethroughTome infirmity it isweake, feeble, and not able to goealone, but rather doth pitieand lúpporte it haft peraduenturc it lhould Gedara fa- fall,and recompenfeththat withmore motherly affection, which in her child is wantinfg rarer pitietbvt. by occafion; in like mauer the Lord Godourmoil stations father dothnot ca Vs of,