Jr o anof edconirence. 145 becaufe throught our imperfeaions we are vnable orafraid todrawneerer tothe throne Godas afa- ofgrace, but rather'pitiech vs, and feeing vs a farre offdefrrotjsto comevnto him,meeteth ther pitiethvs. vs bythe way,andby grace and ftrength ofhis ownehand, diretteth ourIleppes vnto bis kingdome. And as bewhich freely purpofeth toglue a.wedgeofgold, willnot withdratve simile. his giftbecaufe the handof himthat ihould receiueit, is weake, troubledwith thegout, rallèy,or leproße, fo that by any meanes, though in great weakenes, hebeable to isolde lt: even fo the Lordparpofing in freemerde to Inflow onvs an immortall weightofglo- ry, Will not dcpriue vsof it, though many filthy blemilhes haue polluted and weakened ourfaith, fo thatin any finallmeafurewe beable totake holdeofhispromifes ; neither are we tolookefor the perfe&ion offaith, becaufe we neuer beleeueas we ought; but rather on thatwhich the Gofpell offered)andgiueth, and on Gods mercie and peace inChrilt : inwhofe lapif we canlay,our headswithSaint Iohn, thenwe are in feticide,fecuritie, and i perfea quietnes.Contrartwilètherebefome,who(noewithftandingthat a tormented con- fcience is a flinging Serpent, that it were much better that allthe creatures rolè vp againit vs, euery (ise bringingtheir bane ; then once to come before thedreadful) face ofGod) are foblockifh that they arewholly refoluedinto hardnes. If they bepricked with fieknes, someutterly theycriealas; ifthey be pinched with pouerrie, they can complaine: but as for thetor- ÿrá 8iens meatofmindethey cannot skill ofit : Andeuen to talkeofa brufed, contrite and broken ofmsnd, heart,is aLangelanguage. Forproofewhereof our confciences ire rocked alleept, fo that notone amongst athouland knoweth,whatit is to bepeenedandharrowed with therake ofGods judgements.Butblefìèdarethey that to their ownefaluation feele thisintheir bo- dies, whilettfinne maybe bothpunilhedand purged. For though.God (pare vs for a time, yet weknowwhat hekeepeth for our end. Wherefore i is the belt forvs to conne to the Lord in this lifewith a troubled minde,least we tarrietill the Lordhaue lockedvs vp with the beaniefetters ofdefperation, when he thanfommon.vsto thebarreof his judgement rbeflak ofthe inthe fight ofhis Angels, and impanellingrile great inquelt of his Saintsagainft vs, (hall .irkedwhich denounce our fearefull and final) lèntence of eternall condemnation, for we fee many f cro ,,et[oor thathaue been careleffeand hauemadegood cheare alltheir life long,.yea, and wheninert haue laboured to make them teelethe judgementsofGod, theyhaue turnedallto mocke- ry, but wholeiolity the Lord bath foabated whenthey drawetowards death, thatin ftead ofrettingand fporting(whereunto theyhad.been given) theyhaue felt theterror ofdeath, hell, and damnation, and lapping vp their ioyes in final) defseration, haue forced out cuttings againfttheir fikhiepleafures. Whereforeifwe in the tempelt of ourtemptations will faitea right courfe, neither fhrinking nor flippinginto the golfe ofdefperation, nei- ther battering our barke againitthe rockeofprelumptiou ; let vs ina contrite fpiritcrie vntotheLord: Hone metricopon me, healemy foule, forThane finnedaping thee, forgive all mineiniquities, andheale amine infirmities. Thou healefi thofethat arebroken inheart and bindefl op theirfoams: why arethan cá/i domemyfoule, andwhyart thou d:fquietedwithin me, smiteon God,for l wil! etggiuehim shames, he is myprefnt helpe,andmy God. Tet myfoulekeepe thouReneebefore God, ofhim commethmyfalnation,he ismyflrength, therefore Ifballnot much bemooed. His mightines is enough to gore -me courage, yea and Ihall beeuen when Iasp forlorn, I knowthat thediminifhing ofmy body, goods, friends, or anyother thing is a callingofme to that which neuer than diminilh nor decay, I beleeuethat my Lordand My God allurethmedaily thither ; that I might notdoubt that when my body is laid in thegraue, andthere confumed as it were to nothing, yet norwithftanding myfoule re- flingin the bufome of theLord, than retorne vnto meand flsallrife toglory : euen asit (refting in thislif,in themerciesofChrift)did rifetograce: verilyI fee,and that with ioy, that my lieusinuit gee to decay: for looke whatfrefhnes foeuer was snit, it diminifhed Howtofpeake day byday. And I neede not gocfarre to feeke for death, for Ifeele not fo final! an infir- ourowne mitie inmy body,but the fame is unto mea meffenger ofdillolution. Yetfor all thisI shall beorrsüt aj- fee myGod,andwhen I am couered in the belly of thegraue with mouldes, Iamallured, ßsEtsons. that he will reach me Isis hand to liftme vpagaine to the beauty of his inheritance : lo that thishasall cottageand fliedofleaues, being brought to thegraue, fhahl becaned into an incorruptibletabernacle.Thuscommuningwithour owne hearts, and being (tillin the O peace