a right-eon' man. +9' But the te{limoniesof Scriptures which affirme that all our righteoufnelfeis as a defiled loath,andthat wee are not abletoaniwere oneofathoufand,&c. and alto the finnes of thofe whointheword arecounted righteous,do proue thecontrarie : for Abrahamfinned z.Pet.i: after he had beenpronounced righteous, indiffrufting Gods prouiden re, in going invn- to hismaide, in lyinghimfelfe, and caufinghis wife to finne : foLorin departing fromA- braham, towhomthe couenant was made,and without a iuffcaufe,in being loth todepart fromSodome;in lying withhis daughters:foDauid,lob,Zacharie,Noe,Peter,& thePubli- Hcb.r. can finned, who were all iuffifiedby faith,as Abrahamwas, who beleeuedin him. Luke s. Some as a mcane betweene thefe, do magnifie the righteoufnes which is by faith with- Rom.4. out works, butin the meant while hue vngodly : but thefe haueimagined a kind of righ- 3 teoufnes common to thediffolute Proteftants,which fhall betterbedifcouered, when it is fetdowne what a righteous man is. .Truerighteoufnes is by imputation : for the obtainingwhereof, we muff firft feeleand acknowledge our felues voydof all righteoufnes, and full ofall vnrighteoufnes, byrea- Ionof our fins. And this caufed.Pau1to count all hisformerrighteoulnelfe asdoung. Secondly, that we feeling theweight of our finnes, delire to kaue them, andbe freed pfafm.3, from thepunifhrnent due vnto them. Maah.u.z8: Thirdly, that by faith we thevntoChriff, feekingto haue hisrighteoufnes imputed vn. Phk.;a, tovs,and our finnesnot imputed , but cleane forgmen vs. So wasthe Publican , andA- lion.}. braham: fo is Chrift tent aMediatonrvntovs, whenwe arewounded, by the fword of the Phil ;.z.. word. Now, althoughbeing thus iuftified in Chrilf,theredoyet finneremaine in vs : for Heb.4. all that it mull not raigne in our mortall bodies : but we nmftdoe the worke of ourfather Gen.r7. Abraham, welkii á in vprightnesof heart before the.Lorde , as it was required of Abra- ham: inwhich fence Dauid faith , Inwbofefpiritthere is no guile : as if bee fhóuld fay, his Pfal.3a.and frnnesdid ffdlremain,if hewalkednot uprightly. This vprightnes of heartmaybetry- ,&sand 4. ed by foure fpeciall notes : fir$, that we loue all good thingesas well asone, and hate all fins aswell as one,and that both in our feluesand others : fo thatalthoughwe cannot per- forme all, yetwee will hauerefpeti onto ailthe commandements, Pfaline 119.6. Whereof S. lameSgiueth amienwhen hefaith, that hechar commandedthe one,commanded the other: sum.s. whereby hedifeouereththe hypocrifieof thole , which had religionin refpehf ofperfons, on TOhaue rßh P f and fach is thereligion ofPapifts, and of the Familyof loue. er our. Such was thereligionof Herod, and of the young man that wouldfollow Chrift : but when the one was reproued of his whoredome, and the other bidden fell all thathee had,they would beDilèiplesno longer,although beforethey would do many thingsglad- ly, andbegreat profeffors. t¡e 5earred Such isthe hate ofmanyProteffants,who witcondemnwhoredoine,,and yet be cone- Pa Pror,tnre rous,yea they will doe greatthings, butwill not be brought to glorifieGod in theircal- liugs : whichfheweth their religion to bevaine,and theirheartes fullof hypocrifie. And yetthis rule may haue exceptions : for weedoe neither know allgood nor all euill at the firff,much lefteloue the one andhate theother,aswe ought:yea,we feemany finnes which asyet weecannot come out ofas wee fhould. Againe,theremaybe fnnes offrailtie, al- though notofprefumption : but yet if weebe not grieued for thefe, and difpleafed with our felnes, whenby one weareouertaken,andhate finne,and loue goodnellà,when the Lord dothreueile it ynto vs;wckeepean euil conlcience, and our corruptionMallbe dif cowered :for in that meafurewe like of fin , inthat meafure is hypocrifiein vs : and if the oftnerwe finne themore we be grieued, itis a ligne ofvprightneflè, and then is hope ro recouerthefall , for thisworketh a care and ftrife to cone out of finne, and at the lalf a recouerie: but inthe hypocrite contrarie. Thefecond note is,that wehaue a tingle care to pleafe and glorifie God in all ourdo, setondrwtc ings,and toapproue our felues vntohimwithout hope of reward, though troubledoe ofarighreoxs comeuponvs fork,and that onely becaufe wee would pleafeGodand glorifiehisName, man. andfor thefaincaufe efchue euill. The want of this caufed Chrih to reproue the Scribes and Pharifeesrfor faffingand prayer, becaufe they did it to befeeneofmen. Thewant hereof'condemneth thePapas 0 3 and