cfl treat/eoftheSabbath. í63 where it is called a *Ggne,itis meanta document ; andnot a ligure ( for eueryfigureisà'xoorhesab- figne,but curry liigne is nor a figure)aswemay feein theSacrainents,which arenot figures barb isCalled or iibadowes of thingsto come : fothat, in thatthe Lord faith , MySabbath is a fip'ebe-ááa &m monomeandyou,,it is as muchin effeá, asif he fhould lay : my Sabbath is a common in- sod nota fe- ftruaion betweene you and me ; ofme, as the Creator, Redeemer,andSanetifier;ofyou pre. as created, redeemed,and lanefified :fochatthe Sabboth is a document and pledgeof Gods Adam átfo in will, whereby we fhou!dknow, whatlice is vetovs, and wherein weeMould learnewhat Cherieof rife wefhoulddotohim. Inwhich refpe& this commandementisnomore ceremonia ll then fhetreene,aót the firlt, tvhere theLordpropolideth what heistovs,&fecretlyinclludeth what wefhóuld forsbareJt- be to him. No mainel! then though this be the principal! ende, whichwasnot begunto gore. theIewes, but firft inioyned to AdamaridEsse. Wherefore we may thusreafonboth fafe- " lyand loundly:' Whatfoeuer is the firltende, is the chiefett ende : butto fanetifie theSab- " both is thefiriiend, becaute it wasordained fo toAdam in time of his innocencie,at what " time it couldnotbee s figure, becaufc by theiudgement of all found learned, whereof I " have read tome, there wereno figures vntil fnneCaine into theworld, fromwhichour Pa- 1\`" fg"ame tell rents wereyet free : but a meane tokeepe them in innocencie, in that notwithflanding i themorad. their excellent creation, they were'fubie.& to falling : therefore this end mutt be the chic- felL This wasnotonelygiuen tothe polteritie of Abraham,but to thewhole pot}critic of the Sabboth Adam e and therefore it was notproperro the lewes, being firft begun in Paradice, and 7,7:47,i., p err. then afterward renewed in mount Sinai. So that thismoral] ende was the firft ende, and tieof'Abra- common ende : and alrhóugh asthe Iewes had a more fpeciallcaufe of worfhippiagGod, ham but ofA inthat theyhad receiueda more peculiar deliuerance,lwhen they could haue no rest in E- dam gypt, theyon this day/did remember theirrelt : yetneuertheletfe this was not the end, but ratherareafon why they did keepetheSabboth: aswemay feealtoExod.23,Ia .where the Lord coaunandetle thefeuenthday to relt, addingas areafon, notas an end, thatthine are and thine affemayret, and the f oneofthy maide and thefranoermay berefre(bed.. Wherethis (paringof the beastsisaddedasa reafon drawne from that humanitie, winch is in thelaw, not as a thing for this fpeciall ende in thisprecept commanded , which is proper rather to thefixt commandement,and but acceffary vnto this. For whichcaufethisceremoniebe- ingbut accelfary, cannot take away the principali, and beingthe latter, it cannot take a -e eb°ti leher waythe former. It is nogood reafon, that theacceffarie beingtaken away, the principal! God from Mouldalto beabrogated : but ratheron the contrarie, the accelfarieretnoued, the princi- man, as the pall mayremaine,the appertinancebeingpart,the more general fubftance may continue: carteofithe andthough thelatterbedifanniled, the former maybevnabolifhed, Wherefore though mera/ilamar the ceremoniallend whichwas but an and addedafterwardas a thin eculiarmnfrom , g p i r an, as tb¢ ce to the levees, is gone with them,to whom this law was made : yet the motall ende which remoniall dotm' was the principall, andfiritgiuen outasa thinggenerall to all , appertaineth trill visto vs. the tetefrom *Lattly,whatfoeuer feueretheitherGodfromman,orman frontman, the fatnessábroga- that eLite, ted : the lawmorall,is freefrom all ceremonies,and through Chrift requireth nothing but throgatéd. a fincere, though not a perfea obedience, as beingvoidof allrigour, and exempted from The morad tan the curie,therefore the lawmoral( is not abrogated. Fornothing isdilanulled, but theri- beosgmadeose gout and cuteof the law, which made a diuorcement betweene God and man and the goadlrieud& ceremonieof the law, which madea feparation betweene man andman,that is, betweene guide inand the lew and the Gentile, aswe may ather,ColofLz.and Galat. Wherefore we affirme dote lepa , $ 4 > rlorh oatfepa- that as it was peculiar to the levees,as concerningtheir deliverance, that endof theSab- ratero from both is ceafed : but as it is common to vs with them , and all othersto bepreferued in the God, nor from meanes of trueworflttp, the Sabbothis to beobferued : fo that not the do6trine.and fin- man teaes or cere obedienceof the Sabboth *but thecueleofthelawandrigorous kee in of the ah-areis hrifle' r . p g are inCbri/t: both is abrogated. When one thinghathdiuersendes,if one thingberemoued, the other ergoitisnot may remain e For as the Sacramentsin thetimeof the law had two ends : fore- abrogated. Phew that Chrilt I] iouldcome, theother to alfure them,Whatthey fisould haue in Chrilt V'hatis ab- whenhe came: and inthat they didforefhewChriltto come theyaregone ;as theyau- red vswhatwehaueinChrift, theyremaineftïllwith vs. And as for one example wemaytSPamceraofm' sehnetr lain fee inciseSacrament of Circumcifioutwo ends ; theonea ligne ofthecircumcifion ofthe hadtvvo eno , P 4 fleíIt