Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

e % tveatJ ofthe Sabboth. 17t slfotolooke for theeffe5't without v ling of the mcanes, isfooli(i prefutnption. Where- fore weatfirme, and that from the mouth of theLord by hisholy Prophet, that to tell in fa (ling and in die Sabboth, .an outward meane is of no value, being feparated from good workes , the iflùeand thceffc$t of the farne , thatif we would , God fhonld be tnerchfull to vs , wefiould_aho thewour fcluesmercifull to others. So then the Lorde taketl not here away the one, but iheweth the one to bee fruitle Ire without the other , and is fo farne from taking awaythe Sabboth , that rather hee goeth about to info{me their in the true vieof the Sabboth. The meaning therefore titheProplrst hisworde,is this :1f thou wilt not reftin the bare ceremonieof thyholid ayes , batwiltdo thy holy feruice to me, and ditties of love to thybrethren : then hhalt thou {beta thy !elk to taketruepleafure inGod and his svorllaip. Where weemull learnefoto delight our leluesuvida the cneanesofour f.altiacion, thatfacing wee canbut inpart giueour 1 elucs unto them in. the weeke daycs,we Mouldgreatly reioycewhen the Sabboth day commcth,contraryto thepi.a6tifè'ofthe peo- pieinArOroshis time, whowould fay, Amos8.ç. whenwill themesernorietbbegoríe, thatwee may fell come ? and the Sabboth thaen°emay jetforth kheare; acid ma e tbeEphah /mall, and risefbbe1¿el groat, and J-al</ie the,dcceit? Whereforewee.-conelude; thathere is not the-abrogating, but thi pureccl;braang of the Sabboth, evlr.'civ appearetlaby efrieet,wlrén it draweth vs neerer to God, andcaulthvs to take greater*afore in his waves. There retnayneth that, which isrfai.66 3 And frommoneehtomaned, ,andfromSabo- bath to Sabboth !had all ftefhcone to wortldp beforeme, faith the Lord. Where is is f aid, from tin, ofofy Sabbath toSabboth, bchoid(faythey) (here islet downe ácontinual! Sabboth tobe ohfer- 66. =3. ued emery day in tthekingdome of Chrilt , and therefore there oshght not to bee one pre- fcript day onelyúhehe whole wecke. But the reafonismoft weàke, and contained] a:na- nifcft ablürditie. Forif eueryday:(hould belt Sabbeth,7andWe itithe Sabboth arecons- maunded to doe no mapntrof worke ; when thouId wee trauell is: our ordinariecallings, whereuntotheLorde híús{eifebath permittedvs fixe dayes? Thus wee feethe fixe doves of our ordinary callings fhould bee pulled away. If they fay, that a man may followhis calling, and yet evorfhipGod fufficiently,andas beco:ntneth the holy Sabboth, thenthey mull grant,that-wemay doe our ordinarie workes on theSabbath, as an they fufpeeT the Lord of want ofwifedome. But ifwee Mould looke narrowly into theft. wens hues, wee lhouldfin de,that whiled theycrie out to keepecurry day aSabboth, they in trueth in the meane time obferue no Sabboth at all. Betides,usthat there necdeth one particular day wholy to be given to theLord, it is certaine, that the deareltchildrenof God , whovon the otherdayes redeeire timeto Godsworlhip, earnefllydelire this. Now concerning the ceit lelfe, which they feememuch to tnifconftrue,weemull: vtt- derltand two things. Fir/I, it is not fiinpiietobetaken,but in tise way of coniparifon: fe- condly, it is meant of thekingdomeóf glorie, and of the fecond commirgof Chrif. In theway ofcompanion it is vnderftood thus : that the people of God fihould not content themfeluesto worihiphim onthe Sabboth onely,hut alto to the otherfixe dayes it Mould besassfallfor them to haue holy aßèmblies and Chrifitan meetings : which though they now fihoulel doebut inpart, by reafon of theirordinarie callings,hereafter they fhould do it both continually andperfeelly in thekingdome of beaten. Which thingwas performed even of theApoilles, who,-although theyobferued one fòlemne day yethad they their godly ailemblies for holy caercileson other dayesalfo. True ir is,that theFamily of loue pretendsa /hewof the kingdome of God in this life by rilingfrom (in,fay ing,thatst e here fit inheanenlyplaces. Butthefcriptures in this cafe fpeake of the beginning, not of the conftunmationof God hischildren in glorie. For in this life ivepoftefle, but in hope that, whichperfeétly wee llhallenjoy. Weebee hereadmitted but into the`enerieofthis king- dome, wee here take vp our hold,we receyueour deedes,our leale and euidence.aregi urn vs in thisworld toaflùre vs, that hereafter wee (hall have the full fruition andperfebh pof- fetîìon. Wherefore anotherProphet faith,lerem.31,37:74. This/a/lbee theconesusotthat IJhallmake v,ith the houfeofIfra.el. After thoodales; fa.yththe Lord, Iwillpastmy lawintheir inward parts, 6-e. ;4. And them fall teach nomore everymanhis nei hboxr anderaerieman his brother, faytng , I IZaaúe the Lorde : for they Iliad all krrowe »nee from, the leaf( of them to the