172 elltreatofthe:.Sabboth. thegreatef faith the Land. Whereweemay fee., that though the full accornplifhinentof ourglorie and knowledgeisinheauen: yettrue it is, that here it is bgonne, and Ihallbe ntíhed hereafter, whenwe íhai petfcIyknowGod , whom nowweeknow butin part, and as it were in a mirrour. For euery one, as'it is ebr.s. t a. concerning thefe times, fhouldbe able through God hisfpirite to teach others according to that calling , wherin the Lord bath placed him. And asthat placeteacheth not,thatallfhould beDoélors,but that there fhouldbe knowledge in all,though ingreatermealure in Come : foour Prophet meaneth not, that eueryday (hould be a Sabbath, but that Chrilliansin euery dayof the weeke fhould prouide for the worfhipof God in Caine meafure , thoughmore fullyand morefolemnely on theSabboth. Sowe fee the force of thisrobe in theway of a comps_ rifon, that Chrifîians fhould not fatisfie themfelues concerning the Worfbip of God with theSabboth ì but that alto, as their callingwould permit , they JhouldwerJhipfrom Sabboth to Sabboth. As forthe leeond anfwere : to'proueagainfl the maintainers of a continual) Sabbath, that thisplace is ineautof the Church trïuniphant, and not of the Church militant , it Arnie forthe- fhall eafilyappeare,if we confider diligently what goetb before,and what eommethafter: interpretation whichrule is vvorthilisto be followed in liftingont the true fenfe ofElie places in theScrip- of scripturr. tures. Now intlsevetfegoing before,mention se rndeófthenewheauens,and thenew earth : wherebyhemeanetlr not the hrlt appearingof Chrift in humilitie, buthis fecond comming inglorie , as may appeare, a:Pet.3.r 3 . where the Apofle repeateth the fante words, laying,Wee lookefor new bemires , and a new earth, according to hispromife,wherein dwelleth righteoufneffe,.Surely iftheProphet had meant this to hauebeets in Chrilt inscom. wing in the 9efh, it:smolt like it Shouldhaue been in the flourifhing eftate of the Church andglorious timesof the Apoftles : but that itWas notfo,it is manifell by theApofllehis ownewords Wee loohe fornewheauens, &c. In the verte following , theProphet fpeaketh of tIseworte that (hallnot die, hodof the fire that t fhall not bequenched: whichvn- doisbtediy is visderitoodof the bets , whereintothe wicked (hall becafl at the lath iudge- mentday, asmay begathered by our SaúiourChriflhiswords, Mark.9.43.44 where he makethmention of hell , Wherethe wormedyeth not, andthe firemiser-goerh our. Wherefore by the preinifes and fequele,we conclude with the learned,thatthe Sabboth here mentio- ned, tuft bekept in thekingdosneofheauen. And therefore their continuali Sabbotly which they fhould hauein this life, is a deuife oftheirovine brain, andnotgatheredout of this place. And thus muchof the reafons,whichfeemedtoproue the Sabbothceremo- niall, taken out of the prefcript wordesof the oldeTeflainent. As for thatwhichwee al- leadged outof Ezecbielchap.ao.it is alreadieanfiveredfa(bciently in confutingtheir firlt reafon,whichwas drawne out of Eacodt3s. 4nfwerero Now it remainetliiii liketaniser to confider of theirarguments, which theytake out theirargu- of thenew Teftament,and that eyther out of the hiftorie of Clirift,orfront thewritingsof ments,taken hisholyApoilles. And becaufe the forre Euangeliftes agree in one harmonie, wee will 7eftam the new briefly reduce all their reafons into oneor two principaliplaces, namely ,Mattb. is.t,i, .Andzük. ea. 3,4, 5, 6,7, 8,Mark.z.2.7.InMatth.ta.itislaid: At that time Jefas wentona Sabbath day. iris faid,Sa- throughthe come, and his Difciples wereanhungred, and beganto pluck!the. earesofcorneand barum fecun- toeat. a. ilndwhen thePhanfees fawn, they fayd unto him, Beholde, thy Difcipleedòethat doprimum : fo which isnotlawful!ro doe vpon theSabboth. 3. But bee Paidonto them; Hasse yeenotreadwhat it /eemetb then Desoid didwhen bee was anbunged , and they that were with him? Howheeentred into the is vnderftood y 4' ofa ceremoni- houleof Godand eate thefhewebread, which was not lawful)forhim to ease, neytherfor them alt, and not of whichwerewithhim,boor onlyforthe Priefes? 5. Or baueyee notread in theLas' haw that on a morállSab- the Sabboth dares , the Brief'sin theTemple brake the Sabboth and'areblameleffe? 6. But!fey both. antsyou , that here isone greater then theTemple. 7. Whereforeif ye knewwhat thisis, Iwill haue mercie , and notfact+( ice ,yeewould not have condemned the innocents. 8. For theSonne of manis Londe, exam of the Sabbath. The occafion of thisdoálrineof Chrift is, that lice going abroad to preach with his Difciples, they for hunger pulled the cares of come. Hereof arole by the Pharifees this Conerouerfie, whoaccufedtbe Difciples for cranel- lingua theSabboth day, as though tliey had done aworke on the Sabboth, whichwas not