Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

treatifeoftheSabboth. r73 not lawfull bee done , becaufe the Lawe fayde, that no man "Mould trauaile on that day. OurSauiour Chrift hearing this accufation, defended, hisDifciples.: whereof fome Theexamina- conclude, that our Sauiour here abrogated the Sabboth. But what couldthey hauefor- tienbfatatth. gedmore vntrue ?. For if, as they may he now had abrogated the Sabboth, then our Saui- n.yz. ourOdadid not obey euery partof the ceremonies vnto death : which to affirme , let them tellthedangerof it. Nay ratheraccording to thejudgement of the better learned we affirme,that Chrifl is fo farre off from(peakingagainit the Sabboth in this place , that he fettethdownc thepure obferuationof thefameagamit them , who peruerfely andvn- truelydid judgeof it. Andherewe fee the Pharifesdealevery cunningly with them. For theymight as well haue accufed the Difciplesof theft, asof breaking the Sabboth , had they not knowne , that as thelawpemritted a man togoe into the vineyardfor togather grapes , fo hecariednoeluftersaway : fo they tofatisfietheir hunger , aught prefentlyeat of the earesof corne, carying none away with them. Howbeit , they couldmotfee , that this their trauell was not like their ordinary traaellingon theother dayes , and that it was agreeable to the Sabboth, the lawpermitting a Sabboth dayes iourney. Thisforecuri- ASabboth outly haue defined to bethe (paceof a mile, fome two, fome threemiles : vntowhomas I dba journey, doenot demie the libertie of theirjudgement, fo I thinke it toconfilt of that diftance, asa man conueniently may trauell for fomeholiepurpofe, without any hinderanceoftheor- dinarieexercifeof that day, andwithout wearifomnes eyther tobodie or minde,whereby he fhouldbethevnficter fortheLords worfhip,or hisdutres.And therefore that dwelt but fo far from Icrufalem , that they might on that day conueniently go to the facriflces, and retorne home without any ofthe formerhinderances,made a Sabbothdayes journey. And now in ourtimesa manmay lawfullygoe fo farce for the more comfortable or holy vfe of theday in hearing: fothat neither Isisbodiebewearied , nor any due time of hea- ringbepretertnitted, and thatwithout prejudice or breach of the Lordsday. Wherefore feeingourSauiour Chrift andhis Difciples trauelled to foholyanende, and no further thenby a Sabboth dayes Tourneywas lawful!, the ende of theiourney, which ought to meafure thisand hikeanions , proueth, thathereintherewas no breach of the Sabboth. Neither is it likely that thePhariles reproued and controlled the Dilciplesfor trauelling, lèeing euen they theinfelues with were companions in theiourney, but rather they did itfor their pluckingthecares of corne: whereby they. fhewed, that the ceremonieof refting wasnot the chiefething in theSabboth , asnow adaies foinedoethinke. Well, it is moltprobable,that theDifciples beinggone farrefrom the place,fromwhencethey did let out,( becaufeif they had then fainted ; theywould therehalm recreated themfelucs) and farcediltant from any place , where they mightBate ( for if they had been neereany place, theymight rather hauerefrefhed theinfelues with other things, thenwith corne) theythrough fainting and for wantof other neceffaries, were conftrained to fatisfie their prefent neceffrciewith thefe things,whichif theyhadnotdone,they fhouldnothaue beets able to perfrlt in their calling,which was agreeable to the Sabboth : the workes whereof didneuerretiraine fromeating, which notwithftanding they mightas iul'dyhaue repre- hendedinthe Difciplen, as their plucking of the taresof corne. The arguments where- byChrifl Bothanfwere them, maybriefly be referredto flue heads. The fitft is let downe inthefe Words,verf.;. Hnuey esee beardwhat Dassiidid, wbtshewas an bu,ttred , andthey that werewithbim? 4. How becowedinto tbehoufeof God, ate thefheme bread>which was not L:wfnll forhen'eseare, neitherfor rhemwhicbwere with him, but onely for thePries? Behold he1peakethhereof theccremonieof flrewe bread, which wasbroken for the preferuation ofmens lines : whereby he fheweth, that ceremonies as a thing of helfeimportance, muff giue place for lifes fake. So that this is fpoken ofthe end,becaufe the thingwhich isforbid- den for a commonend,is not broken for a particular vfe.Wherefore ifDodd& his com- pany dideat ofthe fhewe bread to lerne their necelGtie,&thatwithout breachofthe law, how muchmore maymy difcipleseat thecares ofcorne,to enable them the inoreto attend vpon titeordinance of God It is arulein the ciuillaw,thatitisagainitciuilitie toogree- ddie tohunt after the lullabiesof their Maximes, and too carelefiy tonegleót & pretermit the truefenfeofthe law. Inwhich thingour Sauiour trapped) thePharifees,whowere too feuere