ftreatfof theSßbboth. 177 thegabboth,and bring in thepure vfe theieof exercifingthe works of loue. Now,if@Ire outward reft of the day had been-the chiefeftthingtherein, asthe Pharifes then dreamed, andmany now adayes haue thought : then howwould Chrift haue done thefethings,who wastodoe and fulfill allthings commaunded inthemorall law, and left nothing undone in any one tot ofthe ceremonial! law, vntill thevileof the Templeof his bodywas rent. Thus we fee howthechiefeende wasmorall,andnoeceremoniall: and asiris inoral!gi uen toall mento further them in the 'manesof theirfàluatien, it isasneedefull for vs, asfor theImes. Againe, Chrift was asked ofnoone queltionmore thenof theSabboth, and in allhis anfweres he rather inueighethagainit theperuerting, theniutendeth the abroga- ringofthe Sabboth. Inlikemanner, hemeaneth nothing lelWe then theabrogating ofthe day inhis apologie againitthe Pharifes : but rather laieth open their folly in prouing to theirfaces, thatthey canal too such for the peruerting of the Sabboth, feeiug they are driven to reprehend that Mothers which they themfelues doe.. The reafon efhis defence intnaateth thus much : Ifye thinke itanholy dutieto cut theflefbof childrenon the Sab- both, becaufe it is done inyour Temple, which otberwifemight feeme a'fpice ofuntrthér andcrueltie : againe,ifye thinke the Temple coinrnaundsthe workeofflaying your beats for facrifice, which being donein the-marketplace were too butcherlike ; then Igive you tovnderftand, that my difciples doe nothingvnbefeeming the Sabboth, folongaslain prefentwith them,who amgreater thenthe Temple. Thethird realms is contained in thefeuenth verfe : Ifyel newwhat this it,l 'i lháue rarer- Thethird rea, cieandnotfacrifice,ye would not haeee condemned theinnocents. Hereour SauionrChi iít,as be-fa. fore hehaddefended his difciples by teltimonies out ofthe law: fo now excufeth them by thewitneflè oftheProphets, and cstetha placeoutofHofea, chap.6.6. as ifhe fhouldfay : What workes loth the Sabboth forbid? aretheynottheworkes ofourordinary calling ? What workes dotlítheSabboth commaund?To facrificeonly?No : but to doetheworkes ofmerciealfo,which is theende ofall our facrifices.Why then feeiug the lawdoth not for- bid theduties of loue to bedone, will ye denie this worke ofmercie tomy difciples, that when the faint, they might not berefi-efhed? That this place'oftheProphet is'thus tobe conftrued, that the Lordwillnot hauefacrifice alone, butmerciewìchall, we mayproue it by other places oftiseScriptures, as1. Cor. 1.17. Chrif lfinemenot tobaptize, but copreach the Gofpell. where the Apoillemeaneth, that he wasnot chieflyand onely lent to baptize, but to preachalío. So that the placeis to bevnderlloode in the way ofcomparifon, that when one ofthethings cannot be conueniently donesvititoue tut other bevndone g then mercie, which is better then facrifice, mutt be preferred, as being the ilfue whither facri- fice is referred. And in thisrefpeh,thoughGtnplyinthemfeluesconfidered , and inrefpe5i ofthe perlons towhom theyareperformed, the fieftable ofthe Law and thedeities there- ofare to be preferred before thefecondtable, and the duties thereof : yetin companion, whenone of thefemuff of neceffrtiebe late undone; becaufe both cannabe'donerobe- tiler: feting theLord molt allowethof our obedience, whenteltimonie thereofis witnef- fed by prabhire to hisSaints, and in the exercifes of lout, we perforniethat intrueth,wiich otherwife we labour forbut by meanes, the Lorddefireth mercie, andnot hlcrilice, and theknowledge of hiswill more thenburnt offerings, Sothat herein the difciplesdoe not onely not breake, but keepe theSabboth. This argument Chriftvfeth, Mark'.'g. where he being reproued, becaufe on theSabboth day he healedthe man that liadawithered hand,raid to his accufers, Is itbawfull to doe so good deede onthe Sabbothday, or to doeeuilf? to famethelife,or tobill?As all'oLuk. t4. whereheon this manneranfweredthe Pharifes,who watchedMin, tvhileft he healed theman whichhad the dropfie : 5. whichofyoúJhall haitc ároaffi,,aranoxefallenintoapit, andwillnotfEraá ghtwáypull himoutontheSabbathdar? Asifhe fhouid lay,wity doe yewatch totakesne in titis thitsg? Willye permit the workesoftner- cie tobedone tobealts, andwill yedenie themto be donetomen ? Why ? will ye lielpe yourbeafts beingin peril!, and may not I helpe this manbeing in filchdangert Howbeit tvemsft here note, thatour Sautour Chrift in'fhewing how in thislaw islxtmanitie to éreatureS, giueth no tot oflibertietoworldly nïen;who under pretence ofthisobedience, leekeratlïer theirowne priva'tegaine in refcuingfrom perils thecreatures, then the glorie 24 of