Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

176 eXtreatifeòfthe - Sabboth. ofalmightieGod, which may redound to him by themorecheerfull and comfortable ter. uiceofthecreaturebeingthusredeemed. Now, ifanyThanhere furtherinquire,whether in feeding time, or theharuet feafon, whenthe times beforehauebeen and dill are liketo bevnfeafonable and vntetnperate, they mayfomewhat on the Sabbothgiuethemfelues to !owing, or gathering oftheircorne:Ianfwere,No. Forit is byfpeciall words expreflely forbidden, Exod.34.2 t . Size dales(haltthou worke,andin thefettenthday thouJhaltrefl: both in taring time, andin the bitrrseffthou 'halt refl. Andfurclyof alltimes labouring inllama! feemethmolt vnlawfull,Firf,ifas Godhis benefits growon vs,we muff growinthankefiil. nes,then reapingatthat time,we ought to rendermoil thankes,andnot tothinke the wor- (hipofoneday fuffrcientin feuen, much leflé tocutit from the Lord inpartor inwhole. Secondly, feeingin theweekegoing before wehave euen wearied both ourowncbodies by labour, andmuchmore the bodies of ourbeats in trauaile: betidesthat in working on the Sabboth,we contemnethe ordinanceof Godmot vnthankefully,which fo well in his law in this cafebath prouided for vs, wedeale toovnnaturally with our felues, and too 3 iniurioully withour cattell. Againe, ifwe on this daymake noconfciencc oftheworship ofGod contemnedby this worldlylabouring; wemaniffetly bewray our wantoffaith in Godsgoodnes, wifedomeand prouidence : as thoughhe eitherwould not preferuethat, whichhithertohe nourifhedoutof theearth : or that he hauingdealt fomercifully in ma- nybenefitsbefore, trould now inonefaile vs : whichvndoubtedlyhewould not doe, did not our leones prouokehim thereunto. Whereforeifto it come to pafi'cfor our finisco, we muff rather inpatience, repentance, andwifedomefirbmit our felues tothepunifhment, then prophanelyand obtinatelytofeekeby fuchmeanestofhakeitoff. True it is, as we hauefaydbefore, thatworkesofnecefhitiebelawfullon the Sabboth : but we muff vnder- hand it ofneceffities prelent, andnotofperils whichare imminent, that is,which arelike to come, but yetarenot come.Forwhenthe danger is prefent,as anhouleis on fire,blood- fhed by realon ofa fray islike fpeedily to be committed ifhelpe be nor, orin fuck like cafes, becaufethe Lord hathas it were cat the remedieuponvs, andput vs inhisowne Stead for minitring of Uelpe,thenmay wevie ourlibertie : butwhen itis to come, andit is tillin the Lordhishand, wesnuff catthe whole remedyupon him, ifthe daunger fall, knowing that heinhis prouidence and merciewill reinoue the rush, or elfe infending it will punifh ourfumes, But toreturne from this to that, from which we a little digreffed, the reafon of Chrit herevfed is yet prelfedfurther,Luk.13.r5.wherehe anfwereth themater ofthe Synagogue, who had indignationat himfor healingon the Sabboth, H)pocrite, dothnot each one ofyou entheSabbothdayloofehisoxe,orhisaffefromthe/lall,andleadehimaway tothewaterf 16.And oughtnot thisdaughterofAbraham, whomSatan hadboundforeighteeneyeerer, beloofedfrom rhosbond on theSabbathday?That is,will yewater yourcattell onthe Sabboth, which thing yourRabbins thinkenot vnlawfull : andthinke yethat Ibreake the Sabboth for helping a faithful( beleeuer? Is not this rather hypocrifieio you, then anynew doEtrine in me ? But herefomewill obie&: Clsriff might isauedone thi ticeday after to the woman, whoinfo fhort a time wouldno more haveperilhed, then the,oxr,ifhehadnot been led to thewa- ter vntill the day following. Tothis I anfwere, as the workes which we doe to God his creaturesdoe not fightwiththe keepingof theSabboth, becaufein refpeEtthatcattell by not attendingon them, would bemadedeffeprofitabletoGod hisglorie, though thereby they fhould notvtterlyperifh : fo in ref-pea thatthis woman fhouldhaueremained more vnficfor Godhisglorie, &diekeepingoftheSabboth,if the had notbinhelped,although it maybetie fhould not vtterly haueperifhed, this workeofour Sauiour Chritwas no-. thingagaint theSabboth, henot feekinghis owne glorieand profit, but theglorie ofhis father,and the profitofanother. The fourthrea- Now followeth the fourth reafonin the 8.verfe : TheSonneofman is Lordeatenofthe fon. both: That is, God the Father makingthe Sabboth is the Lordofthe fame: theSonne man is equallwith theFatber, thereforethe Sonneof man is anLordofthe Sabboth. A- gaine,as the Lordmadea law for man, butnone for himfelfe : fo ye aretoo prefumptaou; mthe prefeneeof the Lord to contramydifciples. For, ifI beingthe law-maker, gmea 1peciaU Tropbaning thesabbetb irz haring how great a:pine. Two¢indrof necefritK.