e treatìfeof Sabboth. 177 fperiall priuiiedge omy difciples,as indeede Imay doe, vrgingthelaw,where t lift, and difpenfine in the law to fame, as I pink , is it then meete that yoä mouldcenfure them, whom IJoe priuilcdge? Wherefore feeing it is Ithat haue appointed the Sabboth, and therefore belt know who keepeit,andwho breakeit, Igive youto vnderftand, thatchide men, whomye falfelyaccule, becaufeye know not the pure keeping nor breaking of the Sabbath, liase not brokenit. Sufferme then, I prayyou, beingLordofmineowneordi- nance,to difpoleof it,as belt feemethto me. The Sfr argument may beborowed from thefecond ofMark.verf.2 7.the words where- Thehft rug.", dareOde: TheSabboth wasmade forman, andnot man for the Sabbath. Many thinke this west reafon to make muchfor theirpurpole: but they aredecetuedin theirowne ignorance.For, faith Chritt, this is the-eanfewhy my difciples hauenot refted fo much, as yethinkethey Mould hauedone; the Sabboth, thatis,the reif, was madefor mans goodand comfort,and `not man forthereftalone, but for the fan&ifyitigof theSabboth : fothat albeitthey haue not for tomegoodcaufe obferued the reit, which muff glueplaceto the profit andcdmmo- ditie ofnian,yet hauethey not brokenthe fan&ification ofthe day, which chiefly is requi- red ofthem, inthat, ifthey had not eaten this corne, theyhad fainted, and fo Isaac been madevnfitfor the hallowingof thefame. We lay,meatewas made for man,that is,for the reliefe, lnftenance,and comfort of man, not man for the meare, to wit, for theeating and confuming ofineate:butthat in enioying the comfort ofGodhis creatures,he might praire the:Lord themore freely. Neither can any maxihereofiuftlygather, that therefore on this dayhe may fil hìintelfe with 'locate as he lufteth:becaufe thatwererather tovnable,then to enable him tokeepe holy theSabboth. Againe, we fay in likemanner, thatlabour, that is, the connnoditie that commeth by labour,was madefor man, not man for the labour, but for the glorie of God, which by labour in his lawfull callinghe'maygaine to the Lord. Wherefore feeing the refi was appointed oncly but asmeancs,witereby manmay themore fitlyfan&ifie the Sabboth, andthe difciples didBate this corne, that they might be the fit- terthereunto, itismanifetl theydid not violate thefan&ifyingof the Sabboth. &fides, though no mancan fay,thattheSacramentsare figuratiue: yet heSacraments weremade for man, not manfor the Sacraments, that is, for thebare vieoftheelements : although it tnuft modes begraunted, that tovfe theword and Sacraments inpurenes and holinesfor thefsrtlier ftrengtheningof ourfaith, is one of thechiefeft and moft principall dutiesof . man. Howbeit in refpe& they bebuttneanes,and are toglue place tothe end,to the which they are ordained, I am perfwaded, thatthough the congregationwere buhe eitherin hearing the word preached, or inreceming theSacraments miniftred: yet ifanhoule be- ing on firewere in lout to be helped, the former a&ions wereto glueplace tothe latter. For wemade A61.2o. to. where Pad being occupied in preaching, and elpying a yoong man, who was ina dead (lope, ,fallen downe dead, made no confcience to crafefront fpeaking,to got dowse to lay hirnfelfevponthe yoongman,and toimbrace him,vntill his (pirrt returned into him, and afterward went vp agame and continued his preaching. Wherefore in all therereasons we may fee how Chriil did thew vntothe Iewes, that they peruerfly did (land in the ceremonie, and did not abrogate the Sabboth. Here then is a faro contrarieargumentto that, whichthere men affirme. For feting our SauiourChrift mightin oneword have Mewedit to bea ceremonies ifbe had purpofed any fuelsthing, and not banefoamplified the matter, we leehe ratherfpeaketh againft their fuperftitious opinion and abufeacheSabboth,thenaffirtneth anyfuck thing,as thelemen doe furmife. To thele former reafons wemayaddethat, which is Matth.t4.ao. Pray that yorsr1lightbe ThefistargrP norin the minter, neither Olathe Sabbath day. This,fay they, lhewetb,that the perfecutronof west Iersi(alesiMould be by fo much themore gricuous to theIewes, ifit fell on theSabboth, becaufe then st was not lawful( forthem to fife : fo thatif they ftayed,theywerelike to lofe their huesbyfalling into the hands of their enemies : ifthey tied, they mouldbreake the LawofGod,and lò become fübie& tothepunilhment thereof.ßut this was nothing in the purpofe of our Sauiour Chrift, who therefore forewarned themtopray, thatthe deftrttc- tioia of thecitie Mouldnot fall on the Sabboth, becaufe then it would be themoregrit -. unospunifhment veto them, when$ehdes the hauockeof their ownebodies,they Mould fee