Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

178 e1treatife of the Sabboth. fee the glorie of God thrutt through the fides, theTemple polluted, the worfhipofGod prophaned,the wordofGod blafphemed,and the Sabboth ofthe Lorddefiled: The truth whereofappearethin this, that troubles andthe time oftheir vifitationhould come vpon them,when theSabboth fhould notbecerernoniall, as nowit was, when Chrift fpakevn- to them,butatfuch time, asmen fhouldworthip God in Ipirit and trueth, without all (ha. dowes and figures, when Chrift ihould be attended into heauen, as in deedeut came to paffe. So that this fhould increaféthe griefcof fo manyas fincerely worfhippedtheLord, thatwhen they ihould reioyce in the holyworthip of God, they Mould monroe and ha-. tnentfor the enemies horrible blafpheming the nameof God, and that when they fhould fìngthepraifesof God, theywould fighand houle to fee the opendefpiteof Godandhis truetli. In refpeét of which miferable calamities, our Saniour Chrilt forefhewetlr the wofull efface that fhould bee in thofe dayes, of themwhich were with cl:ilde, andgate fucke. For.though the fru toof the wombe and multiplying of children, in refpeó} of . themfelues,were the good bleffings of God;yetthe eftate of thofe tunes Mould be todam. - gerous, hatcuco the bleffingsof God fhould beturned to çurfes,and the children, which otlierwife were a comfort veto them, fhould now increafe their trouble, dilèomfort and Borrow.. Wherefore it is certaine,thatChrilt neitherment,thát euery day fhould be alike; for thenhe would not diltinetlyham pointedat this day : neitherdid he thinke it to bea eerenonie,becaufehe knowing the time when ceremoniesfhould ceafe; would hauebeen fo farre off fromnouriíhing then in their fuperftition, that beingtheProphet of God, ha would inthis,as inother things,rather teach themthepurevfe nfthe Sabboth. ofwere to Thus hauingfpoken of tholeplaces inthe Gcfpell, which might ferme.tomake againit places taken the Sabboth, now let vs fpeake of thole places in the epittlesOf the Apofties, thatwe oaroftbea- .may fee whether they contarne any found trueth for their purpofe, howfoeaer they be piffles, thought to haue tome holdein thew. Thefeallegations areeither out of theepifles of Paul, orthe epil'tlesto the Hebrues ouSt ofthe epiltlesofPaul, whichhewroteto theRo- mans, tothe Galathians, or to theCololiìans, Theplace which theybring out of theepi. fUe to due Romanes is in the t4.chap.vtrft. Him thatioweakern thefaith receiuevntoyou, butnot for controuerfes ofd f utations. a. One beleeueth that he may rateof allthings: anti anotherwhich is weake,- eatethherbes. 3. Let not him that eateth, del rfe himthateateth not: and let net him which eateth not, fudgehim thateateth: for God bathreceiuedhim. 4. who artthou that condemaeff another mansferment ? beflandethorfalleth tohisownemafier:yea, he fballbeeflablifhed:for Godis able to makehimfíand. p. Thismaneffeemeth onedayabase another day,andanotherman counteth emerydayaliké: let awryman befully perfwaded in hisminde. 6.He that obferúeth the day, obferuethit to íheLord : andhe thatobferttethnot theday, obferueth itnot to theLord,thc. In this failverfethey wouldgather,that a manmight makechoke ofdayes as hewill,and as in a thingindiffcrent.And lone learned expoutors afñrme,thattheApo- ftle in this chapter intreateth of things¡ which in their ovine nature are indifferent: and therefore hereweare to vfe diemin loue.AsIgrant thistobe the generalfcopeoftheplace, fo I deny it to be the principali end. Forasthe Apofilefpeaketh ofthings indifferent,lohe alto fpeakech ofthings notindifferent.And this wefhall fee, ifwe confider of theTaff verfe ofthe chaptergoing before, and ofthe firltof the chapter following. Thusoiswritten, chap.r3. ver.t4. PutyeontheLordlefuwChrifl,andtakeno thoughtfortheflefhtofulfill theWit Theexpofities ofit.Theeffeawhereof is thusrauch,if it be comparedwith thehilt verteofthechapter fol- affiam.i4.r.f. lowing. Although yehaue put on Clrritt,andtruelyknow himby hisword : yet ifanother man profeffing the fame Chrift with you, bathnot attained tothe like rnealureofknow- ledge and the lame proportionof faith, which ye haue, Iwould ye ihould not iudge hint for hiswickednes anymore, thenye would lie ihould iudgeyou foryourffrength t but rather bearing withhis infirmitie, which in time may bet changed to a more perfeâ ftrength, labourby all meanes'towrnne him to foundriesof iudgeurent.Wherefore inthat hefaith: Himthat isweake infaith, receiue vntoyou: he meanech themthat are nor eftabli- fhedinthedoariueofthe Gofpell, not them that are weakein a ceremonie, orin things. indifferent: fo that ifanybe foundweake in thedoarineof Chriftianitie,Imeane in tome point ofitsandyet befound in all otherthings, they fhouldnot befurther intanglcdwith intricate