18 . dtreati1of theSabboth. metaphoricall,then is the fenfe borowed and metaphorical!. Now alluCons are not fo much for the proofe and confirmationof thematter, asfor theamplifying and illullrating ofthe fame. For example, x:Corinth. i 3. i.the Apo(tle faith : This is the third timeRonne yntoyou. Wherewemuttvnderftand, how the Apoftle had beenwith them once inbodily prefence,and twice wrote vntochem,and yet hee (aith,this is thethird timeRomevntoyou.. He alludeth then to this,as ye fee, O Corinthians, in the law,that two or three witneffes were (officientto confirme the good , and condemne the euill : foI hale been withyou thrice,which is fulftciert to confirme thefaitholdie godly,and toleaue theungodlywith. out excufe. Againe, Rom.'o.ifhwereade, Bait ldemaund,Haste they not heard?No doubt theirfoundwettt out throughout all theearth,andtheir words into the ends'of theworld. Here we feethe Apoftle alluded' to that Pfal. r 9.4.which is meant of the day and the night. This is then the allufion,As the dayand thenight fpread ouer thewhole world,fo the Apoftles werePent topreach ouer thewhole world. Againe,Galat.4.Paul alluded'to Agarand Sa. rah,inwhich placehe fheweth,that as inAbrahamsfamilie was the image both ofthe true Churchandìnalignant Church, theone perlecutedof the other : fo like fhould be the e- ftateofthe Church continually euenvntothe end. Inlike manner the author to theHe. bruesvfeth an allufion, that asGod refted the feuenth day from the workesof thecrea. tion : fowealfo fhould refs from the workesnot offinne, as thefe men would baueit, but of our calling. For this Adam(hoof(' fohauedone, thoughhee had not Isnned,and there- fore it is notmeant ofreftingfrom frnne.Thus weefee,where the ChriftianBee gathereth honey,tliere the heretical!Spiderfucketh poyfon, who affrrmeth,that in this lifethey reá from finne,and here theyhaue their heauen. And thus much for thofereafons,which are outoftheverywords oftheScripture :now oftheis argu- ofthole arguments which are drawne by confequenceoutofthe Scripture. Their mains meets drawn: reafon is this,which deceiuethmany: Thatwhich isgraffed in mansnature,whereof the Gen- by confequence tiles were not ionorant, andwhich continueth to the i¿in dome ofChri/iát hisfecond commie ,rs out ofthe moralI: and that whichwas not natural, vnknowne to the Gentiles, andhailed but unto thefrft Scripture. 1dammingofChrfi,war ceremonial!: butfilchwas theSabboth,therefore theSabbath is aceremo- TheSabbath nie,and not amoralprecept. I anfwereGrit, that naturaliand moral!, which they snakeall vrknowneto tine,tnuft not beconfounded. .True itis,that our firftparents badthe lawof God written theGentiles, in theirhearts,before it was promulgated in the mount: whereunto,as weePaid, thesere- go,ceremo- 'monies (feruingas rudiments for a time,and as appertinances) ofthe law were adioyned. ral And albeitthe morall law be the explainingof thenaturall law : yet it dottinot follow, dnaturaaturau thatthatwhich is in the morall law,isno more then that which is in the naturall law. We ¡avvdi er. know our11th fatherAdasn,befides thelaw ofnature,lsad tise Sabboth in expreilè words giurnhim : and although liehad thegreat bookes of Godsworkes, yet beehad theWord and Sacraments alto : both whichwere without hisnature, and had them not in hisowne nature.So thethingshere fpokenrenew that which wasgiuen,beldes that whichhee had by the law of nature. The Gentiles then can no more by the light-of nature fee the true Sabbothof the Lord,and the timewherein lire will be,worfhipped,than the puremeatus and mannerwhichthe Lordhath appoynted for his worfhip : andtherefore both Papsib, Heretikesand Gentiles,are aswell deceived by ignorance inthis obferuationof the fourth Commandement, as they be in thefècond. AgameI mayanfwere, that infame manner boththefecond{' and fourth Commandementsare engraffed in mans nature. Fornever anywere found fo prophane,which would notgraunt that God oughtto beeworfhipped, and that not onely inwardly but outwardly alto by meanes. And theGentilesby thein- ltindì of nature would acknowledge,that as there wasa God to be worfhipped, fo there fhouldbefometime which fhould be faqueftred fromother bufines,and fhould bebeflo- wed on matters concerning thewor(hip ofGod. But todifcernearightwhat these meanes be,wherewith the Lordwill befettled, and what this time is which the Lord will haue for his honour, the Heathen were fo farre off, that how many nations fo manyheads, how many heads fo many kindes ofreligion. The Gentiles, whole vaine traditions werebut difordered imitations of Mofes lawes, which they had heard of, had indeede their holie daies,which not beingvied in faithby realon of their ignoranceof thdword,couldno- thing