Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

186 treat f oftheSabboth. God,theydid it forthe auoyding of fuperftition,wherewiththe Iewes had infeaed it. A gaine,as theIewes vled theocher day, which is the raft day of the wecke, becaufe it was the daywherein theLord madeall things perfe6: fo the Apoftleschanged it into theday ofChrift hisrefiirreftion,whowas thebeginner of the newworld, onwhich daywee re- cejoeda more full fruiteandpoflefon of all the benefits in Chrift his conception,birth, 3 life and death. &fides, this was the firlt day of the creating of the world, wherein the y Lord drew light out, ofdarknes. Laftly,theholy Ghoft is faid-on thisday tocome downe 4Jßecia¢vfetpon the holyApoltles. So thatthis day doth fitly put vsinmindeofour creation robee afthe Lords thankful( to God the Father,ofour redemption to be thankful( to God theSonne,andof bay titremetn- ber our fariaificati be thankful' God the holy Gholt. benefits. rent onto to y Now ifanycan alleadgemore effeótuall orsquall reafonsvoto thefe,heemay alterthe Change ofthe day,fo it bewith thecontent ofthe Church. Whereforetheequine of the law remaining, kg.. it is not abrogated. Circumcifion,aswehauefhewed ,isconlderedtwomannerofwaies, eitheras theefeale of faith,Rom.4.or asa figne ofthat circumcifion , which wee haue in- Chrift madewithout hands. In this manner confidered it is ceafed,as it is a Peale of faith itremaineth,ndt the fame in forme and manner,but thefame in effeft. Foralthough= haue not thefame helpe ofour faith,yet we hone a helper TheIewes had Sacramentsmoe in number,butwe more excellent infignification. Thoaghwe bauenot manySacraments and holydaies, yet wee haue twoSacraments,and oneday more effeetGall, than all they were whichthe Iewes had.We feetherefore' in trueth no reafon as yet, whywefhould not obferue theSabboth asmoral!. oftbeobfe ua Thus hailingconfirmed thedoarine oftheSabbothby the holy Scriptures,and proued ton ofthesab- that there isamoral(vfe of the fame,aswellfor vsas for theIewes ; and having anfwered both, all thecontrarieobie&ions,thatnught feeme toMake againft thisdoárine : it follòweth -- nowaccordingto our firft diunion, thatwee fhould fpeakeoftheobferuationofthe Sah- both it felfe,fliewing howit is kept,andwherein it is broken. For both click areexprefled in the Commandement :' wherein is fet downe the aHrmatiue, to teach how tokeepeit; and thenegatiue, to Thewhowwee breakeit. Fir&thenwee will thew,how the Sabboth oughtto bekept :then afterwardwe will declare how is is broken. Where is is laid inthe beginningoftheprecept,Remembetykeepeholies and in the end thereof,theLord hallowed theSabbath o-fo that it is not limply laid, Rememberto pteepe : but,tokeepehalie: neitheris it Pimply mentioned,that theLorddeft the feuenth day, but bleffedthefeuenth dayandhal- xow the saó- lowedit. Hereby is infnuated voto vs,that in this daywee fhould growinroue towards both is truly God,and tender affétion toour brethren,weare taught thatthenwee keepe the Sabboth kept.; aright,whenwee vfe it to that end for which itwasordained, thatis,when wee vfein it (as wehaue before Ihewed)tho(e exercifes, wherebywemay beethe more lanóRifiediandGod Note. themoreglorifiedboth on this,and in theother daies oftheweeke.Thefe exercifesbefuck asare either private or publike.Thepubhke exercilesare twiceattheleaf} to be vied eue- ry Sabboth,and they be thefe. Firftthe word read and preached : then prayers feruently made with thankelgiuing, tingingof Plalmes, reuerend adusiniftraaons of the Sacra- ments. 7 Reading and And firft for thereading and preaching of the word '. wee reade, Nehem.8.8.Ànd they preatbina read inthiebooke ofthe LasofGoddiieoWy, end etue thefenfe,and tailed them to vnderfiand thereading. ADO we may feethis in the praétrle oldieApoftles;Ab}. i 3.verfaf, And after the lefiureoftheLaw andProphets, the rulers of theSynagoguelent vato them,fayinq, Te men and brethren,ifye haue any word ofexhortationfor thepeople,far on. And as the Mmilters did reade.and preachthe word,foit was the prabile of the Churchto !care, asEccleL4. verf. t y. Takebeede to thyfoote, when thou entrefi into the houfe of God, and bemore neereta heare, then togive thefatrefice offooles. And it is laid, Nehem.8.3. The tares ofall thepeople hearkenedvnto the books ofthe Law.And concerning praying, thankigiuing, and ringing, the Prophet ofGod vleth a vehement exhortation totheChurch,Plal.9z, s. Come (faith he) let vs reioyce veto the Lord: let vsfno aloude to the rockeof ourfalitation. z.Let vicome before hisfucewithpraife:let vslinglaudevale himwith Pfalmet.And Pfal.6p. r.OGad,pritifo waitethfor thee in Sion,&c. Now