Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

treátìfeofìheSahhoth. IS7 Now for the Sacramentsgenerally wearreo marke,that asin thetimeofthe law thefa- crifices were moftvfedon theSabboth day:fo our Sacraments fucceedingthe facrifices are then molt tobefrequented.As for the flipperoftheLord,it appearetlr A61.18. 1.Cor. i t. ( asitfeemeth) that it was adminiftredeuery Lords day; although now adaies the mini- Tbegreatiguo- fcers may not todoe,for the great ignorance andcarnali fecuritieofpeople.For theaduni- raneeandcar- niftration of Baptifine,alehough there be no expreflr places ofthe fcriprures (hewing the nail jecuritie praEtifeofit on thisday : yet there are many good reafons agreeableto theword, whicis ofthe people willproue the fame. Firft,we know Circumcifionwas vfed,on that day, and thereforemrßobemore Baptifinewhich is come into the place of Circumcifion , is to be vfed on the Sabboth wary, how we day. Againe,Baptifine is a publike abtion offaith,wliereby amember is to be receiued in- admitto the to theChurch, and thereforethe praiers ofthe wholecongregation ought to bemade for sacrarnentr. it : allmuff. be herebyput in minde ofthe benefits which they haue reaped by Baptifine, z and fo Make adoubleprofit oftheir prefcnce hereat. saprijme. Nowfecingolde and young, men andWomen ,mafters andferuants, fathers and chil- dren,cannot fo generally and conueniently meeteon the weeke dales, by reafon of their callings, asthey can on the Lords day, their bufnes fet apart : it leemeth by good reafon that theSabboth is theficcelt day forthis Sacrament. Agame, if the Lord in his infinite wifedone $ goodnes commandedCircumcifronto be viedon the eightday, both for the auoyding of fuperftition,if any tied the graceof God tothe outwardlgne; asalfofor a fuflïcienttime, wherein the childrenmight gather fumeftrengtbto the curtingoff of their fleth;why wereit not athing requifite,thatBaptifinefhould bedeferred to the Lordsday, Children dying both fortheremouing oftheirfupeftitious opinion,who thinke the children dying vnbap- beforebapn ¡rte tized tobebut damned ; and alfo for the better enabling of the child to be dipped in the water,according tothe ancient mannerand pure nature of Baptifine?Wherefore for tiiefe caufesBaptifinecannot bedenied to be a publike dutieof the Sabboth. Concerning pri- vateexercifes on the Sabboth,they areeither goingbefore thepublike,or foilowingafter, T inateexec. orcommingbetweene. The duties going before are either inexamining ourfelues,orIlir- tie-s es the -ringvpofourfelues.The examinationofourfelues cöfiftethpartly inlürueying ourefface sebbotb. paft,andpartly in conGderingofour prefnt condition : in lurueying ourefface raft, we are to call towinde either what finsthe weckebefore we haue committed , to the more humblingofour feines in prayer: or wemat remember,what graces ofGod in our looks, what benefitsof God on our felues orin our friends we haue receiued, to thebetter pro-.Preparation to uokingof our feines to thankfgiwng : in confuderingofour prefent condition, we are to objernation of examinehowweftand affeEted,whatmeafure of faith, repentance&godlines is in vs : if thesabboth there beany ipecialwant oroccafionofpublike praier,wemnft crauethe prayer oldiePa ftor &congregation :ifany peculiarcaufe of afolemnethankfgiuingbe offered,wemutt giue thepreacher & people word of it :as alfoif there be occafionof tome wanr,we are to _pray-for theminffter,that his mouthmay be opened, to makefomeJsappy & holy lupply, by the ofit.How requifite thisexamination is, our ciuili pracéifes may declare. We fee wothily thriuingrnen,ifnoteuery day,yetat the leaff once in the weekethey !earth their bookes,cafttheiraccounts,conferre with their gainetheirexpe_nces,and make eoen reckonings,wherebythey may feewhether they haue gained, or whethertheyhaue loft, -whether they are before hand or comefhort : and (hallnotwe much more, if not once a day, which wereexpedient, yet oncein the wecke at die leaft, call our felues to a recko- wing,examiningwhat path gone fróvs, what bathcotne.towards vs, howwe haue gone forwardingodly proceedings,orhowwehauegone backward,thatifwehaueholy increa- Examination; fes,wemaygiue thankesand glorie to God ; if we come thort, wee-muff humble our felues, and endeuour the wecke following , totrauaile with our (clues the more ear- neftly to recoure our former lode. This examination had, weeare further to there vp our felues beforewe come tothe publikeexercifes. This confitteli in reading, medita- . tingandpraying, wherebywemayprovokeafpirituallappetitethemorehungeriy ,defi_ Nonpoltienti roufly,and louingiy torefort to thecongregation. Hownece8àriediis is the long andwo- theçburcb. full experienceof nonproficients inthefchoole of Chrift,dothlamentably fliew.Forwhat is the caufe. why in thepraiers ofthe Churchwe fo little profit ? what caufeth the word . __ . _ It 4 to