188 cX treatifeofthe Sabboth. tobeof fo frnall power withvs?whereofcommeth itthat the Sacramentsareoffuch fléu, der accountwithvs?Is it not becaufe wedraw mere to theLord withvncatechifed hearts, andvncircumcifed cares, withoutpreparedaffefitions, and vnfchooled fenfes : fo that we comevnto and depart from thehouleof God with nomore profit, then we get at flage- plaies,where delighting our eyesandeares forawhilewith the viewofthepageants,after- wardwe vainely depart ? Ifwe atany time arc to entertaine fomefpeciall friendorfiaiely gueftes, it is ciuilitie to auoideall things noyfome, and toprocure all thingshandfome in ourhoufes: and fhall we notthinke it Chriftiantie at fuch timesas the Lorde hathmade fpeciallproínifeto vifit vs, and to becomeour friendlygueft, to purgethe loathfoine af- fefihons of theheart, anddifp'ofe our foulesinfume holy order for his entertainement? Are wee fo diligenttoprefent our felues on the Sabboth in our beft attire, becaufe then welimit come before thewholecögregation: andihalwebe negligentto attire our foules, feeing weeare to appeare beforeGod andhis Angels? Doe wee outwardly profelfe this day tobea more folemne time thenany other day ofthe weeke : and (hall we in insvarde pradlifedenie thefame ? Wherefore in thisholy preparingofour felues, weeare to Simile. rate the wifedome of worldlymen, whohailing a fate to thePrince, or fonie nobleper- fonage, which bath notthat happiefuceelieand ißùe, which washoped for, by and by beginne tocall themfelues toaccount, to cep onfider whir themfelves in what circumftance they failed, wherebylatecircumfpeftly , and leffeaduifedly they.attempted their enter- prife,accufng themfelues of folly, and vnconlderate dealing in their caufe, whereby, as wofull experienceteachetli them, theirrequeft fell to theground., Varo thefe men here- inwe mutt notbevnlike, when in dealingwith the Lord we profit not fomuch byhea. ring,reading,praying,or anyodorpublike exercife,asweefltould: neyther muttwe dicks to reafonwith our felues, and to condemneour feines asfaultie,eyther in omitting (me- thingtobedone, or committingfomethingtobevndone,beforeweaddreffeour feluesto- our publikeduties. Now that tisisexamining and itirringvpofour felues maythebetter bedone, it isre ontheesabbób earelyon theSabboliday.nW (eyongmenwillf rife farelyccorefottomariages, tofea- day. ftings, togoe a maying, to ringing of bels, or fuch like vanities: the Papifles will breake their lleep,thatmore timely they mayhaue their Maffes,andpopifh pradlifes:theheretiker alfo toattende on their vain revelations, will recouer fome tonebyearly rifng:all which are toourfhame,thatforholyandheauenly exercifes,toferue the Lord inIpirit andtruth, will redeeine no time,whereby the Lord hisSabboth may bethe betterfanEtiled: but on the contrary,bybathing our bodies in ourbeds onthat day more then on anyother, as perfwadingour feluestoo greata libertietherein, weemake ita day ofourreft, and not of the Lords refs. The lfraelites arefaidto hone rifenvery earelytotheir idolatrie: theProphets are re- portedtohaue {{retched out their handsbetimes in the morning. Wherefore for flame Oftheone,for the imitatingofthe other,let vs ftirrevp ourfeluessnore catchyon theLora his day, as making theSabboth our delight, Efay.58.wherebywe maybeno leffe careful' toheliowthefrft fruitsof the day and the fweetnesofthe morning in the pure feruice of God,then Idolaters in their idoiatrie, young men in tiseir vanities, worldlymenin their couerou(nes, and heretikesin their herefesvfe to doe. Ifwethus !hall examineour (clues in our times committed,andgifts of God receiued ; ifWe (hallhumbleour felues for the one, andbe thankful)for theother ; ifwe(hall ftuuey:our wants,pray for our paftors,pre- pare our felues, andvfe all thefeexercifes in wifédome, and rifugearely, vnleffe.vpon forme fpeciallcaufe or weaknes, requireth rather our wholy keepingof our beds, then our vprifing, let theexperience oftheafter fruits and good increales of thepublike exercifes Tt cereil safter fpeake, and let triall report, ifthe wordbe notmoreprecsous,onrprayers morepowerful, and between ourreceiuing of the Sacraments more effeftuall, moreprofitable vnro vs. Now concer- thepublike ning chafeexercifes which followafter, or come betweene thole publike meanes,they are either for the increafe of faith and repen ranee tomake the publike means moreprofitable to vs,ortheexereifés ofloueawhereby we mayThew fome fruirof theother. The exercifee.