Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

c,l treatfof the Sabboth. 6.9 of faith and repentance arereading,comparing ofthings heard, examiningand applying them toour felues,praying,thankfgiuing,&meditating. Firft,Ifay,after ourpublikehea- ringwemua privatelygoreour (clues to readingof thole things efpecially,whichwhen we heard,wedid not fuf'ictentlyvnderftand: alit:* to thecomparing ofplace with placeaccor- dingas'theywere alleaged,to the better trial ofthcdoârine receiued,&more eitablifhing. ofourfaith therein. To thisend we muttvfe private praier for a found judgement &pure affeaions,thatthe Lord would vouchfafe toworke that vpon our affeóiions, which in judgementwebane reteiued. Neithermuff we forget to be thankful!, inpraifing of God and fingingofPfalmes for chafe things,whereby we either fee ourknowledge to bebette- red,or ourconleience touched.To thefewe mußt ioyne meditation either about themeans ofour faluation,or about the worksofGod : vpon the meanes,as in accompting with our a ed raison, feiues,whatthings beingread and preached chiefelydid touchand concerne vs,what fpe- ciall feelings,and comforts the Lordgauevsin our praiers,whatincreafeof faith in God his prowifes,andofrepentanceinpurpofinganew life we had in the Sacramentes ,that thuswemaymake a prorateandpeculiar vfe ofthepublikeand general means.About the worksof God partly concerningthofeproprietieswhich are in hunfelfeiáshis mercy, iu- Meditation ftice,wifedome,truth, power and promdence,partly concerninghis creatures, and works concerning pfhishands,whereinhebath left certaine impreflìons and qualitiesneceffarie for our vfe, Gods worger: and profitable for our inftruátion. Forthe former,thepraétifeof theProphet and dutie of all goodprofefiors,Pfa1.9z.doth fufficiently fhew,that it is one fpeciallworke of theSab- both to comend and declare the kindnes ofthe Lord,to rejoiceinthe works ofhis hands,to praile his truth& to thew forthhis rightcoufnes.InwhichPraline 9 man ofGod protefteth thatthe worksofGod are only gloriousto thegodly,&how thevnwife &wicked mi can- notconfider ofGod hisworks,nor difcerne hisiudgements,becaufe theymeafiue theedi- tionofmienby theirprefent eftate,not looking tither. bowGod hat)dealt before,nor con- fideringhow that though the fait!hful feeme towither,& tobe cut downby the wicked,yet theyThal grow again & fiorifitin the Church ofGod,as thecedarsdoe inmount Lebanon. Nowaswith the exercifeofthe word wehauetiefacramëcsto ftrengthen our faith:ft. with the.medicating ofthe workesofGodwe are toltrengthen ourfelueswithahebeholdingof Godhiscrcatares,as the heavensand the fcope,beautie,and continuall courfethereof,and theearth, which fhouldhaue beene all aspleafaunt as thegardenof Eden, if Adamhad continued in his innocencie,wh orewórke asit wasbythe light ofnature to viewthecrea- turesof God,fo allo is it our worke bythe light of Gods grace andholy fpirit to doe the fuse. Tothis endethe Prophcticalllcing,Plal.r9. fetteth dowse the exquifteworke- manfhip,proportion,andornamentsof theheauens,faying, Theheauensdeclare the olorie of God, andthefirmamentJbewetbthe worksof hishands, z. Day vasco day tittereth thefame, andnight vasto night teachetb knowledge. 3. Thereirno f eech norlanguage,mhere their voice is not beard. q. Their lineis goneforththrough all theearth, and their words into theends of the world : in thembathhefeta tabernacleforthe Suine. S. Which commetbforthas a lrideyrome out ofhis chamber,andreioyceth likgámiahiy mango runhisrace.6.His Doingout isfrom the end ofehebeauen,& loiscompaffeis vasto theends ofthefame,andnone so hidFrom the heatthereof. The Prophet Efay.chap.i.z.3 . faith,Heari, O heaueni andhearben,Oearth, &c. The ove knoweth his owner, and theaffebiswaiterscrib : but]frselhathnotknowne: my people bath not vnder$anding. Inwhichplaceweare fchooledof infenliblecreatures, howwe fhould do our dutie voto God. Whereforeit is good to confider,how infxedateswebanehadour onfderhiee heath obedient unto vs,&.how difobedient weare to the Lord. OGod how haue thycrea- obedient in Lures attended onvs, when wee fpake to them, they heardvs, whenwedidwhip them, fxedaiesthe they followed vs,inal ourbufinestheyattendedonvs,&yet weehaue nothitched cachet" kbeas he callingvs by thy word,wehauenotprofited by thychaftifemcnts,norattended. upon thy m andon the. .cómandeecs.Tleftork,faiththe Lord byJeremiah the.prophet,knoweth his uénth howdif- peopleknoweth notule. And experiencemay make vs blufhte lee,how tiie birdsagaintt obedient we be thefonnywinter tan conuey themfeluesvntowarmer clititates vntil the fpring time,and to God. man alone either vnfenfiblyBoth notforefee,or vnaduifedfywill not anoidc theperilous tines to come.. ,To conclude, Match.. t6, z. 3. our Sauiour Chrift reprehended) the folly