tr'e4trfe t f theSabboth. 191 gry,thecloathingofthe naked, the comforting of the diftreli'ed, the bellowing of our goodson thenithat are needie. In the prunitiue Church astheydid every Sabbothreceive the Sacratnenr, fo they laid Co'lle ionrfor} fomethingdowne to thevfe ofthepoore, which they did both togiueTome thankefiili te- the paoreou ftimoniehow theLord cheweekebefore had bleffed then, asalto to fhew fomegodly to- tbcsabbath. ken of their pitietotheir aflli&ed brethren. Concerning theexercifes alone towardsthe creditofour brethren, if we (hall heart of anyfecret reports rending to the difcredite of others, we mutt not onely carefully fuppreffeit, but wifely endeuour to recouer their formercredit. This requireth heauenlywifedomeboth to admonifh the author of coin reports,as alto to fignifie vetothe maneuillfpoken of, whathazard and fhipwrackeof his good nameispretended : yetRill concealingthe perfon, and vrging the report, that ifthe partiebeguilve, hemay theloaner ftepout of his finne, the Lord basing charged loch a To difkraceo, warning peeteagainihhim; or beingguiltletfe,thatbe rather feeketoprofit by the rumor, therebi reports then to purfuethe author. But alas , the finne ofouragebath not onelybrought in the ignorance, andbanithed thepraaife of this Chriftian duetie : but allo which more is, in ftead of healing,wee wound the credit ofothers, and it is liard todifcerne whether there aremoe willing toreport euil,ornotvnwilling toheareeuill reports ofothers Whofeeth, not the common profeflionofour Sabboth to be atable talking and vaine habling of the Oote infirmities ofothers, tolling to and fro the creditof ourbrethren asa tennisball : and this rs not onlyvfedamong bratnficke and vnitable women, whole tongues labour of fame greater infinnitie,but alfoof men,who vndifcreetiy either fee abrocli, ordraw out to the full meafureandpaftineafurethe difcredit of their neighbours ,fo that they are to farce from faluing fetchfores,and flopping fuchbreaclies,chatthey land] deeperand roads fur- ther, then any haue donebefore them. Furthermore, inallthefe exercifesboth publike andprivate,both concerningfaith,and rwa thingsás theduties of loue, both with our feluesandwith others, two things efpeciallyof vs muff there äuaies to beobferued.Firßc,weniußcat nighttrieour hearts,with whattrueth,with what care, and be obferued. withwhatftnceritiewe hauedone thefethings : becaufeas God abhorreth hypocrifie in every thing, fo efpecially liecannotabideit inhis ovine worfhip. Secondly,weare to ex- amine our felues, with what profit eitherto our feluesor to others, withwhat comfort, withwhatinereafeofgood thingswe halmbeeneconuerfant in thefe dueries, that we reit notinthe worke wrought, butthat we may offervp the fruiter of ourholy increate ina goodconfcience to theLord.The & t thingthen isto trauailc withour hartsfor lincerity, becaufethough generally all thecommaundements require Ipirituailobedience, yet thole Sincerát 'án Alt morepeculiarly which immediatlydo bindevs toOur God.Thiswe (hall doe, ifwe do the dune:.y' duties offaith faithfully,theexercifes of repentácecarefully,& the duties bflouelouingly. On thismanner then mayweexpoftulate with our felues:Harh theLords increafeof mer- cy. broughtme a daies increafè of bolines ? howis myknowledge increatèd,tüyaffe&ions touched, my faithftrengthened, myrepentance termed, theloueoftheSaints in mecon- firmed ? Howdid the word prickemy heart ? howwere my affeétions geiicknedbypraier? howmuchwas my faith ftrengthenedinthe Sacraments? 1-lath the Sabbath been our delight ? are wee 'teeter toGod infaith and repentance ? arewee newer our brethren in loueand beneuolence ? arewebetrer affeeted tothegioryofGod?is finnemorègrieuons vntovs,then itbath beene? Bitbe,giueGod theglory inChrift g ifnot,let our leffes mule vs tomakefomgodlyrecouery in time ro come.Tliefethings littlotliought of,is the mule wiryforthe niottpart and ahnoftgenerally weretain theceremoniall vfe of the Sabbath. Nowlet vs confider alittleof thegoodnes of God in giuing fo holy a várietie of good things,theconfideration wherofpartly may !nimblevs,and partlycomfort vs. For in fo &princely vicifíitude,thoughwedomany things, yetfoam duties ,private or pub outward afti helm, with our felues or withothers,may beleft vndone;if.wedo the outward à&ions, essvmtboaa-m wefaile in inwardaffe&ions:and thisought to humblevs,Howbeit,weMayhere alto fuck nor. out tome comfort, tothemore alluring ofvs to thereholy exercifes,. in that though we be weary ofone exercife,wemay refrefh ourfelues withanother; ifwe profitmot by one,we mayprofitby another:foÿifwebealtogether voidofdeliglit,& alwecati not