I9 eft treatife ofthe Sabboth. notbut excufethe Lord,andaccufeour fettles. Forifwecannot thrice inprivate exercifes, wemay gaine bythe publikemeanes;if we can finde nodelightbyour felues,wemayioyne with others ; ifwe cannotprofit by reading, we mayprofit by praying ; ifnot by praying, thenby meditating ; ifnotby meditating, thenby conferring; ifnot by conferring,yet by tinging ; ifnotby tinging, yet by viewingthecreatures of God ; ifnot by thefe, then by teaching, admonillhmg, and vifiting of others if not herein , by faffering our felues tobetaught, adenonifhed and inftruaed ofothers. Wherefore as in a folemne banket s, furnifhedwith diners meates, the weakeft ftomacke not liking one difh, may refrelh Simile. it felfewith another, vnlefle theappetitebe altogethergone : fo in this heavenly varietie the Lord hathprouided, that themat weake may comfort his confcience , if not with ourfpiritualldaintie,yet with another, vnleffeit be fo fickly, that it is altogethergrace- leile, andvoide of hope of recouerie, which the Lord inhis merdekeepe from vs. And thus hauing fhewed what is comrnaunded, let vs goeforward to thofe things which are forbidden. Zion, the5,1b- TheSabboth (wefay) is broken either by general( impediments and lets, whereby the NM is broken. cannot fan&ifie theday :orelfe bytbofe euillfruites, which follow the not keeping ofthe fame. Foras there betwo things cornmaunded,towit,relt,atid fanaificationofthe rtt: fo two thingsare forbidden, namely, labour and trauaile, fo farce aseither they hinder the fanhifyingof theSabboth, and the prophaningof the Sabboth reft. Firftofthe impedi. mentsof lanaifying of the Sabboth,which in their ownenature are indifferent, we mutt know,that as thefurtherancesof this fanaification are commaunded; fo thehiuderances are forbidden: andas reth is fo forre commanded, asmaketh to thefandìifyingofthe day ; rt.hesu fo our workesarenot fimply forbidden,but fofarreforth astheybehinderances to the's°, farce forbid- lyobferuation of thefame. Andtildebe either lawful workes, or lawful( recreations and denon the ppleafüres. And therefore, aswe fay inthe Commaundementgoing before, that all vaine, Sabboth. light,vfuall and accuftomed othesare forbidden, and yetaffirme, thatall fuck othes are conunannded, as are taken vp in the defenceof God hisglorie,our brethrens welfare, or in anyothercafes ofwaight and importartce,whenthe things mutt needes beknown,and otherwifethen by an oth cannot be knowne: fowefay in thisprecept,all vluall affaires on theSabboth are here forbiddcn,andwegrant,that ifthere fall out for theglorieofGod in thepreferuation of his creaturesneceffarilyto'be done, or fò, as they may enable vs the more toany duties oftheSabboth, then theyarenot onely not forbidden, but altomore ftreightly enioyned vs. And therefore as no otherscreepingvnder pretence are allowed, but fuel, asare waightie, likewife wepermitno workes ofpretendednecefltíe, but fuels as inthat theycannot be donethe day before,northeday after, are for theformer confhylera- rions necelfarily required. And whereasthe Lorddothnot onely giue leaueto draw the oxe orthe alle out of theditch to preterite theirliues,butalfo toleude thanto the water to make their lines morecomfortableto them:fo we permitnot onely things needful to the Thedrefng life ofman, but alto risingsconuenient to tise vieand comfort of sisan, as the dreffingof ofineateion conuenientrneats,wlserebyamais maybemademorecheerefullinthedutiesoffandifica- rbesabbòtb. non: fo tIsse both in vflng thenuwe refreih and no oppr Ile our feines, andin preparing themevevfe thetime before, after, orbetweenethe publikeextrcife. But as Codbathper- mittedthis leaue : fo weonour parts are to takeheedethat eve abufenot thishbertie. For when theLord:is fo equail,liberall,and£auourable in grantingand pardoningour necefh- tie,and furthering ourconueniences ; he will notdoubtleffeleaue vnpunifhed thegreedie gaine. feekers,whicbvnder theforge ofnceeflitie,abufetlseirlibertieandhisIiberahtie.The lawfulnesofwhich perinilTion is taught vs byChrii'c himfel fe the faithful interpreterof thelaw,and that notonlyby precept,but by praa_ife. For in that the healed the fcke,and cured the difeafedon theSabboth, allowingthepeople on that day to re fort untohies,he fhewethhow things concerningtheglorieof God are lawful to be done on theSabboth. Andwe fee in that thelawpermittedthe leading of theoxe to thewater,how things con- uenient arenot at that timevnlawfull,fo that they benot abufed,or oucrulcd. Thingsforbid- Thismoderation prefixed,le't vs fife more narrowlythethings that are forbidden. Theft denontbesab- are either the workesofour calling, orlawful(irecreations. The workerbe fuels, as tither !orb. are