eAtreatífi of theSabbotb. arcrnorevitiall in the fixedayes, or beingbut at certainefpeciall times in themonethsor yeers vfedlelie vfnal.Firn concerning the workerhauíng their ordinarycourfein the weeke dayes,asplowing,fowing, vfingof handicrafts, andfilch like, there is noquenion, and the aloftprophane perfonwill not call them intoqueftion,butit is taken asgranted,that thefe workes mull giaeplace to the worfhipofGod,rhat men being freedfrom themmay be the more fanetified. And thefe thingsare flatlyforbidden w the lawand in the Prophets, who would not fuller a burthen tobe called on the Sabboth, by which one worke they did more.fecretlypoint at all the reft.But the words of thiscommandment area f irncient de- monftration ofthis macter.Whofo then makethe Lords day a packing day for his earthly bufines, either in making it a culiouie tohaue theirfèruants follow theircallings,' or tea- 'mile in their affaires, or elkwhen they themfelueswill doethatthat day, which they will notdoe at other times,when in fpirituall difpofingoftheir buGnesthey ;night prouidebet- ter,they are prophaners oftheSabboth,and Thal be fudgedfor contemners ofthis lac..And whatfbener thefe kindes ofprofeffors pretend in word, and brag ofknotvledgeand Chri- ftian libertie, they cloake their fin under religion,and draw thecortaine of Çhriítian pro- feffion tocouer the leudnes oftheir VII cbritttanconuerfation and fo lining asbeans they fhall die asbeans, or worfe then beans, in that they (hallgoe to thelids, when thebeans (hall goe to the earth. It is too too lamentable,that in a Clirinian common-wealth, where Chrilhandnone before Chríft is to bepreferred, wherethefruite offo Manyyreres,reach- ing thisdutie, ought to be íhcwtd : that menasHeathen, who ncoerknew ofthe creation ofheauenand earth byGod, or neuer heardof the redemptionofman by Chrin,orneuer tunedofthe fanhbfyingpower oftheholy Ghon,nor at any timevndernood oftbemyfte- rie oftheTrinitie, Gould makenoconfctence ofthe Sabboth,but onlyvouchfafeit wog- thieofaciuill dutie. But Comewill pretend a more vfuallneceflitie incertaineand peculiar callings,ofwhich as theyfay, nandetha further queilion, as antongtitakers ofcoale, and iron, Heai"dfinen, Sheepheards,Carriers,Drouers, and traffique men,all which indeed haciegreatand labo- rious callings : yet mutt we fay, and hold this,gromid, that in there and like ordinary cal- lings, theordinanceof the Lord doris not hinder the good order ofman, but they are fo Whether itbe fitbordinatcd the oneto theother, as ifwegiveto each ofthem theirtime and their,place, bard forform theworkes of man maybe vfed,and yet theworfhip ofGod preferred:becaule asour cal: callings to lingsferueth to Gods worfhip, foGods worfhipfanbtifeth ourcallings.Tnteit is,thatthe LoipetieSob- Lord requirethnotonly the worfhipofthe Sabboth daÿ,but all() ofotherweek daieieither privatly at thelean,orpublikly, ifourcallings foperunit:and howfoeuer we deny not vn- tothefemen forne larger libertie on the fixedaies,yet theymull notbeextnptedfromthe duties ofthe Sabboth day, which generally is laidspon all men, and efpecially on there men, whole labours as they are themore troublefome and continuali inthe weekedayes, fothey ought the ratherto reifon the Sabboth dayes. And feeingtheywill not dilcharge themfelues of the like graceswith other menconcerning their creation, redeinption,and fanfgification, if they makenot a fupply on the feuenth day for their libertie in the fixe daies, theyare sufersour totise condition of beans: forthe beans on thatdayhauetheir ren,asid they lanenne.Befdes inpretendingfuch excufes, theyopenly bewraytheir waist offpirituall wiflane. For there is no fuch calling: but ifthey were aswife toG ód,asthey are politike in increafing their riches, they could teallow todiuide their times and feafons for theeating oftheir bodies, andrefrefhing oftheir foules on the Sabboth. Andhere men are to be charged with looking to their feruants. Forthe commandement is flat andex- préfTe : essenehouand rhrferrount. It is not fuf$cientformen to come totheChurch them- ofIrritants. felnes,butthey mint bringtheir feruants alfò.The Lord raw howmen would beingenious indeceiving theirowne foules,bynot bringingtheir charges and familieswith themee> the congregation :who notwichnanding being created,redeemedand fandtifled,are as highly indebtedto the worfhipof Godas themaflers.Butletthem not beguile themfelues,for the blood of their foules (hall be required at theirhands, whobeing too lordly and tyrannous gouernours,nrake their fèruants either equall to beafts,orworfe then bealts,caringfor no- thing but for the world, neuer thinking on hell,whereunto theyare battening. S This