Is11 é t'reatifof the Sabboth. ®ffhepheardr, Thislaw doth herealfo attach Sheepheards,and Heardhnen,Bakers andBrewers,whidn heardfinea, kinde of men ifthou haft retained, then art thou charged tobring them to the bodeof e'rrc. prayeras well as thy felfe.For Godhauingmadethemmen,wouldnotthat thou fhouldefE viethem asbeaftsfor thee; neither mull thou abufe his tranaile to makehim like the axe, whereonhe tended).But worldly wifemenwill prouide bychangingof their places, that their bul nes maybedonecheerfully : andwhythen fhould they prouidefor the ivorihip ofGod fo carelefly? Againe,ifSheepheardsand Heardfinen can finde meanes to gotofaires andmarkets, ifthey can picke onetime to goevifit their friends : whymay theynot alfo prouideto hearethe word of God onthe Sabbothday ? Well, benot deceiued, God isnot Bakers and mocked: Looke how aman foweth,fofhallIereape. In fame places Brewers andBakers Brewers. pretend greatneceffitie. Ifítbe fo, then our generallrule permitted) aBerrie, but Yet on this manner : if they cannot difpatch their bufines on the fixe.dayes, they fhould rife be- times onthe Lordsday,that theymaydoe allthey hauetodo with as littleJoffeas may be: andif theymutt needesbegin their worke againft the day nextaftertheSabbath, kt them doeit as latelyin the eueningas they can, that atthe publike exercifes they be not uner- rupted nordrawneatvay.Thus much therforewe (ay, that as weprefcribedin theother cal- íings,fo for milking of kine,making ofbeds, and dreflìngof meates, as for tranailers,Ba- kers and Brewers,that theirbufines,if it beneceflarie,tnùlt be done either early in themor- ning,or latelyin the evening. Mariners There aretwokindesofcalingofmoreddficultie ,theonebyfea,theotherbyland,the. Potts. oneofMariners,the other ofPolts.For men being onthe feas, cannotcorneconueniently to the publikeplaces ofreligion, and in ciuill matters thereare often greatneeeffities and vnknowne to privatemen.Conceraaingthe firft,wefay they areeither in necelfaryaffaires, or they arenot; ifnot, they are to becounted as flat breakers oftheSabbathi ii theybe in their lawfull and callings, the times tnuft befo dinidedi thattheir bodies may beeafed , and their foulesrefrefhed. Howbeit,iftheprefentnece fhitiegrow tobeMorett-. olent,thenholds thegeneralsruleofthingsthat cannotbedone beforeor after. To this we $Kariners. adde,,thac in fame refpedt, becaufetheMariners baue intermiflionsby reafon of their oft changing, there mightbe meanes appointed for the worflsipofGod prmately. For there beviciffnudesof labouring tpent inquaffing, drinking, and lleeping; which leimte they mighthaue as free fortheworfhip ófGod prmately,as any on the land.Befidesthe propor- tion of fixeand feuen obferued, that they may doe (mix one day in feuen, which they íhoulddoe onthe Sabbath it felfe.Forthen theLord accepteth theegnitieofthelaw ,when note. vponnecefiitiewe cannotobferue the prefcript time ofthe law. Furchermore, ;Wien their flipsheat roads andatanker,when theyeitherare frayed by tempeft,or mend theirtack- ling, orwaitelongathauens fortheir traffique, thenwhat tnne bathbefore-been lad,itis notv to be redeemed ; if it benot acche lettimes, yet aswePaid, atfome timesobieruitrg theproportionofthelaw. Tisirdly, iftlaey wereas prudent anheaurnly risings, as pohitskt inearthly, though they cannot foconuententlyhaue accefie to thepublikemeanes, yetin thewhole cotnpanie (for feareofpiratesthey goe for lironger fencemany together) bye generalicontribution theymight silo' a Msnsi'cer amongthem. Againe,conuderingthat theMariners areeither fuch as be ofthe richer fort, or fuck as be of a.meaner condition; mreachersby thatthe richerandmore Az. Minifter inthe ¡hip, but alfo liberally prouide for the worlhip ofGodon the land. Asfor the poorerfort,iftheycannotoffer anoxe,letthem offer atortledoue ,iftheycannotoffer adoue, let themoffer a little finewheate flower: Imean, ifthey cannot prouide agrace preacher,yetat the leaft,they mayprocure fame goodman to reade theholy word ofGod vnto them,todeliver the plaineand pure fenfeof the fcriptures to them,and toheipe them Simile inprayer and ocherholy exercifesof religion. For if theycanin their feuerall flips main- tain a guide skilfullinfeafaring to condufisthean in their nauigations, then by a generall pnrle they may farremore eafrlyfuftaine the charges of a teacher, who in greatdanger mayfirengthen and cotnfortthem,in all eftates may guideand fafegard them to the haven ofheauen. Filthy,- intefpeét that they haue greater bleflingson the feas, receineg reates r