Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

196 treatife ofthe Sabboth. Hovvvve I ofany one.Firft the labour of thefixedayesat that feafonisfogreat ,as men cannotconitea ought more nientlyglue themfelues to theworfhip ofGod eitherpublikely or prmatly, and in thatre- to ob¡e úthe fpeh efpecially in that time they are tomake conference of the Sabboth, wherein they Sabbóthhi mull endeuour tomake Tomegodly fupply for their formerdefebts. Vnder this we may theharae/i, x couch another reafon. Although greatcrpoßeflors hauelarger libertie la the workiof this theyanÿa- calling, yet haue they feruants and cattell, which at harueft time efpecially labour: for. there:meof w, hofegood and cafe teeing the Lordbatisprouidedineuery Sabboth, we Cannot without the }'rare. vninercifulneffe tothecreatures, and the controllingofGod his ordinance, inthefebufie times efpecially,denieourferuants andcattell their reft, becaufetheyhad then molt neede 3 toeeafe on the Sabboth day, when they moft trauaile on theweeke daies, Againe,experi- ence teachethvs,that idleweather in this quarter oftheyeere be more vnlealònable,men are then moltreadieto vnclafpe their hold onGods prouidence bytheir carnaldiffidence. 4 Againeon the other fide,ifthe timesare'more temperate, and thefruites ofthe earthmore abundant,thenwefecurelyhide our hearts in theearth,and tying our affeaions toour en. larged and ful fraught banes, wevomit out our furfettingconceits with the richnian,aiìd fay, Omy fouletake thyreff, thouhafffforeLaidvpformanyyerres : and fo we borieourToules in theabundanceof our increale. But what is it to haue ahandfull ofcorne, and togame therewith a viall ófthe.wrath of God ? Whit dadiithelpe, when the Lordeithertocor- reótour finnes,ormake triall ofoút faith, doth fend foule weather, that a man íhouldblot out the print,and rubout themarke ofGods tvorkewithinch contemptuous difobedience? Oughtwe not rather in fuck a fcarcitie; as the-Lord appointeth by Joel, toerebt anew Sabboth inprayer andfatting, then to pulldotvre the oldSabboth by toy lingand labou- ring,that the Lord teeingour repentance, might ftaythew indowesofheauen,and (urcea- ling from hispunifliment might leaue formebleflingbehinde bun? Nowthereforemake our diffidence,to helpeour impatience, and to correct our couetoufnes, as alto to wttnes our f ubieótion cóthe bielfed,will ofGrill, .the Lord often fendetti this triall in the time of Sünìlt> haruelt. Againe, ifaccording to thelargenesof Cods liberalitiewe-may enlarger= tai- dour, ifas the Lord reaclietb out his benefits tovs, we ought to reachout our obedience vntohim, at what time of theyeere doe men more abundantlyreceioe Godhis mercies thennow ? When theprouidenceof God commeth to the iffue, and groweth toa perfebì accomplihunent, when the earth is readie to trauaile and to bring forth of her bowels, whatfoeuerby the WettingofGod Itbath beforereceiued and concealed, &confequently atwhat timeis requiredotvs a greatermeafure ofthanklèiuing, and whenBoth the Lord more deeply charge vs with a care ofhis worfhip, thenwhen be doth as itwere furcharge vswith the weightof ills benefits ? Ifthen either the commande'ijentof God maybinde vs,ortire.proinife ofGod touchvs, either the coylingofOur, bodies maypiece vs,or thedi- itraótions,ofourminder maymouevs: ifeither the wantsof our tholes 'nay inforce-vs,or the benefits ofGoal rauifh vs,we (hall confeflè,that though at alltunes carefully,yet atthis time of theyeere wolf carefully and1pecially we thould prouide forthe worfhipofGod, the,refrelhiog ofotìrfoules,and the relieucngof our bodies. Bef'des,ifthecallingofiugite, whichforthe worthines of it is more necefary > if the tilling ofground, which is a thing moteneedfull, on this day ftoope ànd furceafe;to giue place to the ofGod; then reaping and carting,for which neither dignitienor nefellitie caniowelbe pretended,'nuff needes ceafe: and better iris that man Arnold reapefomewhat leffe ofhis privategaine, thenéisat fo deepe áwound fhould be ftriken into the fides of Gods publike glorie, and moreconuenientit,is thata fewfhould fmart,then ágreat many fhould be offended. And yet true ¡pis, tiiatoyr axiotneofnece(litie bath it venueas well at this time, as at another.. Doublesurf, Howbeit, I. hope Liieedenot hereput youin inindeof the dittinetionof neceffitie prefcnt fitie. and beteflìtieugminent, theone granted, the other denied. Aprefent neede regnireth prefenthelpe, as an boute beingfired, our aide forthwith is required : for that God in this cafehuh fubordinatedvs ashis Bailrefes and Lieutenants forthe preferuation ofhis ea- tures. But, ifwe prefuppofe and forecaftdangers toçocsse, God niakethmcns doings do- tmgs,and infatuateth their deuifes, for that feeing heopeneth & floated, thewindowes of ilea=and theclofetsof water, teeing hecan make the Ireaucnsás, braffe, and theearthas iron,